Page 115 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 115
FEATURES Thursday, March 15; 2001 -Page 11 Unsung Hero: Dean Barb Horneff ,oroscopes for a fun TAMMI SLATER ")divi'dual. ogy major Jennifer O'hara feels SwjfWri/er "There seems to be a certain strongly that Homeff"really cares nd exciting break Her home and heart touches sense of pleasure and community about the students, and how they others in the same way the thirty- in sharing a meal that r have always are adjusting and getting along." LISA STANI,EY your balance this Spring Break to year old chair in her office does. taken great pride in," Homeff ex- Homefftakes pride in being la- Staff Writer stave off the feeling of vertigo. To Barbara Homeff associate dean of plains. This invitation holds a spe- beled "campus mom" for she feels isces (Feb 20- Mar 20) Hope you do this reconnect with someone the first-year program, brings her cial meaning for her husband, Don, it is a term of "endearment and re- ave that sunny pond reserved be- you feel bad about not being con- past and family tradition to her job adjunct lecturer and brass ensemble spect." ause there may not be any vacan- nected to anymore. Your lucky in a way that it transforms those director at WMC as well. However, she feels that she ies left when you get there. Your break numbers: 9,15.16, and 24. around her. This hard-working educator owes a great deal to her two sons, ucky break numbers: 3, 12, 16, and "The rocking chair is ---.=n-.".,,,....-----,~ Eric and Grant, ages 30 and 4. Libra (Sep 24- Oct 23) Get in where I rocked my two sons 29, "for allowing me to be- touch with your green thumb this and now where the students come this figure to others-to ries (Mar21-Apr 20) Take to the Spring Break, so visit some ar::'----- sit," she said. "I will begin try it out on them first at ky for your advent~re, tempt fate dens, feel ~wing life and let to sit in it the day I retire home, and growing up, and nd feel the adre~h down_it rejuvenate you. Your lucky break from this job." then e~other-s.~ ou,nerves.Your lucky break numbers: 8, 10, 16, and 24. Horneff has been work- omeff thinks of herself umbers: 4, II, 16, and 24. ing at Western Maryland as a role model, which she at- Scorpio (Oct 24- Nov 22) Watch' College for 18 years, first tributes to several special and aurus (Apr 2 I - May 21) The your stinger this Spring Break. working as the Academic key influential people in her cean may not be your thing, so While you'll be having a lot of fun Dean for all students then life. However, she credits her on't forget the Poconos are right in an arid climate, be watchful that switching to the position of mother for "modeling for me, ound the corner along with the you don't inadvertently sting some- first-year dean for the past what' do now." ppalachian Trail. Your lucky one. Your lucky break numbers: 9, six years. Glancing around She feels parenting and reak numbers: 5, 10, 16, and 24. II,I6,and24. her office one can easily see upbringing serve as a crucial that her job goes beyond her element in character, and be- emini (May 22- June 21) Stick Sagittarius (Nov 23- Dec21) office doors, which are lieves she was "born under a lose to your twin this break and Warm weather is just what you smothered in greeting and B~AD WIDNER lucky star" in this regard. "I ond's beyond family ties will ce- need to get back on your feet again, thank you cards. ~;~;e~;:i~;~~!;:;;;Q:e~m~~SY:~:~~i~miimgthat carry much of what I learned ent your relationship. But don't or to get that stress out of your sys- Autographed. pictures, from my parents over to my tick too close or an exciting op- Break just re- photographs of family and stu- feels that she gains strength from students," Horneff said. ortunity will pass you by. Your tem. So this Spring lax and enjoy all the time off. You dents, baskets overflowing with students and learns from the ob- A picture hand sewn by her ucky break numbers: 6, 9,16, and lucky break numbers: 2, 16, 17, and cards, and endless gifts from stu- stacles they face. "Students at mom hangs directly above the 4. 24. dents speak volumes for the impact WMC are truly my ext~nded fam- thick, brown, wooden rocking chair she has had on so many lives. ily, and allowing them in my life is complete with a padded seat cush- ancer (June 22- July 23) A week Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 20) Try "I am a person of meaning, of an invitation to soothe the soul," ion. It reads, "My day is complete, t the beach is what you deserve, something new this break--some- relationships, and of memories, she said. I saw a child laugh." ut don't forget the sun-tan lotion thing you've never done but always /' therefore everything in my office Homeff has been referred to To this remarkable woman it is 0 you won't get cooked just like a wanted to try. Remember chat you is special-to me," Horneff.ex-: often by students as theiresecond these-little things - a mere laugh,...;.:.. rab.Your.Iucky break. numbers: 7•. are.onty this age once. Your lucky plained. mom" or their "mom away from or smile, which bring joy to the job 13. 