Page 142 - Phoenix2000-01
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COMMENTARY Thursday. April 26, 200 I - Page 6 Staff Editors-In-Chief Here Iam in my room, sweating my butt special little thanks to my friends, you know Claire E. Adams '02 off in the 85 degree heat. As I try to peel who you are, for keeping me "occupied." Edward K. Schultheis '03 my pants off the chair I come to a strange Iguess that is the best way to get through realization. Could it be? Did it finally hap- a messy breakup - keeping yourself busy. News Editors pen? Oh my god ...l am ...Single. Another thing I wanted to mention - am I Staci George '03 Yes, that is right. That word that I have the only one who can't go straight from a dreaded since I realized girls didn't have relationship to a regular friendship? I'm cooties anymore. While most other people hoping I am not the only one who has a prob- Assistant News Editor see single life as being the freedom they lem with that, but I do. I mean how can a' Joan Faulkner '02 sought in college, I see single life as person go from loving someone in a com- being ...not for me. mitted relationship full of passion and love Features Editor But it is a life that I have been once again to a "lets just be friends" relationship with Shauna Dominguez '02 thrust into after being dumped by my girl- Edward K. Schultheis no trouble at all. Maybe, like I said, it is just Kate Esponito '0 I friend of more than a year and a half. Not me. Ihear so many people talking about how that I perhaps wasn't deserving of the cause you can pursue other interests." . they are friends with their ex-whatevers, and Commentary Editor "dumpage," but still it hurts. I'm sure most Michael should know because he recently yes, I am friends with most of my ex-girl- of the campus has experienced it, or have became single recently ... maybe it is an epi- friends, but Ijust have a little trouble with BJ Shorb '02 been doing the dumping. demic. Maybe it is the photos that Mike and adjusting right away. But hey, if you can, Maybe it is because Ihaven't been single I have in the newspaper ... Who knows? more power to you. Sports Editor for mere than a few weeks at a time since I Then again, I think that being single is So what is the lesson from all this? Well Matthew Hurff '03 was 16. I think I have forgotten what it is different for everyone. Some people love I guess nothing really. But I think that my like to be single ... if that is possible. My the feeling of doing things without the worry conclusion of all this is that being single, Assistant Sports Editor friend Matt Hurff says that my being single or hassle of a significant other. Some people especially in college, is not as much of a Greg Lederer '03 is great for me and I can enjoy a freedom love the thought of having a person who is problem for me as perhaps it was in high Craig Johnson '03 that I couldn't experience with a girlfriend. always there who is more than friend. The school. And while I am sure I will find an- My other friend, BJ Shorb is telling me latter is probably myself. other girl to be with, Iam content and some- being single "is a good time to find your- So while I have to find other things to what relieved that I am single right now. Copy Editor Stacey Welch '04 self." Maybe she is right, maybe Ican find occupy my time. it was not as difficult as I So to all you singles out there, don't be out what I am all about without having to thought it was going to be. Take last.week- stressed that you are not with someone. And worry about satisfying another person. end for example: the first weekend after the if you are with someone then stick with them Photographers However, I think I am well versed enough breakup. I really didn't have any free time Brad Widner '03 in my life to know what Iam all about. But, to feel down about not being with my ex. and best of luck to you. And remember la- dies, I'm single now. there is always more room to learn. My friends kept. me occupied, and along with Distribution Manager Yet another of my friends Michael Wiles my initiation to the Society for Collegiate -Edward K. Schultheis is a sophomore com- Zsanert Borsos '02 says that "being single works for you, be- Journalists, r had an awesome weekend. A municatian major. "Green Terror" not so very green for long Staff Writers Amy Bittinger '0 I Jackie Leazer '01 Matthew McGowan discusses the estation is overly liberal for some to mind, Because we're unwBling to check e-mail Nykole Tyson '02 consequences if WMC continues so let's look at some numbers. According to and listen through phone messages. thou- Tammi Slater '03 to neglect the environment. the Wilderness Society, "one tree yields sands of sheets of paper every week get Jeremy KeiJ '02 about thirty reams of paper." One ream of wasted in our mailboxes. At least the Post According to the WMC copy center, uti- paper produces Matthew McGowan '04 lized by most of the college for large-scale one tree yields about 300 8.5x II sheets, Our so Office recycles, but that isn't enough, be- sheets of paper. 