Page 141 - Phoenix2000-01
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NEWS Thursday, April 26, 2001 - Page 5 College questions whether or not there is a need for a computer science major continuedfrom page I marked Eshleman. mented, "We will just keep trying being able to major in computer and Marshall, Connecticut College, of political science with interna- According to Eshleman, not until someone decides that they science, Reiff commented, "I think Washington only is the administration in favor want to teach at a small liberal arts students need to do better research Bates College and do- not offer the tional studies. majors, O'Connell in- These College currently of obtaining the major, but there is college at our paying scale." to find out more about what the computer science major for the sisted, are what attract many of also much support from the Board Currently the mathematics and college has to offer." they are of Trustees. computer science department is Reiff believes that if students same reasons. schools that do of- WMC's students, because that many unique to the curricntum Competing Dr. Sam Case, provost and dean struggling to keep computer sci- really would like to major in a field Haverford, include of the faculty, said, "We have been ence as a minor, in which Eshleman the school has not fully imple- fer the major and Gettysburg Col- other liberal arts colleges do not Bryn Mawr offer. trying to add personnel, but be- is unfortunately the only professor mented into the curriculum, "stu- lege. Furthermore, in order to imple- cause they [professors I can get paid available to teach the required dents can design their own major." higher at larger colleges or in the courses. Though the design of a com- Additionally, Eshleman ex- ment a computer science major, industry, it has been rather diffi- Furthermore, the administration puter science major is a nice sug- pressed her frustration about her according to O'Connell, WMC cult." has recognized the importance of gestion, it is an unrealistic one, be- continuous pursuit of attaining the would need to have not only more In fact, last year WMC had 23 having such a major. Reiff ac- causeofWMC's limited resources. major. "I have to say, I will be dis- faculty but also more money. applications for the computer sci- knowledges not having the According to Eshleman, there appointed if we don't have the WMC has neither right now. major by the time I retire," she said. if she thought computer Asked ence job of which none of the ap- major available to interested stu- aren't enough professors to teach She emphasized that WMC science would be a helpful addition plicants were from the United dents, "We [WMC] might not be the required courses to even enter- lacks the major not because "We to the curriculum, O'Connell an- States. This year only 13 applica- attracting some very capable high- tain the idea of designing the ma- [administration and faculty] don't swered with a yes and a no. tions were received "and we adver- powered students that we would jor. want to have the major but because "I think whenever we can add tised more this year than last year," like to have." Eshleman commented, "Re- of the lack of professors wanting something that is attractive it is a said Eshleman. During his college selection, quired courses for a computer sci- to teach [computer science positive thing but we need to look All of these applications have sophomore Marsel Spears, be- from college vary gone through WMC's hiring pro- lieved he could obtain his ence major and you will not see two to courses)." in a separate interview, at the implications," there O'Connell She also are all said said. college Later; cess yet still they have not been bachelor's in computer science at colleges offering the same successful in obtaining anyone. WMC but later found out that he courses." Eshleman expressed a somewhat kinds of implications and money WMC has had a checkered past couldn't. Not only would designing a different opinion of the colleges and willing professors arejust two. WMC a computer students some in its attempts to expand its corn- "I was very much disturbed that computer science major be chal- pursuit in obtaining "We have never would While like the option of such a science major. purer science curriculum. How- I was led to believe I could do my lenging, according to Martha tried to offer the major. It has never major it is apparent that the admin- ever, both the administration and major here [at WMC]. But 1 didn't O'Connell, dean of Admissions, been part of our curriculum plan istration would like to provide a the Board of Trustees have said know who to talk to," said Spears. but it would also not be viable, and has never been an issue that has good major "not just something to they are persistent in the pursuit of Spears said, "When I came up "taking into consideration the mon- come to appropriate committees." say that we have it, but a major with such a major. here with my family to tour the etary aspect of implementing a On a scale of one to 10, Case substance because we want our The mathematics and computer campus, Ispoke with Dr. Eshleman whole new department, which the science department are conducting and her responses to the questions school does not have at this time." said he would prioritize having the a graduates to be successful," said computer major between O'Connell. science an on-going search for additional r asked about the major did not During the late 70s Eshleman seven and eight, adding, "We're not "I don't want people to think computer science professors, ac- make me think that it was not here." became involved in teaching com- going to fold if we don't have it." we are never going to have the ma- cording to Eshleman. However, Eshleman differed puter science courses. So strong "Anytime we don't have a ma- jor," said Eshleman. "We just need Dr. Robert P. Boner, professor with Spears' claim. "That was not was her determination in expand- jor that other schools have, it hurts and chair of the mathematics and in fact the case. I have never told ing the computer science curricu- us, but we do gain students from a little luck and interesteq_p.rofes- computer science department, re- any perspective student that WMC lum that in 1978 she went back to programs other schools don't fI!§lt'or'snote: After writing this article, the math and computer iterated that WMC has been trying does offer a computer science ma- school to gain more computer sci- have," noted O'Connell. science department hireda com- to hire professors who are qualified jor," replied Eshleman. ence experience, and later used her According to O'Connell, other puter science professor, con- but has been unable to hire anyone Spears said he will be transfer- sabbatical to visit competing competing colleges might list cluding the searchfor a profes- as yet. ring to Bowie State University this schools that did and didn't offer themselves as liberal arts schools sor this year. The addition of a Although all efforts by the ad- fall in pursuit of a computer graph- computer science in their curricu- but they may lack the following ministration to obtain professors ics design major. lum. majors that WMC has: deaf educa- new professor is only a small toward step reaching the with a computer- science back- Asked how he felt about stu- According to Eshleman, com- tion, social work, art history, exer- department's /ong-tenn goals. ground have failed, Boner com- dents being disappointed about not peting colleges such as Franklin cise science, and the combination Drug policy in questioning by legislators and Sean Heller JI
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