Page 139 - Phoenix2000-01
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NEWS Thursday, April 26, 2001 - Page 3 Unattended kids continue to be problematic to WMC community Campus Safety Blotter continued from page 1 The following events were re- 4/8/01 at 1:12 a.m. over-capacity 4/8/01 at 2:36 a.m. an underag ported by the Department of Cam- party and loud music in ANW. student was drinking alcohol in kids of the faculty, staff, and gradu- tough," said McGrain. pus Safety: 4/8/01 at 1:31 a.m. underage stu- ate students. This might alleviate a McGrain went on to tell stories dent was drinking alcohol in pub- public area. wa 4/8/01 at 3:00 a.m. a student small part of the unattended kid about kids trying to bet him in a 4/210 Iat 10:30 p.m. a vehicle was lic area near ANW. problem, but it will not solve it en- match of pool for entrance into egged near Gill Gym. tirely, as it does not apply to those Glar, and one time when another 4/5/0 Iat 2:32 a.m. unknown sub- kids from Westminster who have game room attendant caught one of no affiliation with anyone in col- the kids trying to steal quarters lege community. from behind the desk. An attempt to question a large The number of kids in Glar is group of kids proved unsuccessful. one of the complaints students' When a handful were approached voice most often. Dining Services evator door paint and asked simple questions like if Manager Olga Kozina says "They in Rouzer Hall. their parents work here at the col- always pay. No one is ever in here 417101 at 1:30 lege, if they were here with STAY: without paying." She says that the a.m. three stu- or if they felt like they belong on students behave most of the time, dents and two campus, the children responded in but they do act up off and on. non-student a rude manner. Their answers were She recalls a time when she had inappropriate for print in this pa- to enforce rules on the children. pee. "One time I had to stop them from On the other hand, two young misbehaving at the beverage line." children, that were very polite, She also said that Gfnr's in the room. Asbestos construction 4/910 I at 3:00 a.m. a golf cart wa were behaving themselves in the services are open for everyone, and sign from Lewis Hall also found damaged by a student in a roUove game room while their mother was that she cannot stop them from en- in room. on the golf course. in class. tering on the grounds that they are 41710 I at 2:00 a.m. a male student 4/8/0 I at I :58 a.m. several stu 4/9/0 I at 11:00 p.m. a toga part The game room attendant at the unsupervised children. in an ANW suite violated conduct. trash on the time, freshman Rob McGrain, Webster says that he does not in possession of eight bottles Hall. of dents were throwing it around in the 4/11/01 at. 9:00 p.m. one femal ground and kicking in Rouzer beer in backpack and one male non- studen mentioned that the two particular see the issue as a problem, but if a 417101 at 2:29 a.m. student was front of Peterson Hall. student arrested for possession were kids do behave, but others do not. student does have an incident with found carrying hard alcohol near 4/8/01 at 2:20 a.rn. alumni were marijuana and paraphernalia 0 i "Unlike these two kids, some any such kids, they should call McDaniel Hall. hard liquor into Blanche. kids try to be thugs. They try to be Campus Safety. 47/01 at 1:45 a.m. harassing carrying at 2:25 a.m. underage stu- ANW at 2:34 p.tu. one underag 4/8/01 4/12/01 words found written on the mir- dent was carrying a bag filled with non-student was found consumin ror in Rouzer Hall. beer. alcohol in Blanche. Students can now find WMCR online while they surf the Internet continued from page J from hertz. for the radio station according to The station had to buy new BeforeWMCRcouldgoonline, the station's advisor and commu- servers, software, and Internet ser- the website had to be approved by nication professor Tony Kirschner. vice also. the Board of Trustees. Then, the Kirschner says this has turned For the past two years, Colgan students had to wait a month and a out as "the best new development says they were transmitting 13 half for the DSL installer. And fi- for the future of the station. It'll al- watts of AM radio that could only nally, telecommunications man- low us to reach a global audience be heard in certain places around ager Ernie Ogle installed an extra with no licensing restrictions." the college. Soon, WMCR will be phone line from the copy center to WMCR's annual WMCR Fest, heard from the Web site worldwide, WMCR office, to accommodate the planned for Friday, April 27, is Appearing ill a Kodak moment with Coley, seniors lenifer Sirkis