Page 116 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 116
Thursday, March 15,2001 - Page 12 '. "'·1· " Ask Kitty:' advice on .important and pressing problems CATHY PENDORF situation. Dear At A Loss, Dear Rebellious in the Past, SlajJWriler Iwelcome anyone's comments or stories, There are some choices, but Idon't know You do seem frustrated, but maybe you There is no quick answer to any prob- it helps this column achieve the desired goal if-you will like them or the results. One choice should give them a break teo. Possibly they lem, but sometimes a question, problem, or of presenting a safe forum f~r people who is to again try to talk to your friend and let just worry about you or miss' you. Don't as- situation might come up where you just have not only would like to look at their issues in her know you are worried about how serious sume they call you only because they don't no idea what to do. Write a letter, send it to a different way, but really need to know that she is getting with this guy. trust you. Kitty box 979, and maybe she can help you there are people out there that can understand Idefinitely wouldn't advise accusing this Why don't you talk to them and let them out. This may not professional counseling, them. Thanks again! guy of "playing with her head," she may feel know how you feel? (In a nice way.) Re- but certainly a new way to look at your prob- like you are attacking their relationship, and mind-them that you're in college now (and lems, and completely anonymous! Kitty, that may result in further alienating her from that you're an adult) and you need some more I'm having problems with my friend. you. space. Hey Kitty, We've been close ever since we met three Keep the lines of communication open, If they don't understand, well, perhaps I was reading the March issue of the years ago, and we've never had major issues and let her knowyou are there to listen, help, with time they'll get used to you not being Phoenix and saw the letter from Anonymous between us, little things maybe, but you know support, etc. Another is telling her you miss home as much or needing more space. about 'her dilemma of coming out to her just like any other relationship. her and would like to spend some alone And ifyou think your parents don't trust roomie. Been there, done that! I came out Well, a couple months ago she started dat- friend time with her; she probably misses you you, then show them how responsible you to my roommate in the fall - I had known ing this guy and I was of course really glad too. J don't know exactly what you or she can be. her since freshman year. for her. Imean it meant she had less time for' thinking, but she might think that Use good judgment, be mature, and share It turned out, for me, to be the best thing us to hang out, but it was ok because she was you're the one who's busy, or maybe she has the things you've learned with them, they I did. really happy, you know. other things that are monopolizi~g hinime. may see that you have changed and respect Iknew J wouldn't be able to explain girls Well, now it's getting really serious be- Like maybe she took up underwater basket that or at least the fact that you're making calling me, or my alternative magazines, tween them and that would be ok except now weaving five days a week and forgot to tell an effort. essentially I couldn't be the true me around she has no other life but him. I think he's you. (It could happen!) her. She's been a huge help to me when it manipulating her because he seems to con- Also you have to be prepared for the pos- Dear Kitty, comes to crushes and parents and relation- trol when she can go out and how long. Ev- sibility that even after trying out any of these My idiot roommate snuck a pet on cam- ships - plus she is always there to listen. ery spare moment she needs to be-with him things, nothing may work out the way you pus and keeps it under his bed. It's some sort I don't know the standing Anonymous or he needs her to be with him. I'm not jeal- want them too. Most importantly, just be of rodent and it stinks! has with her roomie, but I thought J'd offer ous. I miss her, but r understand if she's in there for her. If things gel as bad as you seem Itold him to get rid of it or else. It is now this personal story with the personal advice love. to suspect they might, then she's really go- February and the damn fur-ball is still living of: If you think telling her (the roommate) The problem is she's losing all ties with ing to need a friend at the end of it. under my roommate's bed. won't make things get ugly, then go for it. the outside world and it would hurt me so I'm debating whether to kill it, my room- But as Kitty mentioned, Allies is always much if some jerk is just messing with her Dear Kit-Cat, . mate, or just turn him in. Lguess Iwon't kill open to new people - even if it is to send head, which is what I really suspect. I have Ijust moved on campus and my parents anything because I'm a pacifist, so that our ear about something! tried to talk to her about ita little, but