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SPORTS Thursday, September 7,2000 - Page Volleyball prepared to compete for crown review: MATrIlEW E. HURFF team has a strong group of veterans and in a 30 by 30 space, the mental game and Spons Edaor promising younger players, they still must cooperation is very important." Last year, the WMC women's volleyball recover from minor injuries. Furthermore, she adds, "We must be Cross team was able to ride a late season surge to Within the past week, junior Jessica [mentally] aggressive. To be successful we force a three-way tie for the Centennial Con- Rouse and senior Brianne Bray have suffered must feel in control." ference crown. ankle injuries, which will force both to miss Country Coach Carole Molloy was "pleased with some playing time. At this point however, it So far, a poll of the Centennial Confer- second behind the progress of last season" and feels that is not certain how long either player will be ence coaches rates WMC 91 points with 90 MATIm;W E. HURFF and Marshall's Franklin the three way tie last year is enough motiva- out. points, including five first place votes. Sports Editor tion for this year's team to win the champi- Molloy feels that the team was fortunate Last year, the WMC women's Cross The aggressive attitude and overall health onship outright. that the injuries happened early on so that will be vital to win the battle with Franklin Country team was able to shock everyone Returning for this season is a strong se- both players will return with a significant and Marshall, along with strong contenders by winning the conference with a very young team led by sophomores and fresh- Mental aspect of control is extremely important in the game of volleyball because men. "for six people to play in a 30 by 30 space, the mental game and cooperation is This year, juniors Jill Krebs and Diana Pool return to lead a team which Coach very important. " Doug Renner calls even deeper than last year. "Each match we need five scorers and nior class composed of Honesty Drumgoole, we have a pack of seven to nine which amount of the season remaining and because Gettysburg (88 points) and Johns Hopkins Brianne Bray, and Jen Martin, along with it has allowed the team to train backups at (76 points). could do the job on any given day" he adds. junior Jessica Rouse, of whom will be vital Leading the team this year once again key positions. Key dates to see the WMC women's vol- to fuel a playoff run. The early injuries could prove helpful if leyball team will be October 4th when they is All-American runner Jill Krebs. Krebs Molloy feets that the core of seniors are there are any other injuries down the road, earned her All-American berth by finish- essential because of "their determination and to insure the team has experience on the will face off against Gettysburg, October ing 35ch out of213 at the NCAA Division and Marshall and the Franklin 18ch against experience." This experience should cer- bench. Green Terror Invitational on me weekend of III championships last November at Wis- tainly aid in the development of the younger Molloy feels that the mental aspect of October 12th-13th. These matches will be consin-Oshkosh. players on the team. control is extremely important in the game crucial ifWMC wants a shot at the champi- Also receiving honors last season were While the Wr.:C women's volleyball of volleyball because "for six people to play onship. sophomore Holly Thompson (21st) and Pool (32nd), who were named to the AU- Mideast team along with Krebs. Going into this season, Renner feels chat players being asked if they got a chance to become a trademark of Tiger, Buick, Ameri- the best way to prepare is "to try to indi- COlllmemaryEdilor vidualize each practice to maximize each see Tiger's game today where he shattered can Express, to even Wheaties, Woods is He has his own logo, his own set of per- another scoring record. destined to become the first billion dollar athletes potential." That way, "as long as sonalized golf balls, his own best selling This is just plain rude. How would you athlete. each runner reaches their potential we will video game, and money oozing from his ev- feel if you were the leader after day one and The Nike deal alone is reported to be as be successful." ery orifice. Who is he? Tiger Woods of having reporters asking you questions about high as $100 million and with Woods mak- He also feels that it is unfair to expect course. Tiger's game? ing about $200 million a year in winnings new runners to perform at the same level Ever since Tiger stepped into the profes- At the last major of the year, the 2000 as the team leaders if they are not ready he is on his way to sur- sional golf arena four years ago, he has taken PGA Championship, Nicklaus was paired for and endorsements, Jordan as the richest eth- yet. passing Michael the sport by storm, drawing record numbers the first time in a tournament with Woods in leteofalltime. Despite last years success, Renner