and using a Gateway computer and radio station. canceled for this semester. Check Megall Mar/in pallse after he/ping out .....ilh the weekendsjestil'ilie.v. server they are using 1000 mega- But the work was all worth it out the website for updates. The Allegis Group offered great insight on its internships TAMMI SLATER Nike want to create a new web are more important" when it comes dents the chance to sign up for an StaffWrirer page, and need some assistance to interviewing for aj~& or intern- Allegis internship interview which to WMC alumni drawing a lot of they will contact AJlegis to receive ship. took place on Friday, April 20. By WMC graduates," Chadwick said. Looking for a way to become some employee references to aid Furthermore, Chadwick added The company is open to bring- turnout, more marketable, experienced. and them in their current or upcoming ing in students of all majors be- the student regarding interest among is that, "V{MC is also the premiere students internships to establish an opening into your projects cause they believe that even if it is quite apparent and increasing with school to recruit from, with career field? An internship may be According 10 Jack Chadwick, not your field, they can mold you each year. Towson University and Penn State the perfect opportunity. the recruiter of the company, he into a leader or expert over time Rhoades feels internships have University falling behind." OnThursday,ApriI19, Western feels the best advice is, "to start One of WMC's very own Maryland College's Career Ser- early with looking into all intern- despite the lack of experience in a grown much more popular due to graduates advises students to "seek field. particular vices held an internship and job ship. Freshman or sophomore year While Business majors are the "the competitive nature and de- out any internship opportunities." placement information session for is not too earty. Go to the career most common within the company mand for jobs, and because the job Kristen Rider, a 2000 WMC gradu- students to become more ac- service events held on campus, and and have a slight advantage on oth- is your's to lose and the opportuni- ate holds the position of Business quainted wjth the step by step pro- take the initiative yourself to look ers as far as knowledge and back- ties are endless with internships," Operations Assistant at the Allegis cess for internships. into opportunities as welL" ground experience, there is a lot to she explained. company. The session included tips on in- Pam Rhoades, senior manager learn for anyone new coming into In fact, WMC graduates and "I definitely recommend taking terviews, and advice on how to get of operations support, stressed the the group'. current students are deeply rooted advantage of the availability of in- started with internships. importance of interviews and feels within the company. The vice presi- ternships. It puts you a step ahead The company present was students should not be afraid to sell Chadwick also emphasized the dent of the company, Bill Buttes, and above in the field or industry prepared Allegis, a staffing company which themselves. importance of being by "knowing for graduated from WMC. Addition- five in which you are in, and gives you opportunities there are approximately ally, your has offices in every major city in "Don't wait for the interviewer your strengths and weaknesses, to six WMC students who interned work experiences, as well as be the United States. The worldwide to ask questions, volunteer infor- having an idea what you want to with the group last year, as well as able to work, learn, and interact headquarters is located in Colum- mation. Throughout the interview, do following graduation, keeping about 20 alumni ranging from as- with others," Rider said. bia, Md. where the group supp! ies show your character and work ethic an updated resume, and sharing Perhaps some WMC seniors temporary personnel to any com- and you will portray yourself as a what you do outside of work that sistants to vice president level em- will find that. they too, will ben- pany who needs or expresses inter- strong candidate" she said. promotes you as an individual." ployment involved. efit from their prior internship ex- est in an employee of theirs. Similarly, Chadwick feels The session drew a roomful of "Western Maryland College periences; while some may start For example, if Coca-Cola or strongly that "character and effort WMC students, and offered stu- clearly has the best participation due of with an apprenticeship and work in Maryland, any other school their way up.
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