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Thursday. April 26, 2001 - Page 2 NEWS The campus is alive with the celebration festivities to inaugurate its eighth president to one of the colleges that "changes lives." continued from page.l and the community's vision. count from which an institution draws in- "My biggest fear is that people won't The first focus will be on the continuing terest to finance its priorities," she said. show up who said they will come and those commitment to a diverse campus commu- "Western Maryland's endowment is woe- who haven't told us they were coming will" nity, student living, and the learning com- fully inadequate." Lightner said. munity, including "quality residence halls, Finally, President Coley wishes to focus Despite initial worries and stress about a more functional pub, state of the art ath- attention on human resources to help accom- the event, each part, including the unre- letic facilities ... and plish all these hearsed procession, went smoothly. meaningful student important aspire- In addition to the inaugural speech of activities" among oth- tions. With the President Coley, WMC also presented hon- continuation of orary degrees to authors Alice McDermott "These are crucial support and and Loren Pope. Office of Alumni Affairs elements of campus de d i cat ion McDermott is a two-time Pulitzer Prize lire," Coley said. through estab- finalist, as well as winner of the [998 Na- . Phone: 410-857-2254 The second feature lished scholar- tional Book Award for her Charming Billy. Fax: 410-857-2784 is the encouragement ships, annual Pope, a former education editor of The E-mail: and support of excel- fund partici- New York Times, writes on higher education Ience among the fac- pants, and and the benefits of a liberal arts education. urty--accomplished alumni votun- Western Maryland is highlighted in his through endowed pro- teers the college 1996 book, Colleges That Change Lives: 40 ~essorships and ch~irs. Waving flags of various can reach its po Schools You Should Know About Even If You Events include: increased strength In procession of faculty, .ftaff. and alumni to the gym tentiai. Prepara Are Not a Straight-A Student. Friday, May 4: the sabbatical prog- non for. the In addition to the inaugural ceremony, the "Registration and refreshments in ram, and expanded use of the WMC/ weekend-long ceremony began six months day and weekend was filled with dinners and Budapest campus. ago, according to Dr. James Lightner, chair luncheons for the many guests of the cam- Ensor Lounge fonn 8-5 p.m. The third feature President Coley dedi- of the inauguration steering committee. pus, concerts performed by student bands * Alumni visitation to classes from cared herself to is her goal to triple WMC's In fact, the weekend-long celebration is and guest musicians, and a display of fire- 8-12:30p.m. endowment by 2010. actually rather minimal compared to previ- works. * President's lunch for the class of "The endowment is like a savings ac- ous inaugurations at the college. .Mangan discusses her poetic symbolism 1951 at Joan Coley's house from p.m. noon-2:30 * Jazz concert and dancing from 8- She has been published in the best literary praise. Last year, she was award the first, nervous about writing a poem to commemo- journals, including Shenandoah, five-year Ralph and Dorothy John Profes- rate the inauguration of Joan Develin Coley, lOp.m. Ploughshares, and The Gettysburg Review. sorship in the Humanities at Western Mary- the College's eighth president. Her reading * Campus tours Her first full-length collection of poems, land College, where she has taught creative of "The Light-Gathers" was a featured part "Above the Tree Line" (Carnegie Mellon of the Inauguration ceremony April 21. Saturday, May 5: University Press, 1995), earned her much ~~i~i~~[~n:a~::r~a;;!t~~~uyre ~~~~e~9:~ While Mangan tells her students that writ- * Clarence H. Bennett Golf Tour- ing is "creative work" and warns them not to wait for ideas to strike them like a light- nament on WMC golf course, shot- JUST ANOTHER DAY AT ning bolt, she also says that writing because it gun start at 7:30 a.m. a poem * Martin 5K Race and Fun Run on for a specific occasion is tricky, TH E ·OFFICE. puts "An occasional poem is a distinct critter golf course at 9 a.m. by and under a poet to create pressure two important breaks rules. * State of the College Address Joan Coley in McDaniel Lounge at because nificance you have to acknowledge the sig- 10a.m. . (0 have ofthe event and you want some kind of profound expression in the * Class of J 941 Reunion Brunch poem," she says. "Yet, I didn't wantthe poem in President's dining room from to be weighted down with heavy, abstract II :30 a.m.-I :30 p.m. language. Because that's what I always tell my own creative writing students, that * Class Parade from Baker Chapel you've got 10 pack a poem with concretion through the Quad at 12 p.m. and specific images." * May Day Festival begins at noon Secondly, Mangan says, "the callings of in the Quad (Gill Gymnasium in the a poem bubble up" when something strikes event of rain. her as significant, whether it's a daffodil or some snippet of overheard conversation. "I * Individual Class Reunions of the would normally just follow that natural classesof'51, '56, '61,66, '71. '76. thread of inspiration, but with the occasional '81, '86. '91, '96,and2000. 7p.m. poem, you start with the event and work on campus. backward from there. Poets often look to the skies for inspira- tion, so Mangan chose a celestial theme for Sunday, May 6: the poem. "The Light-Gatherers" refers to * Alumni Remembrance Ceremony telescopes, which are light-gathering instru- in Little Baker Memorial Chapel at lOIN THE ExanMENT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND SCHOOL OF ments, and to the College'S motto, "I Call 9: 15 a.m. to remember alumni who NURSING, A U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT TOP 10 NURSING SCHOOL. You Out of Darkness Into Light." Through innovativeteaching,clinical practice,and researchexperience, Knowledge is illumination and light, and have passed away in the past year. the University of Maryland School of Nursing prepares students those of us who have devoted our lives to * Chapel Service sponsored by the for the adventures that lie ahead, To learn more, give us a calt, the liberal arts experiment try to shed light class of 1951 in Little Baker Chapel email us, or visit our Web site. And get ready for some action. where there has been a darkness of igno- from 10-11 a.m. rance," she explains. * Brunch in McDaniel Lounge from "So using that whole light and dark 11 a.m.c l Z noon in' McDaniel theme, and knowledge and ignorance theme, Lounge, I employed as my central, concrete image the idea of a telescope." The poem begins. "Let us affix our lens * This is only a few of the 6SS West Lomb:ilrd Street I Baltimore, MD :tuos on the evening skies,/and sift from the fun- weekend's events. Please contact ,.866·NURSE-UM '' www.nuf" neling darkness star-glitter, so our telescope the Alumni Affairs Office for more clarifies. details and to find out how to help. >I< Article courtesy of Public Information Of- fice and
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