9,000 Michael Wiles '03 photocopy jobs, it goes through approxi- college copy center, then, requires 33.4·trees cause the market for recycled products is not nearly the size it needs to be- and this is an- Cathy Pendorf '02 mately 60 cases of 8.5x II paper per month. per month to continue its function, without other area where the school isn't doing it's Jeff Grever '02 That's 300,000 sheets of paper per month, taking into account the other paper used on part. Philip Vcgt '01 even though the copy center, to its credit, campus. WMC, its students and administration Marcus Helton '02 has a policy of double-siding documents by 33.4 trees per month may not seem in- need to be more aware of the environmental Michael Jenkinson '02 default. sanely terrible, but if those trees were com- needs of our campus. We all, classes, stu- This figure does not take into account ing from our own campus, how long would dent organizations, administration, need to paper gone through by the other departments it be before the Hill was bare? better utilize electronic methods of inform a- Adviser and copiers on campus, or the printers in the It bears further consideration that the tton-shanng rather than eating through the various computer labs at WMC. trees used for the Wilderness Society's cal- 300,000 sheets of paper we do each month Terry Dalton Ok, ok. so WMC is an academic institu- culations had all reached maturity. in the copy center alone. tion, and it needs to use a lot of paper to get Second, a good deal of the paper used With the money we save on paper, we The Phoenix is published biweekly. The done everything it has to do. Students have needlessly winds up as waste - both litter and can change the paper we do need to post- pinions expressed do not necessarily represen to have syllabi, hand-outs, and tests on pa- that which is put in proper receptacles. Lit- consumer recycled product. [those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the per. This is true. But We need a stron- IacJrniniSIratOrs ofWMC. ~~~~~:~t~~am~m~~33.4 trees per month may not seem insanely terrible, ger recycling program. The paper welcomes free-lance submissions Dorms need cans fordif- ~ Macintosh disks in most word processor for- couldbe dcing withour but if those trees were coming from our own campus, ferentrecyclables so that !mats. The editors reserve the right to edit f how long would it be before the Hill was bare? students living there can larity, length, and libel and to publish as space P'P:~·onewcekdu,;ng easily sort their refuse. !Peffilits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- the month of March, Offices on campus need ~ diskettes) become the property of The students received in their mailboxes upwards ter degrades our campus's aesthetic quality, to step up their efforts to separate recyclable IPhoenix and cannot be returned. of 15 mass mailings, using up a total of over which degrades morale and doesn't help to from non-recyclable waste. Please include a name and phone numbe 5,000 sheets of paper, of various colors and attract new students, Recycling on campus Earth Day was Sunday. As we celebrate or verification. Names will be withheld only by stocks. is poor at best. The vast majority of the pa- our future under a new president, let's also (the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. Students have also recently received two per we use gets tossed in with the rest of our think about one ofWMC's greatest physical The Phoenix does not discriminate based on mass-mailings of considerable size: the list- garbage to be sent as solid waste to the local assets - o.ur campus - and what more we can ge, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ing of items available at the recent auction, landfill. do to keep it as beautiful as it is. Let's keep national origin, condition of handicap, or mari- and the Fall 200 I Catalog of Courses, a 40- Now, back to the first question- why so the Green Terror green. al satus. page (20-sheet) document. This latterdocu- much paper? First it is obvious. It's easy. It's Generally, this writer dislikes the use of ment alone consumed 30,000 sheets of pa- much simpler to get everyone in-the-know the personal pronoun in editorials such as Mail to: per. about something using Campus Mail than this, however in this instance I'm making an The Phoenix All of the above uses or OUT greatest com- any other source, including Telecommuni- exception - [ invite any students at WMC WMC, 2 College Hill modity have been made obsolete and unnec- cations, whose forwarded messages are who are more than passingly interested in Westminster,MD21157 essary by technology. Why, then, does WMC rarely listened to all the way through. And the environment to get in touch with me (410)751-8600 go through so much paper? There are sev- campus-wide email? about the on-campus environmental organi- FAX: (410) 857-2729 eral reasons. First, however, let's look at why So few students at WMC even usc Pine zation which I'll be re-starting next term. E-Mail: we should be concerned. that it doesn't nearly measure up as a mode First, overusing contributes directly to of information dissemination. So paper is -Manhcw McGowan is a freshman unde- deforestation. Perhaps the problem of defer- still relied upon. cided major:
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