Page 112 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 112
Thursday, March 15,2001 - Page 8 COMMENTARY An allegory Of course, the best award show goes to... of irony night! Oh boy the TV Guide Awards are on to- Joan Faulkner sheds some light about movies, just consider the fashion show on the Oscars-- what makes them of the Oscars. Some would argue that what I'm sure very few of you exclaimed this different and who will win? the celebrities wear is even more important the night it was broadcast. Why? than what their achievements. Because most awards shows are down- awards. In one sense, this might hold up because right dull and monotonous. They consist of I've always thought the voters did a de- dress styles of celebrities stay around for celebrities congratulating each other again cent job of choosing the winners. They try to years, yet very few people remember what and again. The awards have little basis for ignore whether a film brought in a lot of film won best screenplay three years ago. actual quality. money, had big stars, or came from a big stu- Even if you watch the Oscars to check Even when the biggest awards show, the dio. out the stylish fashions every year, see the Oscars, comes on March 25, I'm sure most However, in recent years I've been upset added entertainment of new funny host Steve of you really don't care one way or another. that the Academy could look over some films Martin, and see the occasional funny pre- Most of you have- probably never heard of that, in my mind, were far superior than those senters (cross your fingers for Robin Will- "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", or "Al- chosen for awards. iams), this often overly long ceremony can most Famous." (P.S. they're movies, just in For example. in 1998, I could not believe be fun. case you were wondering) that "The Truman Show" was not even nomi- So disregard your past displeasure for the Or some of you might beĀ·'~nn6ye1:l. that nated for best picture nor was Jim Carrey so-called stuffy Oscars and throw in the "Scary Movie" or "Road Trip" was left out nominated j-~(best actor. towel for this year's. of the running. I hope you all noticed that This is one of my favorite> films ever and Lastly, Iwill leave you my picks for this the ultra popular "Gladiator" was nominated it seemed beyond its time, which is maybe year in the top 6 categories: for 12 Academy Awards. Best picture = "Traffic." This re- But I'm here to tell you why alistic film does not hide the truth; you should watch the Oscars. I've always thought the voters did a instead, it displays. the tragic drug wheel, just below the speed- Unlike most other awards, the issues in the world. Iomerer ana tachometer. Perhaps your car Oscars still have some merit decent job of choosing the winners. They Best director = Steven and, most of the, time, pick the try to ignore whether a film brought in a Sonderberg- ''Traffic.'' Aside from who really deserves to win. directing two of the best picture Although a number of big lot of money, had big stars, or came from nominees, he agonized over every Hollywood films were nomi- , ". a big studio. scene of ''Traffic.'' nated for multiple Oscars, such Best actor = Ed Harris- "Pol- as "Erin Brockovich", "Gladi- lock." Acting in this film was a life ator",and "Castawayv.there were also some why it was disregarded by the voters. Per- long dream for him. He performed with more smaller independent films nominated, like haps they could not comprehend it. effort than his close competitors: Tom Hanks ''Traffic'', "Chocolat" and "Crouching Tiger, Over the years, mlli1Y critics have claimed and Russell Crowe. (Harris also starred in Hidden Dragon." that studios now buy th~ir Oscars off, and that ''The Truman Show") I'm sure many of you pay very little at- the voters only look at how much money a Best actress = Laura Linney~~':,'1?U Can of the 1999 Oscars. some ;:;;~~~o~~'~arl:~~:~~~::~:~~~<. tention to the Oscars. probably because they movie has made and ;Jffiat stars are in it. don't honor the films you watch. The last In the instance expectations in this film. (also starred in boxomc~l!fitwl1a~ ifi:'1ita~~1p" fui?~t~:eir iiLOv~,i~t~!U~if~~c~i;;;~ "The Truman Show") , '1"'" the Osears three years ago. best actress, and best supporting actress. I Best supporting actress = Frances" But let me tell you why you should watch loved the film, but giving voters lavish pre- ~cDormand- "Al/hHst Famous." .~e.x;_rx~~ these awards. sents and private screening dinners, hardly nenc~ far surpasses her, als~ ~ommated, m- r, Out of all the awards shows broadcast seems fair. experienced co-star competrtrcn. every year, there are very few that have any However, Mirarnaxts one of many small Best supporting actor = William Dafoe- credibility, and the Oscars are one of the independent studios. I'm sure the big studios "Shadow of a Vampire." His role within a ones that does. like Paramount and Columbia throw money role performance was exceptional and de- The others include the Grammy's, at the Academy just like Miramax. Miramax serves nothing less than this award. Emmy's, and Tony'S. Don't even try to ar- might throw more money simply because it You don't have to agree with me, but gue that the MTV Awards hold any merit. is a small studio trying to get its small films watch the Oscars on March 25, to find out r must admit, I've watched the Oscarsv equally well-known. just how right or wrong I'll be. every year since Whoopi Goldberg hosted Though the Academy Awards might seem them for the first time. It was the very same to beway too serious for many, and they re- -Loan Faulkner is a junior communication year that "Schindler's List" swept the, ally don't care what some old people think major. Out with all the cars and in with the grass Well, it happened. I have turned into my not look like the home of a recent tractor father, and I am only 19 years old. pull. Growing up, J never quite understood With spring right around the corner, it is why my dad was so insistent that my friend's about time we start taking care of what open and I not riding our bikes on the lawn "in spaces are left in this world, or at least on front of my house. this campus. Now, after living in Albert Norman Ward I am glad that our school is relaxed for a while, J am starting to see where he enough that students feel comfortable park- was coming from for all those years. ing on, and driving through, campus, since At first, I did not think too much of it ..It that surely says good things about the atmo- only made sense that, on days when most sphere of WMC. students are either moving in or out of their But, eome on, let's all have a little re- dorm rooms, that their would be some cars spect for the school, and. for that matter, parked in the quad. It only makes sense: we those that seek to enjoy what it has to offer. are a generation of convenience, are we not? Let's all stop driving bur cars through the After a while, though, I noticed that cars Michael Wiles quad, and maybe the thing will heal itself in remained parked in the quad quite fre- time, and become the campus gathering quently, not really needing a special occa- are no longer parked. Most of the grass in place J, among others, believe it should be. sion. the quad has been killed by all the automo- lust something to think about. As I write Now, as any reader of The Phoenix tive traffic, and, what more importantly, what this, there are some girls practicing field knows, parking on this campus is often an grass has survived has been replaced by large, hockey out there, and, to me, that seems like "uphill" battle (yes, pun intended), but park- deep tire tracks. a step il) the right direction. ing in the quad hardly seems to be an ap- This is not some "save the grass" cam- Ijust hope they do not dent my car while propriate solution. paign. It just really looks bad out there. Per- they are playing. Interestingly enough, it is not even re- sonally, I think that, for $26,000, the students ally the "parking" that causes the most prob- ofWMC deserve a place to enjoythe weather -Michaet Wiles is a sophomore English lems, but rather what is left when the cars major. a~d .the comp~~~, ~f_ t~:i~ ~~e.n~~ ~ha~ ~oes
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