Page 110 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 110
Thursday. March 15,2001 - Page 6 COMMEN:rARY Staff Letter to the Editor: No pets allowed, none Dear Editor, wet in a dry dorm. Likewise, is she allowed to tain the beast), and an eye hole. Editors-In-Chief Claire E. Adams '02 "SOR&Y, NO PETS.!" is what the sign possess halogen lamps or fireworks, explosive I don'tmention the name of this dwell- Edward K. Schultheis '03 reads on the bulletin board in Rouzer Hall. devices, or firearms? ing because I am not sure that it is her of- Yet the RLC, known simply as "Nicole" Before we accuse this celebrated first-year fice. She has also been seen working dili- (if that is her real name), has a pet. The student advisor of harboring an arsenal, lets gently in the room across from the 1st floor News Editor culprit pet is.a cat. analyze the problem. trash room. I can only surmise that this is Staci George '03 The cat has been spotted eyeing those No pets, other than non-carnivorous fish. .ber operations center so the RA's of Rouzer who enter Rouzer on the Decker College and pet rocks, are allowed in Rouzer Hall. I can do her bidding. Assistant News Editor Center side. Why does this resident of can understand that being the residence life Of course, I'm kidding. She does a fine Joan Faulkner '02 Rouzer receive preferential treatment? coordinator has its perks, but those perks' job for being the only XX genotype in a dorm If the reason for her exemption is the should not involve exemption of rules. full of XY genotypes. Features Editor Shauna Dominguez '02 mere fact that she is the esteemed RLC of As you enter Rouzer Hall and walk up the The cat does not pose a problem to a freshman donn, than this could raise steps, you can see the gateway to the dwell- Rouzer residents (except for the hairball or many questions. ing of this feline beast. occasional allergy attack). But the fact Commentary Editor If she is exempt from the "no-pet" rule, It is a wooden portal with a black plate in stands: she is exempt from the rules. BJ Shorb '02 then-is she exempt from the "no-alcohol" the center (no number mind you), two locks: rule as well? She could be the only one v a dead bolt and handle lock (probably to con- -Anonymous Sports Editor The blizzard that was never-meant to be . Matthew Hurff '03 Assistant Sports Editors Craig P. Johnson '03 Ijustcouldn'tbelieve it. Whatever hap- freak out? You could make the argument both Greg Lederer '03 pened to two feet or more? What happened ways." to my possible day off? (Not that I don't Indeed someone can make the argument Copy Editor love school, but who wouldn't want a day both ways, but the fact remains that continu- Stacey Welch '04 off?) Tt just never came. So what hap- ously the public is misled about storms. They pened? were led into thinking that this storm was, Photographers In (he beginning of March, a snowstorm not could be, but was going to hit Maryland Kelley Diamond '04 of epic proportions was supposed to smash and hit it hard. Brad Widner '03 into Maryland, dropping at least two feet There was WBAL's "Continuing Team in some areas, and paralyzing the area in- Coverage" talking about possible school Distribution Manager one fell swoop. The storm, which was closing because of the impending snow Zsanett Borsos '02 dubbed the "biggest and worst blizzard" storm, then when they predicted that it would since the late 1990s by forecasters, was set Edward K. Schultheis start, it didn't. In fact, it never really dropped Senior Writer to be a huge nor'easter. more than two or three inches, at least in Kate Esposito '01 The television stations who were the meteorologists predicted the worst situa- Westminster. watching the storm develop had every- tions in each instance. 'f) I'm not saying that I don't like the cov- Staff Writers thing. They had graphics, footage of past "It is far better to inform people about what erage, all I am trying to say is that, TV sta- " __ -l-__ _:;~~~~. .I~.:.~~~~dS,u~~~~~~~~:d!