Page 131 - Phoenix2000-01
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FEATURES Thursday, April 12,2001 • Page 11 right here. T believe happiness First AIDS Walk was a success comes to all those who wait. l believe I will be worth look- ing up to. -ANGELA KELLY To the left, Erin Owen, president of ASAP I believe in friends, love, sce- (AIDS Support, Awareness and Preven- nic drives, crisp air, the sun, and tion), supervises one of the many volun- watching sunsets. Ibelieve in keep- teers as he hangs the sign for the Ty Beanie ing in (ouch - talking, writing, lis- Babies raffle. The Ty bear Ariel was tening, reminiscing, crying. raffled off in order to raise more money. I believe in working hard, va- The bear was chosen because the design What type cations, watching the news, and in on its chest was drawn by a girl named the clouds. watching I believe The walk reading to children, following Ariel who died of AIDS. Farm Museum, was held at the Carroll County of things dreams, reaching goals and setting and walkers trekked from the museum, more. I believe in painting toenails, through WMC's campus, and back to the doyou wearing funky socks and comfort-. ani- in stuffed able PJs. I believe mals, phone calls, rented movies, believe in? and Chik-Fil-A. GULBIN -STEPHANIE Note: From the smell of rain, I believe in turntables, to watching sunsets - from beat uncommercialized hip-hop, baggy boxing and breaking, to old school jeans, and Timberland boots. Ibe- hip hop before it was rap, Western lieve in street basketball in 90 de- Maryland College students share gree heat, a good stroke and a swish what thrills them in this Phoenix from the 3-point line, and an old column tilled; "~IBelieve." smelly gym. Each week learn more about I believe in passion - not just your peers by reading what they any passion, but crazy, violent (but believe in. Share what thrills you harmless) passion. by sending inyour own "l Believe" I believe in free styling, beat statement. boxing, breaking, graffiti art, and Try to keep your statements to old school hip hop before it was 100 words or less. Drop them off rap. I believe that there is no bet- at the information desk in Decker ter word than unity. and please put "For the Phoenix" I believe in supporting others _ across the top. one love, one heart, and feeling all right. I believe laughing makes every- I believe in knowledge and thing better. I believe my parents knowing that only a Philadelphian treasurer for ASAP and he wants to make sure all are proud of me. I believe you re- can make a true Philly cheese steak funds are handled correctly. Matt Winner stands ally can smell the rain coming. and an Italian hoagie. out of the way while he waits patiently for another I believe in sleep. I believe the -ADAM CARTER grass may sometimes be greener on assignment in the setting up for the first annual the other side, but I'll be just fine Courtesry of Lisa Breslin. AIDS Walk of Carroll County. Rat's Web: A look at weird websites Jesus Dance ANNE BUTLER martial artists have arisen. But are Staff Writer their intentions good or bad? Sometimes you come across a Get down with the Messiah Caution: Real shirt ninjas only site on the Web that forces you to himself! Watch the savior dance the use cotton. ask yourself questions about its cre- night away to incredibly odd mu- ator. . Questions like "How?" sic. Or if you swing toward the The Really Big Button that "-WhyT' "What is this person on?" darker side, try: Doesn't do Anything and "How can I get some?" This hUp:llwww.pixelscapes.coml column is dedicated to these ques- The Satan Dance spatulacitylbutton.htm tionable sites. One of the first and most popu- aquarium/satandance.htm lar questionable sites, it is still one Crazy Drunk Guy The Prince of Darkness can you're boogie too. Who can dance better? of the most useless unless I've met into Zen riddles. Actually, Apparently Jeff's been getting The fate of the universe hangs on random incoherent messages. the balance! the creator of this site. It didn't though ... solve any of my questions What's worse is that he has gotten Caution: The Phoenix does not Caution: If a button doesn't do several of them. He's digitalized endorse any particular religion. anything, how many fools will still the messages and put them up on push it? this website in all their glory. Now The InDatable Reindeer you can enjoy the ramblings of a Puzzle Page drunk person even when you're http://www.xydexx.cOmlinflat_ http://www.alcyone.comloo/ surfin the internet! This. site re- able/reindeer.htm Your guess is as good as mine. quires ReafAudio. Kids, during the holidays drink- Caution: Orange cones can be Caution: Don't visit this site just ing and inflatable reindeer do not made to imitate life. before bed or the picture at the top mix. Remember, don't drink and might give you nightmares. blow. Need more proof? Then visit. Incredibly Useful Site of the Caution: The Phoenix is not re- Issue: Work Well with Others sponsible for any giggling caused Safety Alerts hup.z/ as a result of using the phrase well-together.html "blowing reindeer." This site lists product recalls as This site includes directions they occur. for ... I can't describe it. It's too in- Shirt Ninja and a great It's a must for parents to out idea for others comprehensible. Go visit. http://www.medazzaland.coml this site. One of the few sites that .Gru! Site involves cryogen- shirtninjal save ics and matches. A secret clan of cotton-coated may actually not kidding. your life. I'm seriously
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