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Thursday, April 12, 2001 - Page 10 FEATURES Annual Race for RAINN to be beldApril22 at WMC student, she organized two 5K runs benefit- of Dimes, though, so I expect we' II lose some the hundred participants have leamed some- SWjJWriler ing those who suffer from diabetes. people to that." thing, gone home more aware than they In 1994, singer/songwriter Tori Amos "When I got here, to the honors program," The Race for RAlNN collects money came, then it was worth it." founded the Rape Abuse & Incest National she said. "I felt that it was really a from registration fees. The participants arc mostly from the com- Network (RAINN), which ope-rates group service project that everyone could get Registration, depending upon when an munity surrounding WMC, a trend which America's first and only national hotline for behind and be involved with." entrant registers, costs either ten or fifteen Knight would like to see reversed in coming victims of sexual assault. So, with help dollars. years. From anywhere in the country, the from both the SGA Participants get Many recent studies by polling agencies hotline offers free counseling and support and College Activi- free 'l-shirts, which have shown that rape is in some ways a big- twenty-four hours a day. ties, Knight orga- SGA allocations al- ger issue on college campuses. than it is in In 2000, a WMC Honors student, then- nizcd the race, which lowed the group to the-world beyond. ' freshman Stephanie Knight, founded the last year raised purchase. Studies have shown that more than one Race for RAINN, annual, 5k run to raise $1300 for distribu- The money in. four college women will be sexually as- money for RAINN, an organization which tion between RAlNN raised, which saulted before finishing her undergraduate Knight had supported for some lime. Com- and more local sup- Knight estimates 10 education. mented Knight, "Some of my friends were port facilities for vic- be around $1500 In RAINN's first six years of operation, sexually abused as children, so it's an 'issue tims of rape, incest, this year, will be di- the number of rapes reported annually rose close to me." and abuse. vided evenly, with by 50,000 and the hotline received over This year, the Race for RAlNN wil! once The 2000 race re- half going to 275,(}()() calls. again take place on the WMC campus, start- ceived about 120 RAINN and half The issue has been pressed increasingly ing at the track on the morning of April 22, registrations. though Pictured here is the Race/or RA INN 's logo going the on college campuses, by administrations des- 2001. snow on the day of Westminster Crisis perate to stem the tide of increasing sexual Registration will begin at 8 a.m., and the the race, according to Knight, cut the num- Center. assault statistics. race itself will begin at 9, with participants ber of participants down by almost half. "These issues are often so easy to look "I really wish more women, especially, divided into six age groups. "This year, the race will occur slightly past," Knight said, because they are very get involved. I know nobody likes to get up Knight, a dual-major in Biology and later in the season," said Knight, "so the personal issues. "But this needs to be ac- early on the weekends," commented Knight, Spanish with a minor in Chemistry, came to weather won't be as much of a problem. The knowledged, and awareness needs to be "'s just one Sunday, and for a cause that WMC from Glen Burnie. As a high school race ison the same day this year as the March raised. 1 don't care if we make no money, if really needs more support." Weekend Events: Friday, April 20. 2001 * hosted by WMC Trustees; (by in- vitation only) 6:30 p.m. cocktails, dinner at 7 p.m. in Engiar Dining Room. See Ad OIL page 3 for Saturday Events Sunday. April 22, 2001 * Gala Inaugural Concert; perfor- mances by WMC choirs, musical ensembles, and faculty musicians: 3 p.m. in Baker Memorial Chapel. * Reception; 4:J 5 p.m. ;'L plaza outside of Lewis Science Center; followed by open house and tours at new Levine Music Hall. (Rain lo- cation: McDaniel Lounge). Courtesy Classifi~d Lifeguards/Pool Managers Summer Months, FT/PT Training Available 1-800-466-7665 Mexico/Caribbean $300 round trip plus tax. Europe $179 one way plus tax. Other world destinations cheap. Book tickets on-line wwwatrtech.comor ztz- 219-7000. If you can beat these prices start your own damn airline! Fraternities - Sororities - Clubs _ Student Groups Earn $ t ,000-$2,000 this semester with the easy Campus fundralser.ccm three hour fund-raising event. No sales required. Fund-raising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact nt 888-923-3238. or visit
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