Page 119 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 119
"SPORTS Thursday, March 15;2001-'Page 15 The.SidelfneView: A lesson in trying new sports Jeff Grever discusses his '.J pleasantly surprised with the a good idea. The Blues are one tain a veryhighshot percentage at jury that took him out of the major- " new fouHa interest in , amount of action and suspense in- point behind in the Central Djvi- 21,7%. which is also higher than ity of the second half of the 2000 hockey, along with the volved in a hockey game. Every- sion of the Western Conference, all of the league leaders. Keeping season. During the earlier years of future of Mark McGwire one said that the fights are the best and finding a good team is a nice Lemieux's comeback from his career, he was frequently ham- 'Hockey'Sucks. Who wants to part of a game, but I enjoyed the place to start. Hodgkin's Diseaseand his absence pered by injuries that forced him to watch a bunch of barbarian jocks game even though there weren't But in deciding on a,favorite from the game for several years in miss a substantial amount of play- who are missing teeth skate around any fights at all. team. the amazing statistics and mind, his immediate superstar im- ing time. and try to score a goal for 60 rriin- To my surprise there was a pact is quite remarkable. Even though he has spent much utes? Besides, who wants to watch great deal of strategy involved, of Just going to a Although Lemieux is indeed a of the last few seasons in good a game for that long when it could ;~~~~Im::: ~~~ ~:~ibl~~~:~ hockey game didn 't ~e~~/:~:;:!:~i:~~l~~d ~ii~c~~: health, excluding 2000, it seems as ':!~Poi;t~~:.? That is a complete 10remain competitive throughout seem like.enougn to objective was to find a favorite ~~~~!~f~~t1:nt~~~::I:~ql~:ti.n~~; This is what I thought when my the game, and they also must be change my team, the Penguins don't compare Cardlnalsmadeltfarmtothe_E!!!y~ friends first asked me to go to a very smart on the ice to produce to the success of the Blues, who offs ~jUl"Udfl'd-'th-eyShould Philadelphia Phantoms minor sccrmg opportunrnes Trying to perspective on the are 12 points ahead ~gb~sctJiat money In a more efficient ~:~~ef~gOuCr~~;~;~~:s~i~eO~:h; ~::~~e~~c~~a~su~~r~~;:;~c~~; sport;_p_idently,-tIitiFf:~:n!~o:I:~,:~~~~~ymO~nS;_:aa:~b~~~:~:;~a~~;:~c:ns~o~~~ chance because, likethey say."You than It 10~S far from the mg a team to follow on a regular much closer to expiration. should try everything once" ust gomg to a hockey game baSIS Go Blues' When a team is one step away When we got to the game we did'n't seem like enough to change truth. While on St. Louis... from the World Series they should asked one of the fans of the oppos- my perspective on the sport; evi- story behind famous Mario Should the Cardinals have probably look into improving their ing team who the Phantoms, the denny, that was far from the truth. Lemieux cannot be ignored. signed McGwire to a $30 million weak areas, which recently has Flyers' farm team, were playing. Finding a favorite team... Lemieux started in the middle of dollar contract extension when he seemed to be starting pitchers. The Portland Pirates, who are the So what have I learned about the season and has managed to set is still having problems with his Finding a replacement for former Capitals' farm team, were sched- my newfound interest in hockey? a pace that would put him at the knee? I am not sure that he is Cy Young award winner Pat uled for that afternoon. So imme- I learned that in order for me to be top of the leader board in many of- worth the risk considering his pen- Hentgen isa difficult task to accom- diately I was pleased that a home a true hockey fan, I would have to fensive statistical categories had he chant for injuries throughout the plish. team was being represented in the pick a favorite team to support. I begun at the start of the season. He course of his career. The Cardinals organization has game, so we decided to root for was able to narrowmy searchdown has played in 31 games and has The single season home run a positive outlook on McGwire's them. to St. Louis and Pittsburgh. In earned 55 points compared to his champion received $30 million for status for the 2001 baseball season During the game I found my- looking for a team to follow, start- league leading teammate Jaromir a two-year contract extension. It but he has yet to show that he is self realty involved with what was ing in St. Louis, the city of my fa- Jagr's 68 games played and 100 has been reported that McGwire is capable of returning to his record .going on in front of me. I was verite baseball team, seemed like points. He has been able to main- stilt having problems with the in- setting form. Men's Lacrosse starts out of the Baseball team heads //gate;fast with a 3-0 record to Florida for a busy MICHAEL JENKINSON tnree games. is a returning starter. Senior Vince Hackler, Junior Steve Mason, and SwffWriter The Terror defeated Villa Julie Junior Scott Armstrong do return spring break slate -....Early spring is always an excit- 23-8, then rallied to beat Cabrini ing.time fOl'springathletes. How- 17-11. This past weekend {l'he withsome playing experience from ever, this spring