Page 132 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, April 12, 2001- Page 12 FEATURES Time for Spring again KATE ESl'OslTO envelopes for a month now waiting to be 60 SECONDS Co-FcmllresEdiror mailed. Remember, the quicker you get Ahh springtime, time for long days, cool some of these petty tasks done, the sooner nights, and __ . rain. Lots of it. April show- you can begin procrastinating about some- hat do you want to see at ers ... well you know the rest. thing new. As all Maryland residents well know, we Look around your room, take a sniff if should be prepared a few weeks of the wet you dare. Unless you are Ann Landers or estern Maryland College? stuff followed shortly by the only worse lime Martha Stewart, there is probably something of the year to be on campus than finals week: that needs to be cleaned, be it your carpet, manure season. your windows, a pet, or a roommate. compiled by Brad Widner You would have to agree with me that Grab a vacuum and some cleaning prod- both of these occurrences are excellent rea- ucts and take care of this! You won't have sons to spend some time inside, especially to clean again 'til move-out day if you're the second. For those of you anxious to get careful. And while your at it, do the dishes out in the rain-and the stench to follow, good and take out the garbage. luck to you. Okay, how about something less work- For the rest of us it is going to be a long like? There's always the typical stuff like "Satan. Or More student few weeks-unless we find ways to spend that watching TV, playing vldea games, or rent- bands." time constructively. Always looking to im- ing a video. But who wants to be conven- prove society in some small way, of course I tional? How about watching the laundry spin ~NickValentine '01 have some ideas. in the dryer? This can provide hours ...okay Philosophy, Psychology The most common sense plan would be seconds offun! to sit down at your desk and figure out a plan When you are done with that, do some- for world peace, a. cure for cancer, or a way thing else. to block Ernie Ogle messages from your Alright after all this, you will probably phone; you know, a great service to human- do anything to be outside and end up going ity. outside anyway. My advice to you: grab a But since most of us have no idea how to jacket and sunglasses and pretend it is sunny and beautiful. M t "More Vegetarian entrees in Olar" h -Fallon Bauer '03. Biology S h a e n Wi d Martha Tudor (left) and Erin Owen performed in the two- "I wanna see a varsity polo Both played a va- person play, "The Kathy and Mo Show." riety of parts, including these two old ladies. The show ran for two nights, and had the audience roaring with laughter. team," -Matt Michael '03 Choirs combine for concert Math (Secondary Ed) BRANDI CRAWFORD sic department chair Dr. Margaret SlajJWriler Boudreaux. - For the first time in history, the Western For this reason she hopes that the two Maryland College Choir and the Children's choirs will be able to do more performances Choir of Carroll County will be combining together in the future. to present an original piece by a local com- As choir concerts usually have a theme, poser. this year's concert will feature a wide vari- Sunday April 29 will bring the College ety offolk songs done in many different set- Choir's annual spring concert, but this year tings. The concert will also be the premiere there will be special guests present to lend of the WMC music department's own Garth their voices. Baxter's original Appalachian folk song en- This massive 150 voice choir will be pre- titled "Wild Mountain Thyme." "More of a family type senting the piece "The Gift of Song," which In add ilion, the choir will be singing a was composed JUSt for our choir by Balti- setting of the Irish folk song "Danny Boy" atmosphere" more composer Lorraine Whiulesby. as well as many others. -Sam Gordon '01 The Children's Choir of Carroll County, As with all College Choir concerts, there under the direction of Ms. Joyce will be a sing-along throughout the perfor- French Hongsemeyer, will be joining our choir to mance to allow for audience participation, create a unique sound of younger and more and several instrumentalists will lend their mature voices joined together in unity as well' skills throughout the evening to present a as harmony. diverse and interesting sound. "We all believe that it's really important The concert begins at 7 p.m. on Sunday singing to continue • for people said College Choir director their entire April 29, in Baker Memorial Chapel. The and mu- event is free of charge and is open to alL lives,"
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