Page 120 - Phoenix2000-01
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Missouri, the site of the Divi- This victory earned the entire sion IJI tournament this year, is the team a place in the Western Mary- The men's and women's golf ultimate goal. But the road to get land Hall of Champions last spring. teams definitely have their work there begins with the Jekyll Island "It was an experience I'll never cut out for them. Tournament at Williams College in forget," said sophomore Patrick Both of the golf team~ taCe'ad-. Georgia. Senior captain Mall Pulliam. versity entering the spring 2001 Lender is- one of the six-players _ For the women's team, there season. who will represent the team at this are no lofty expectations to live up Following a disappointing fall event. to, since this is the first year the season, the men's team is looking "Even though we didn't play up Centennial Conference has had to re-establish their reputation as to our capability in the fall, we [the women's golf recognized by the one of the elite programs in Divi- NCAA. sion Ill golf "Our main goal is The women face an uphill battle The Terror have made the tour- to win the due to inexperience and a lack of nament in five of the past ten years. players. Entering the spring season as an Centennial Head Coach Michael Diehl nnranked team will make it diffi- feels that, "Our women will be as cult to repeat this success. Conference good as the men within a few "Our main goal is to win the Championship ... " years." Centennial Conference champion- This expectation may be justi- ship," says head coach Scott -Coach Scott Moyer fied due to the fact that WMC has Moyer, "since making the national two highly regarded golf profes- tournament is unlikely." playersJ believe we can get to Mis- sionals directing their recruitment According to Moyer, there is a souri," he says. efforts. crop of new talent coming in next J (Lender is a strong believer in The first challenge-the women year that hopefully wilt help the striving to achieve team success will face is the Dickinson lnvita- 1 t"...._.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~:lHte~a~m~re~a~ch~:th~:e;';e~'~t l~ev:~e~I..~,~H~~i:S~fnO;~1~b:'~;fo~;r,~'~in~~d:i;V~id;~ua~~I,SSU~~'.~c,~~S:S:.,,,;L:a~st,:_t~i;O:;n:'~I.~o:n,:March 28th at the May..:: Links. improve the quality of play in or- this unity by coming back from a Senior Jill Ibex, and sopho- der to make the national champi- nine-shot deficit in the first round mores Julia Richardson and Stacey onship in 2002. to capture the Centennial Confer- Roach will be representing the Solid Winter Track season ence championship. women in Carlisle, PA. predicts big things for Spring MARCUS HELTON dition, Diana Pool and Jill Krebs the'55 meters, with a time of8.18. SwffWriler finished second and third, respec- Coach Renner believes the men The Western Maryland College lively, in the 3,000 meters, and have a chance to succeed in the Track team is preparing to begin Sophomore Christine Johnson's upcoming season, although the its outdoor season, and they should jump of 16'5 3/4" won her a gold competition will be formidable. be confident after their strong fin- medal in the long jump. "If you look at the dynamics of ish to the indoor season. At the "We're excited about the the conference, a team like Centennial Conference Champion- women's chances outdoors," Haverford is so strong in the middle ships, the Green Terror women Renner said. "We have strong distance events, you have to beat took second, while the men took sprinters, distance runners and up on them in the field events and fifth. "We only took 13 men to the good hurdlers, it's pretty much a sprints and hope someone else conference championship," Coach complete team on the women's takes away some of their distance Doug Renner said, "and we were side, and we're getting th",,:~e~on~t~he~r.2};~~*,I~~t:':~~:~;:~~~;'~ only ten points out of third, so it guy's side." • was a pretty good effort.on tbeguys Helping the men to get there is part. AS for the women, we're get- junior shot putter David Hose, who ting closer and closer to. winning has never lost a shot put competi- maybe even second." Renner this thing, I think we've got a real tion. In three competitions since added that he envisions the team shot outdoors." transferring from Hagerstown having six men and eight to ten One of the women who will be Community College. Hose has women qualifying for the National attempting to move the Green Ter- three gold medals. Sophomore Championships. ror into first is senior sprinter Jamie Ifeanyi Ani won his second con- The Green Terror will head into Falcone. secutive gold medal in the long their first meet on March 17 at the Falcone set individual records jump with a jump of 2[' II", and Washington and Lee Invitational in in the 55 and 200 meters and was the men's 4x400 meter relay team Lexington, Virginia. part of the 4X200 team (along with won a bronze medal and set a The first home meet will be April Brown, Thea Bayly, and school record of 3:31.64 despite March 27. The mission will be to Melissa Merson) that set a confer- having only one true 400 runner, improve on last year's outdoor fin- ence record with a time of 1:46.24. Christian Hamilton. (Freshmen ish, where the men took third and Falcone automatically qualified for Calvin Woodward and David the women fourth. !.he NCAA Indoor Track Champi- Maskeroni were moved down from And with the talent spread onships in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. the 800, with senior Jeff Groff, a throughout this year's team, that "She'll probably be an All-Ameri- decathlete. rounding out the mission may very likely be suc- can indoors," Renner said. In ad- squad). Groff also took bronze in cessful.
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