16, and 24. break numbers: I, 16, 18, and 24. The recent publication of her home." she loves and feels forever grate- cookbook, ..::pinner Winners," re- ful to hold. eo (July 24- Aug 23) Visit new Aquarius (Jan 21- Feb 19) Spring iterates the sac';-e-ctpersonal reward An~:~~~I~:~g:ue~i~:~~~:~~k However, students and faculty erritory this Spring Break, you'll break has finally come, and it's her dinner invitations hold for an fits this description all around cam- feel this is the smallest act of kind- njoy the change in scenery. Your time to get your collective grove innumerable number of students. pus. "She's raising everyone here ness and thanks they can give back uckybreaknumbers: 8, 14, 16,and on. So while yopr visiting an ex- Awaiting an invitation to dinner is in addition to her own two kids," to an individual who truly makes 4. otic lounge remember to bring you not an acknowledgment: it's sim- Butler commented. WMC a memorable, unified, and tempting humor with you. You ply something she does for the in- Sophomore transfer and biol- distinguished place to be. irgo (Aug 24- Sep 23) Try to keep lucky numbers: 3, 7, 16, and 24. oncert Review: A Pelfect Circle can muscle, Harley Davidsons and PmLIPVOGT merits. and that it's more than up former members of "Nine Inch in being true to yourself and oth- to the challenge of proving that it Nails" and featuring Keenan as a . Josh Yosuico is much more than "Tool" Jr. guest vocalist, had drawn a little In truth. the music differs con- flack from "NIN" front man Trent l believe in love, the kind that siderably from that of "Tool," end Reznor. who was upset that Keenan can only be felt when you have met ng, major-venue stop in this area the more melodic. emotional was performing the song in its un- that special someone. I believe in y the band best known, unfairly. instrumentals provided,an excellent finished state. high fastballs, change-ups, and the s the side projeq of Maynard backdrop for Keenan s dynamic. perfect swing. 1 believe that ev- ames Keenan, the front man 0(- -ofteft--.x nallyrics and From Monday Night Football, eryone has a niche; they just have ormer heavy metal Grammy vocal quality. & • tl over an hour and didn't to chewing tobacco - from true to find it. I believe that the Ford ward winners "Ibol". The performance was further feature an eDc.· ~ love, to a field hockey ball zipping Mustang was the best American The show, however, ~as ea- enhanced by Keenan's sarcastic, dience a bit stunned and clearly ~OPTigttt-eornel:-o[theJ~M~l9uscJe car ever put through pro- .~ therexcellentsteptownrds~ between-song banter (mucb of craving more. Western Maryland College stu- ffiiC'fion:-I-balieti_ sex, speed- ishing the 8J'OUP, actually beIong_ which centered around his insi •• Additionally. the venue itself dents share what thrills them in this ing, pushing for that 1iiS'r'rep;-nnd ____ g to guitarist B.Uly Howerde1. II tence that the show was merely an leftmucb to be desired, Phoenix column titled, "I Believe." never giving up. I believe the ts own sovereign entif:y. elCUSC to cover the true purpose' Located in the middle of the Each week learn more about bench press is the best and most FoIIowing .. _but~ lhl'_ofAmwaydistribu. American University campus, your peers by reading what they important lift in weightlifting. 1 -appreci.atod set by "lIOainc ton) ani! his creative costume 'SnakeRiverCooSpiracy"aud cllange, which featured a pair of whicldtselfis located intbedOwn- believe in. Share what thrills you believe in impressing in your own "I Believe" exauciatlnaly long set ~ bJact hot-ponts with multiple red town D,C., the parking siwation by sending Try to keep your state- people ... striving for goals; and I believe that only good people truly embarrassment statement. an absolute was 'A Perfect Ciicl." took the •..,. and 8rec;" flashing tights.. considering the size of the event. ments to 100 words or less. Drop succeed in life. o a thunderous ovation from the Musically, blghligbts Included I)espite these few concerns, the them off al the information desk in - Brad Porter ~. early full bouse and proceeded to !', first and beaviest sinBie. show was phenomenaUyentertain- Decker and please put "For the m a thunder of their own.. ..Juruth... and the extended. re- ing and musically well executed. Phoenix" across the top. 1believe in true love, happiness, Playing 8 set that included all rnixedreoditionof'~eUbras," It was obvious in everything God, and freedom of speech. r be- 2 tracks from tbeir debut album. clearly a crowd favonte. from the chemistry of the band to I believe in earning respect, lieve that the field hockey ball will er De Noms, as well as a David ~dditionally. the previously the smoothness of the songs that "A 110% effort, chewing tobacco, the go in that right top comer of the owie cover and a somewhat con. mentioned "Tapewonn" track drew Perfect Circle" is not content to American flag, blood, sweat, and cage ifT really want it to, and mu- roversial "Tapeworm" track. an intrigued and appreciative te- simply bank on the drawing power tears on a field, trash talking. I sic keeps us sane. I believe in no ynard and Co. put forth an irre- sponse from mucb of tbe crowd. of Keenan and ''Tool,'' but rather believe in fishing, hunting, Led regrets - only lessons, the soul, utable argument that "A Perfect The perfonnance of the song. an is capable of drawing and entbtal- Zepplin, Hank Williams Jr. and opinions, and the way you carry "shouIdbejudgedonitsown as yet unreleased track by a band Ung its own crowds on its own Monday Night Football. r believe yourself. I believe in success. consisting largely of currenf and terms. in the purity of the game, Ameri- . Kim Mathias
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