~~~:s, ~:~:~: their maximum exposure could be because tions especially, call for the worst based on everydU.ns elae i..just .. blessing," said WJZ long range computer models. They may say Jackie Leazer right...a storm. The storm, which had even news director Gail Bending in an interview that this "could lilt=or "may hit," butrh~r~ Matthew McGowan '04 me excited, let me down. And so did the with the Baltimore Sun. mally they freak everyone out by naming it Tammi Slater '03 meteorologists. I know that forecasting isn't an exact sci- the "storm of the century" and showing video Cathy Pendorf '02 _ When the storm zoomed across the ence, but why do the forecasters make it out of the storm and past blizzards. Michael Jenkinson '02 Midwest, forecasters started predicting to be? " According to the same Sun edition, Philip Vogt '01 huge amounts of snowfall "possible" in the What really gets me is. how they said that people watch morning news more when there Michael Wiles '03 vicinity of Maryland. Then as the storm it was just a possibility, but they then showed is a threat of snow, and the stations know Jessica Fitzgerald '03 dropped out over the cold Atlantic waters pictures and video of past blizzards, and this. They know the more they hype the Amanda Nederkorn '02 and started moving up the coast, it turned showed images of what could be coming - in- storm, the higher the ratings go. Marcus Helton '02 into a very strong nor'easter. eluding two feet of snow. These visualiza- It is just too bad that we have to suffer by Jeff Grever '02 From here on, the forecasters didn't tions, which definitely outweighed the words listening to there very frequently inaccurate seem to get anything right. of the meteorologists, surely helped cause the forecasts. Maybe they should hold off on Adviser While the meteorologists were hyping hype that the TV stations and newspapers the predictions for a bit, and just give us the Terry Dalton "the storm of the century", they still didn't elaim they didn't cause. certainties. know the exact course of the storm. In fact, Said Mary Beth Marsden, a \V!v1AR an- they had several models that were created chor, in an interview with the Sun, "Do we -Edward Schultheis is a sophomore commu- by their super computers, but it seemed that feed the frenzy? Are we the reason people nication major. The Phoenix is published biweekly. The . .ons expressed do not necessarily represent Clinton: is it possible for us to let him go? of The Phoenix staff the faculty, or the ·stratorsofWMC. Amanda Nederkorn questions can public is "Clinton hungry." . ,," self in his beloved oval office sometime whether President Bush will ever r can only shake- my head in bewilder- soon. That would be an interesting situation, steal the spotlight from Clinton. ment as I reflect upon Clinton's antics-are and of course, they already have the fumi- they just a ploy for attention? Is he expert- ture! After two tumultuous terms in office, encing separation anxiety from the spotlight By no means am I attempting to defile William .Jefferson Clinton the 42nd Presi- that came with being President of the United the reputation of the ex-President, because I dent of the United States is still command- States? How does George W. Bush feel about do feel good things were accomplished dur- ing the attention of the American public. such heavy coverage of Clinton? Many ques- ing Clinton's administration. These are One would think the media would merely my observations based on a man focus their attentions on our newly If I were Bush, I would be with definite entertainment value. elected President, George W. Bush, but II"" d "h I I have often been accused of hav- instead Clinton's various escapades roya Y trntate Wlt someone e se ing misdirected priorities, but I would havemade.the.fro~tcover~fvirtually "stealing my thunder"... rather laugh at Clinton's shenanigans every publication m the United States. than watch depressing coverage of the From his last-minute pardon of Marc tions, no answers. latest high school shooting in suburbia. Rich, the billionaire fugitive, to stealing fur- If I were Bush, I would be royally irri- The interest in the former President, MaillO: niture upon his departure of the White rated with someone else "stealing my thun- though waning is still out there, and with The Phoenix House, to his attempts to acquire an exorbi- der," maybe so mad I would do something continued interest from people like myself, WMC, 2 College Hill tantly priced Manhattan office, the media has like bomb Iraq! the media will reciprocate with more cover- Westlllimter,lvID21157 had a field day with Clinton. In recent weeks Clinton's coverage has age. So unfortunately President Bush, unless "(410)751-8600 Meanwhile President Bush has had the died down slightly, but one can only imag- you do something really special, your day in FAX (410) 857-2729 chance to find his footing enjoying a minus- ine what outrageous circumstances he will the sun is yet to come. E-Mail: cule amount of coverage. One almost feels find himself in next. With Hillary in the Sen- that even when Bush is in the media, it is ate and the possibility of her run for the Presi- -Amanda Nederkom is ajunior political sci- merely procedural. Simply put, the Ameri- dency, Clinton might once again find him- ence major.
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