Page 135 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 135
Thursday, April 1,2.2001 - Page 15 Softball team in pursuit of 6th straight 20-win season, CRAIG JOHNSON Asstuom Sports Editor On April 5th, the Green Terror travelled to Lebanon Valley Col- When most people think of the lege and once again came away month of April. one of the first with two wins. things t?at comes to mind is April I ~f1J:ln gti~e' oneVa ~-O wMC ,"ic~' showers. However, there has been tory, Sfima~tha Abrams threw a no rain on the piirade of the Terror one-hit shutout, while striking out softball team as they are a perfect eight. Candice Kuligowski's two- 6-0 for the month, bring their over- run homerun, combined with skill level is no all record to l7-3~ 6-0 in confer- Lauren Henry's '';'0 hits and two a lot different fa ence. RBI, fueled the Terror offense. WMC]. but th Most recently, WMC swept a The second game saw coaches are rnor double-header at home against Camponelli scatter five hits en demanding Washington College by scores of route to a 5-2 win. Lauren Cramer of our level 0 6-2 and 5-0. belted her third home run of the dedication to th r-__-""C',' ,..._,"sport," she said. Senior Courtney Wunderlich season while Henry provided three had a pair of doubles and drove in more RBI. Selena Smart, who Dolan, conun two runs in game one, while Lauren doubled twice, led the club with from a Divisior Cramer hit her fourth home run of . three hits. I, where her teat the season and drove in two runs On April 2nd, the Green Terror was "either play while scoring twice herself. - earned two home victories over ~ F~;f.~f'fI~~~=::C;::=!ii~~~~~~ ing or condition Samantha Abrams went the dis- conference rival Franklin & ing from Sep tance in game one, allowing only Marshall. rember to May,' two unearned runs while striking WMC scored six runs in the as well as havin out nine. This four-hit performance first inning of the opener, and "a condition in improved her season record to 12- tacked on one more in the third to program for OIl 3. win by a count of 7-0. In the sec- breaks," is enjoy In game two, freshman Kim and game, the Terror once again ing the Divisio Camponelli improved to 4-0 on the looked dominant in a 5-1 victory. III schedule season with a dominant two-hit Abrams allowed five hits in the which does no showing. She struck out four with- opening shutout, striking out seven start unttlthc en our allowing a walk. At the plate, and walking four. At the plate, of January Lauren Henry went 2-for-4 with a Cindy Livesay (double), Dolan also like two-run double. Kristen Barrick Kuligowski (double), and Katie - --~ded two hits and a stolen base. ~;;~rkos (triple) each posted three ticipnte Jn 01 activities whil --, Camponei!i fired a three-hitter playing lacrosse Wanted: 'earned run while striking out seven. something not d tha nightcap. allowing one in the she could Dusquene HOl hitting Lauren Cramer stroked sophomore busi- L,,~~ ~ ---, at Both players un Sports her second home run of the season, a two-run shot in the third inning. ness administration major from while playing for HCC she was doubtedly have an edge over fresh Writers and Abrams went 4-for-4 from the plate Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. exposed to different levels of play man because they have been in col in the second game, with two Pennsylvania. She was .a member ranging from Anne Arundel Com- lege for
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