Idon't won't leave me alone. They call me atl the leaves turning him in. have the right words. I don't think they ex- time and always ask what I'm doing. Ok, so Do you think I should do it? Note from Kitty: ist. She's an intelligent human being, but maybe I haven't always been the model stu- -Stinky Room Hater Thank you so much for sharing your she's just blinded by this guy. What are my dent, but give me a fi'**in break, I'm in col- story! So often Ihear from people who feel choices? lege right? Who knows maybe I've changed. Dear Stinky Room Hater, so alone when dealing with a problem or a -At A Loss -Rebellious in the past . Yes. ing us." will go towards research and improvement The route will not, according 10 both of the facility, she explained, "though we'd "Who doesn't know what I'm talking Sharkey and Sorensen, include any particu- like to take some of the money before we COf}(9{.'E!l{ about? Who's never left home? Who's never lar destinations. The object of the trip, they handed it over and buy some new toys for struck out?" So begins the Dixie Chicks' hit say in almost exact duplication of each oth- the hospital for the kids to enjoy while they're oJUpcoming song, "Wide Open Spaces," an anthem for ers' comments, is to "see what we see, and there." following one's dreams. Two WMC students meet new, different people." Sorensen noted that her relationship with cilftura[ events will be expressing the spirit of this song as Added Sharkey, "it's about nature, and the Sharkey has been characterized by their mu- . they journey cross-country with nothing but excitement of doing something different, see- tual thrill-seeking. "Our backgrounds give us 'Ifiursaag, !Marc/i 29 bicycles and campgear. ing cool different places, new people .... what- the urge to live every day - why not do the The great outdoors. The unknown. The things you can while you can? And we Tarot Card !JWu{ road less traveled. These will be home to really enjoy the outdoor, adventure-type juniors Steve Sharkey and Shelley stuff that makes people say 'wow, cool 12:00-12:30 pm, 'Ensor Sorensen starting on or about May 20, idea ... I wish I could just up and do that. '" when they will embark from Ocean City, One of the first things the couple Lounge Maryland on a fifty-day biking trip de- ever did, in fact, was a complete surprise signed to provide new sights and faces for to Sorensen. "Steve told me to be ready them, and a windfall for Johns Hopkins at a certain time, with a bathing suit, a :rrUfay, !Marc/i30 Children's Center. towel, shoes, land a few other "Steve and f like doing crazy adven- M01Jie: "!l(emem6ertIie ture stuff," explained Sorensen, "espe- cially when it's outside. So we were think- 'litans" ~:~t:::et~~~"r~a~n,d~.~I~~i!c~,' ~~~ti;;'~'':; The one taking place this summer 7:00&9:30 pm, Jlill,!l(m will be the most intense of any they've dame a reality. We've been planning it done, though, as both expressed. Sharkey since September." and Sorensen will be biking by day, stop- m'J Sharkey, who is currently president of ping mainly to eat along the way and the WMC Student Government Associa- sleep by night in tents they'll carry with tion, added, "Shelly's really done all the COURTESY them and set up in the parks they've de- '1fiursaay, 'J!Lprif5 organizing and everything ... f guess J got Shelley and Steve posejor the camera on one oj termined to stop in. the idea, but mainly because I saw some- their many outings together: . "It'll be great," commented PIigsica[ Comeaian one else doing it, and I thought, 'hey, that's ever we come across is what I want to see." Sorensen exuberantly, "I want to see the coo!.'" The charitable portion of the endeavor, beautiful sights, to see, talk to all types of !JIarfeg 9{fwman To do more with their trip than simply once the rest was decided, fell naturally into people. And we'll get to, because we'll be log 3000 miles, the couple has decided to place. "JHCC does a lot of good for kids," traveling through all sorts of regions - the 9:00pm, :Jorom solicit sponsorship, to raise funding for commented Sorensen of the institution's richest and the poorest. It'll be fascinating JHCC. Said Sorensen, "we don't want this reputation. "It sucks to be in the hospital, es- to see different regions," and all the more just to be us biking. We want this to be a pecially when you're a kid. And we definitely gratifying to do so for a great cause. community thing. So, we're getting dona- wanted to do something for children. So we Both Sorensen and Sharkey encourage tions, like sponsorships, from organizations went there, and toured the hospital, and we any members of the WMC community in- ranging from small businesses to large cor- were completely impressed." terested in getting involved with their Cross- porations." Of the latter, she said, "we have The funds raised, mainly flat donations Country trip to raise money for JHCC to about three who are interested in sponsor- by those who' choose to support the effort, please contact either of them.
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