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FEATURES Thursday, March 15,2001 - Page 9 Student will receive pilot's license PHILIP VOCT couraged by the disbelief of his it's calm and quiet-sort of'therapeu- 60 SECONDS Staff Writer peers. In fact, he would "definitely" tic." Time flies when you're, well, fly- recommend that anyone try it them- In addition to the emotions. fly- ing. selves, provided they have the ing has other obvious benefits. Af- Just ask sophomore 10n time-end the money. What is your dream Spring Break? Pearson, who is about a month "The past 'twosummers, all my ter earning his license, for example, for Pearson can rent a plane away from receiving his pilot's li- money [from summer jobs] went roughly $60 to $90 per hour of en- cense. Kind of makes your drivers into flying," Pearson admits, csti- gine use and fly to, say, Ocean City license seem a lot less exciting, mating that he's spent at least in about 45 minutes (again, that car doesn't it? $5000 so far on the lessons of yours is looking pretty inad- Pearson, who began taking fly- (roughly $100 an hour with an in- equate, isn't it?). ing lessons at the Carroll County structor for 50 hours). Pearson is now awaiting only Regional Airport last year, cur- Additionally, the lime con- the written test and the "check rently has a student license and has straim can be a bit restrictive. ride," similar to the driving test logged nearly 50 hours in the cock- Pearson must juggle lessons with pit, usually with an instructor, but his classes as well as the basket- needed to get a regular driver's li- cense. During this test run, Pearson also on approved solo flights. ball schedule. will have (0 perform such ordinary Alicia Miller '03 "[People] never believe me Occasionally, he is forcdf'to tasks as holding a course and fly- when I tell them," Pearson says of l.lleave a class early in order to have Psychology ing in pattern, as well as simulated the reaction he gets when others a lesson. In those situations, he says engine failures and emergency find out about it. he generally gets very strange looks landings. Case in point: Pearson, himself from his professors, but that it's not His father, who had earned his a member of the men's basketball a real problem. f pilot's license and would take him team, recently flew to a town north The costs, both monetary and along. on flights, introduced of Philadelphia to attend a girl's temporal, however, are well worth Pearson to flying as a child. "Spending a week with road basketball game. The coaches, the feeling of flying. Pearson de- Pearson hopes to take his license friends drinking on the however, didn't believe he'd actu- scribes the feeling as "awesome," into the job market, however, per- ally made the flight. adding that his "first solo was haps in the field of law enforce." beach." Fortunately, Pearson is not dis- amazing; sort of a rush. But now, ment or as a commercial pilot. Kathy and Mo bring laughter and Kelly Norris '01 History critical issues to the WM C stage L dn! 'March 29 and 30, 200 I at and Martha Tudor, who have qpth situations and always seem to get 8:00p~ in the evening, the West- graced the WMC stage many times the job done .. .in their own special ern Maryland College.Theatre De- in the shows "Little Shop of Hor- way. "Some' place warm and partment will present The Kathy, rors/;':-Lysistrata," "IbeCrucible," !..'The, Kathy and Mo-Showa is and Mo Show, a series 0f~twelve "Marat/Sade," and a multitude of sure to be a.delfghtful play for relaxing, like Disney skits from the pla~ oqginruly titled others. adults (some language and mate- World." ~~~:~~~IL!Xfs: The Kathy and Mo Both women are well knownpn , rial is not appropriate for a younger the campus for their comedic per- audience). Tickets are available by The play, co-written by Mo sonalities and excellent acting calling the Box Office at (410)857- Brooke, Joseph '02 Gaffneya and "Veronicas Closet"'s abilities, and their on-stage cha- 2448, and the cost is $5 for' adults Social Work Kathy Najimy, is a delightfully risma and chemistry is evident and $3 for WMC/students/seniors. amusing and brutally honest com- throughout this show. There will be two performances edy about the lives of women and The show, though feminist in only, on March 29 and 30. 2001 at issues that relate to them, such as nature, is appealing to all age .8:00pm in the Alumni Hall childbirth, menstruation, religion, groups and genders, and may even Understage, so be sure to reserve dating, relationships, friendships, shed some light on why women your tickets early to see these two and sex, among many others. sometimes act and think the way spectacular actresses shed some "Going to Mexico to The show is a two-character they do. light on feminine issues and the drink legally." full-length play perfonned by two From creating the world as if wonderful (and often wacky) world women who portray a plethora of they were merely decorating a of womanhood. characters, sometimes up to four house to one discreetly requesting -Press Release by Brandi James Graham '04 each per skit. The comedy will be feminine protection from the other, Crawford and the WMC Theatre performed by seniors Erin Owen they attack a multitude of tasks and Department. Art "Going home to see family and friends and eat some Thai food." Chi Sukosi '03 Music
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