is particularly en- GreenTerrorthumpedWidener 15- the previous season, Assistant Sparts Editor tieing for both fans and players of 6. All of these players have con- As spring rolls around, it is other activities. "We sit in our the WMC Men's Lacrosse team. Based on the caliber of return- tributed to the fast paced 3-0 start. time for another spring break for rooms and play cards and stuff," The squad iscoming offofa school ingstars forThe Terror,the3-0 stan The most recent of the three victo- college students. Traditionally, says Roberts. Despite their busy record-tying II win season. This is not a surprise. ries was a road win over Widener. thousands of college students flock schedule, the learn does get one day comes after winning only ten Second Team AU-Conference TheTerrorhadabitofrevengeon to the beaches of Florida and off. "We get to go down to Cocoa games the two previous seasons Joe Ellis, two time WMC scoring their mind going into this contest, Cancun for fun and parties over Beach andjust relax for a day," says combined. leader Tom Brown, and honorable because Widener has defeated Oakes. "It's a great experience for The Terror's goals are set even mention All-American Brett WMC the past two seasons. Brown "Going to Florida is great because it is higher this year. Head Coach Keith Sweeney are the same attack unit lead the offensive attack with five Reitenbach said, "The conference that was 10thinthe nation last year goals, and Ellis posted three. nice to go somewhere warm for spring title is our number one goal." A in scoring offense. Nottingham also recorded 15saves break, " goal thatcould see fruitionthis year Midfielder Dave Riley returns and only gave up 6 goals. TheTer- for the first time in WMC history. as the teams only two year captain ror were scheduled to host Cabrini -Dave Roberts This season also marks a first during Coach Renenbach's tenure last Tuesday, but rain forced the for The Green Terror. After the to lead a fairly solid midfield core. game to be pushed back a day and their vacation. For the Western the team." players met a challenge of both Junior Michael Coleman sopho- be moved to a more weather Maryland Coltege baseball team, Despite the distractions, the ~~_ ..:.- it isjust another day at the office. team is very focused to play well ' "Lacrosse is sport where every team th71t*ttcts-a ....g.~e.a~_qr has a Over the break, the Green Ter- and start the season off on a good Z' " • ~~ill travel down to Cocoa note. Hopefully, the team can build great goa Ie", Beach.~e-gam~startdownsouth,inpur_ slate to begin their season. "Go- suit of a v~1\$ 200I cam- -Coach Reitenbach _ing to Florida is great because it is paign. good behavior and undefeated play more Alex Tolj, and freshmen Jer- friendly furl held. Ihe Team bor- nice to go somewhere warm for during last year's spring break trip emy Freed and Pete Schaffer are a,ll rowed Loyola's field in Ballimore spring break," ~ays sophomore to Virginia Beach, The Green Ter- expected to help balance out the for their "home" game. ,.• pitcher Dave Roberts. Interested in ror are headed for a week in sunny position. Ellis was the offensive leader While many students party or Florida for this year',~springbreak. Junior returning starter Brian this game with four goals and four tak'ethe break to rest from the col- Sports or On top of everything else that makes this particular season seem Notingham ensures high level play assists. Brown added four goals lege scene, the team'is hard at _ exciting, fans and opponents of at the doaiie position. Being the and two assists. work. "We have .doubleheaders Writing? team's 'only goalie .Iast year, Nottingham, who had 11saves, almost every day 'so we are very iWMC know that watching WMC Nottinghamplayed every gameand spoke of the momentum of the busy down there," says sophomore .play is always fun. no m<:ttterhow providing plenty of experience. team after this game. "We actually first baseman Todd Huber. Join the good the team is. That is the way Reitenbach has faith in his goalie. feel good. We're just getting~bet- A typical day for the team be- Reitenbach coaches. "We try and "Lacrosse is sport where every ter and better." gins with a 6:30 am wake up call, play the game the way it's meant team that has a great year has a The opener tor The Terror was followed by a tep.m breakfast. Phoenix. Call to be played. Aggressive great goalie [Nottingham] comes a 23-8 whipping of Villa Julie. ''The place is pretty crummy. the D(efense), ball movement on from a lacrosse background. Th~ Sweeney was the man in this con- food is worse than Glar," jokes X8600for O(ffense), all players are a threat young defense :-viIIdepend on test with eight goals and three as- senior designated hiuer Paul to score." The excitement has car- him." The potential weakness of sists. Ellis had seven goals. and Oakes. The team then usualty more details. ried over early in the season for the the team is the limited experience midfielders Riley and Tolj each plays' a doubleheader every day Terror, as they have won their first of the defense. Junior Jason Wiles contributed a goal and an assist. and· find their nights are free for
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