Page 111 - Phoenix2000-01
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COMMENTAR~ Thursday, March 15.2001 • Page 7 Splurge of youth crimes leaves unanswered questions "He said he's going to shoot me. committed it Why didn't anyone access to a gun at 5-years-old. In ruption of morals and values dis- He said he's going to make it a take him seriously? fact, I still don't have access to a played in the American Society is blood bath and throw me in a He could have initially been gun, and I really don't want one. also to blame. dumpster." trying to get attention. Then, when Media. They are calling this re- When children see certain ab- These are words ofa 9-year-old no one took him seriously, he de- cent chain of school violence an . normalities and immoral actions in girl, of Philadelphia, who was cided to prove himself. It certainly epidemic. Does our sensationalized the society around them frequently, threatened by her 8-year-old class- was not a positive way to prove media coverage of such events give they become immune, indifferent, mate, according to an article in the himself, but he has our attention other young people the wrong or desensitized to such things. March 7 issue of the Carroll now, doesn't he? ideas? Williams intended on "pull- For example, people who have County Times. In no way, shape, or form am I ing a Columbine," according to the lived in an area of crime all their Similarly, in St. Paul, Minn., trying to divert the blame from Carroll County Times. lives will not be affected by a mur- two 5-year-old girls were sus- criminal to the witnesses. But, I Iknow that the whole violence der in the same manner as some- pended from school because one of have to wonder how someone can BJ Shorb on TV issue has been argued over one who has never been close to it. them brought a loaded pistol in her get in such a state of mind without and over again, but it is hard to ig- Whether you live iQ it or not, purse. one other person realizing it be- sides the actual criminals can be nore the fact that the events seem we all.see ana lIe~"about it. So, Seven students were arrested forehand. Does it mean you or I held responsible? The parents, the to happen in trends. It is like a how long it will be before no one for plotting to bomb teachers and might also be neglecting someone media, society, who?~, 'snowball effect: one thing happens is affected by it? It is a disgusting fellow classmates, and creating hit like Williams? I believe the corruption of this here, and then another there, and thought, but it could happen. ' lists. San Diego, Santana High ... _ L would -thfnk Uiat someone country's youth lies in a hands of so on. If none ofthe above things: par- School student, Charles "Andy" doesn't just decide to do something all three of the above. News is news, and crimes hap- ents, media, and society are at fault, Williams, opened fire in his school like that pen. But then r must ask what/who is? ~::~:ed5i3 ~~he~~~led two and ~i;ht~ r - Although I personally cannot even begin to ~ : n; bei~:~:~~~~~~:r~g~:~~~~ee:::; A college student, in Santa Bar- A 1 - contemplate doing anything like that, my instincts murder, life, I could take someone else's. in~~afi:a!!~~Oe~t;' ~~~i::~O~~~j~~ ~heOrUsgohn~ tell me that Williams, as well as other young ~~~: ~ Wh~hhea~i~~~~~~~tt~~~~~~es are ::~:n~eeks ago. The list goes on ally can- criminals, think about their crimes for a while before are o.n ~:;n~~~ ~~en~f~e~~;;~~n~;~~~ Is it my imagination, or are ~~~i~v~: committing them. ~hhee :1; Something needs to change. Un- these sickening tragedies happen- con Ie m - day s less, of course, we are just waiting ing more and more lately? plate doing anything like that, my Parents. Children need atten- More than Ican count on one hand. until something happens to us? The following factors they all instincts tell me that Williams, as lion. Parents need to be actively It isn't just news, but show after NewsflasW: the locations of the ~~:~~~jC;s~:~I~r!~~ ~~::~~~~: ;~~ :~o~~~~~/~~~:s ~:~:~~:~~ ~nn:~l;~~:;, ~::Icah~~~r~~~~~i~~ ShO;~~~:;:~hese shows on? Of crimes aren'tdall big cities. In fact, are all hateful and violent. The fi- before committing them. ..,1 is not an easy task at all. But if you course, when young people can S'aa,n"o,aoovae~i~ch'o'i~efh,oOOou',hp"'opauPO'a,p,.oU -_.; ~ I o nales are tragic. Anyone could have It could be days, weeks, or even choose to bring a child into this watch them-. in the evenings. Re- here at WMC. be~n the ·victim. Finally, they all months beforehand. Who knows? world, you choose to care for that member the cliche: "monkey see, What makes us think it couldn't might have been avoided. Maybe even since they saw '~hat child until adulthood. monkey do?" There really is some happen here? Williams actually discussed his happened in Columbine. I cannot remember one day truth in it. .... I intentions with other classm~tes'~:'''' J~ order to fina a solution, we ~her\. rteii:'her of my parents a~ed Socj~ty: This is breed: I know. -BfShorb is a junior commuruca- and adults the weeken? ...I,>efore he need to find a cause. So, who be- me how Iwas. Icertainly never h~d What Imean is that the overall cor- lion major; New biiI introduced: :;shouldwe 'o~ff=--th~e~m-a-r~k----------4 reward for good driving records? Senator Larry Haines has intro- Amy Bittinger opposes the the positive point system would duced a bill in the state of Mary- recently proposed idea~pf help me, unquestionably. Iwent my land that he intends will reward rewarding good drivers. ']'first three years driving without a good driving. His idea is to give ticket, so r would have had three positive driving points for safe that it fails to meet its intent. For positive points. drives. example, I have been pulled over Then, r would have been The bill will give one positive four times in six years for speed- knocked down 10 one point after the point for each year a driver does ing. Iwas going 87 in a 55, 52 in a two speeding tickets Ireceived. So, not get a traffic citation such as a 25, 65 in a 50, and 43 in a 25. As if I had one positive point on my speeding ticket, a ticket for failing surprising as it may seem, I have record, guess what I would be do- to show license, or running a stop sped more then only four times in ing: speeding. I wouldn't slow sign. The maximum number of my life. down to five miles over the limit, I positive points that one can receive In-fact. I am almost always at would fearlessly go ten to fifteen will be five. least 7 to 10 miles over the speed ' over the limit. This bill is "! We do.nctneed a mostly intended to So, if I had one positive point on my law to build in benefit the good 'breaks' for drivers. driver who gets one record, guess what I would be doing: By the nature of the or two tickets in his speeding. I wouldn't slow down to five system they already or her lifetime. exist. No one is ever According to the miles over the limit, I would fearlessly pulled over every February 27 issue of go ten to fifteen over the limit. time they are speed- the Carroll County ing. Times, Patrick Walters says Haines limit, an offense which is punish- My bel would be that if you do contends that the purpose of the bill able with one point. drive the speed limit that someone Attention: WMCCommunity is to prevent good drivers who gel However, of the four times r like myself is behind you tailgat- one ticket from having insurance was actually pulled over, I was ing and getting really upset. Students, Faculty, and Staff premiums increase. ticketed only twice for speeding. For those who are pulled over, Well, I am insured by Nation- One time I got a ticket for failure you may get a reduction in court or Isthere an experience or topic you wide. Nationwide doesn't increase to show my license, and another have the ticket dropped completely. would like to write about in the insurance with each point you get. time I got a warning. Passing the positive driving point Insurance rates do not increase un- The first time that I was tick- law would only encourage people Commentary section? til you amass a high number of eted, I went to court and got pro- to be less safe. And I need every points, like 5. I have two points, bation before judgment, so no reason in the world to slow down. Please call BJ Shorb @410·756·2955 if vou and my insurance has not gone up points. yet. The second time, I paid [he fine -Amy Bittinger is a senior math- or someone vou know might be The problem with this bill is without contesting it. I think that ematics major. interested.
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