does to golf tournaments and setting Tiger frenzy what was supposed to be a "handing off of While Tiger continues to dominate on the not feel that there should be a lot of pres- in motion. the torch tournament." golf course and make the big bucks, he will sure, and instead the team should have a However, is he the greatest to play. the After the first day, Nicklaus was not bom- remain a staple of front-page sports head- relaxed attitude to perform at it's best. game or has he become how Jack Nicklaus barded with questions about this being his lines as well as the talk of all the reporters at Depth, an outstanding front line of run- and Arnold Palmer were endeared during last major on the PGA tour but rather how every single tournament. ners, and the relaxed atmosphere should their tenure as the best players in the world? he felt playing with the 21 st century version Hopefully the other players will take their power the WMC women's team to another Some say that Tiger is better than of himself. championship. Nicklaus and Palmer were at any day in their Nicklaus responded thar'{it] was a real game up a step and compete with Tiger so The men's learn looks to rebound from victory that not every is a runaway single a rebuilding year last.year. Renner feels that The difference between Woods and Nicklaus is that Nicklaus made most of his this year's team is much stronger due to a strong freshmen earnings from the game itself while Woods makes more money in endorsements hold-over runners. class and the growth of the than Nicklaus could have ever imagined. Freshman James Thayer leads the im- pressive core of newcomers including sev- careers while others say mat he is turning treat to watch today." for Woods. Maybe he can even lose once in eral sophomores who did not run last sea- the game into a freak-show where it is al- The way that he said this was almost as awhile. son. Guiding the group of newcomers are ways everyone else against Tiger Woods. if he felt he was not even playing anymore, This is not just good for competition seniors Clint McKay, Chris Selmer, and Whether it be at the last three majors, just sitting back and watching a younger ver- Dennis Lucey. which he has won, or at other smaller tour- sion of himself dominate the playing field. sake, but it is good for the game of golf it- Renner trains both the men's and naments where he won $1 million at the NEe This domination chat Woods has over his self. No person should win all the time, be- women's teams together, and says chat they Invitational last month; Tiger mania has peers is what has earned him the distinction cause that just gets boring. work very well together and are support- Alchough, we never seem to get bored of swept the globe where is he a favorite any- of being called the "Nicklaus of the 21st cen- the patented TIger fist, or the phrase, "I didn 't ive of each other. with the success of the where he plays. tury." have my 'A' game today." Nor are we less women's team sometimes "the guys get The fact remains chat the game has be- The difference between Woods and their egos bruised but they are supportive." come a game of Tiger versus the rest of the Nicklaus is that Nicklaus made most of his amazed that he can actually bounce a ball This year, they surely will rise in the on his club men smack it right down the fair- pack and the rest of the players are getting earnings from the game itself while Woods way. standings, as this team has grown a lot in tiredofir. makes more money in endorsements than talent and depth in the past year. Oh well, maybe he is just better than ev- It is either Ernie Els being asked ho .....he Nicklaus could have ever imagined. eryone else: ..and we just have to learn to ac- likes finishing second to Tiger or all the other Whether it be Nike, where the swoosh has cept that. SPRING TRACK UPDATE, While the student body was preparing WMC Sports Calendar to depart the campus the success of the improv- last spring, many may have overlooked ing WMC spring track team. FOOTBALL, Saturday, September 16 Junior sprinter Jamie Falcone finished Saturday, September 16th Vs. Dickinson/Haverford @ 6th in the 100M finals, while freshman Vs. Gettysburg @ 1:00pm II:OOam jumper Ifeyani Aki was impressive, win- ning the high jump competition. FIELD HOCKEY, CROSS COUNTRY,' Vs. Haverford @ 1:00 pm Meanwhile, the women's 4xlOO team, Wednesday, September 20 Saturday, September 16 WOMEN'S SOCCER, composed of sophomore Thea Bayly, jun- junior Aleya Horn and ior Jamie Falcone, Vs. Elizabethtown @ a.Ojpm X-Country Challenge @TBA . Saturday, September 9&10 Stephanie McPherson missed the finals by WMC Tournament @ 12 & 2 one thousandth of a second. Volleyball: Wednesday, September 13 MEN'S SOCCER, Wednesday, September 13 The development of this strong group Vs. Washington @ 7:00 pm Saturday, September 16 vs. Dickinson @ 4:30 pm cf athletes certainly bodes wetlx for the im- proving winter and spring track teams.
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