Page 109 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, March 1,5,2001 - Page 5 Panelists stfll frying to figure out what went on in election JESSICA FITZGERALD the machine and clogged it. Willis came to the discussion Staff Writer Chester spoke out against armed with facts and data, show- fairly inaccurate, leading to much jurisdictions. Republicans and Democrats punch out ballots on the basis that ing a Power Point presentation ~~~~~a~onfusionin ,- = Noting met in McDanielLounge to discuss they are iriaccurare. machines will entitled "The 2000 Presidential The audience that African- the all-consuming topic of this past not count a vote made with a punch Election:The ClassicAmerican Di- also raised ques- Americans are November--the 2000 Presidential out ballot if the chad is not fully vide Revisited." tions about the st atis ticall y Election in Florida on Wednesday, detached from the ballot. In this presentation, Willis out- treatment of black predominately February 28. Because of this, Chester advo- lined the accuracy of different vot- voters in Florida. Democrats, In a panel discussion entitled, cated the hand recounts, citing a ing methods. Chester said Igoe said, "That Was the ~•• III!IIIIIII•• 11Florida lawthat re- According to his data, 10% of that, while he fol- "Why would Election That quires manual re- Florida votes were no votes-that lowed the argu- Democrats Was: Florida counts if the num- is, votes that machines simply did ments made by want to disen- and the Future berofrejectedbal- not count. (he NAACP on po- franchise of Presidential lots is significant "To me, that's an outrage," lice blockades in blacks?" Senior Elections," enough to make a Willis said. front of votingsites, Alison Kleiner, Maryland Sec- difference in elec- John Willis 8RAD WIDNER Willis said that, in the 19Mary- retary of State tion resutts. landjurisdictions that.use the opti- the majorityof complaints he heard a political scienceihistory dual ma- were jor, felt that the confusion sur- from African-Americans John Willis, Re- Igoe, on the publican cam- other hand, was cal scan ballots, ballots which are about the design of t~e ballots. rounding the Florida election lay paign not as supportive con sui tan t of the manualre- ~:r~~te~oSi~i~ ,----:-::;;;;;;;;::--- hav:~;~~:~ ~~~~~ ~e~rea~~~t;~:h;:~~!~l~:~~~~~~ he said, saying that ners. S can t ron Kevin Igoe, and counts, even "I don't think it should be Democratic Kevin lgoe though he had method used voting errors were called, in any way, by the media on tests such as made by blacks in attorney and political activist personally participated in them. the SATs-the Miami-Dade, Jew- before the polls close," said." Charles Chester debated the cause "You cannot take a system de- ish people in Palm af the confusion in Florida during signed for automated voting, insert "no votes" is Beach, and many last election. humanbeings, and recount 500,000 much lower. other voters of vari- For Chester, the cause of the ballots," he said. In fact, in confusion lay in the design of the While participating in the re- 1996, Mary- ous ethnic and reli- " Anyone could gious groups. ballots used. counts, Igoe said that he saw piles land had an have screwed it As lead council in a butterfly- of ballots that were supposed to be overall no-vote Igoe argued that ballotcase, he heardaffidavitsfrom solely Bush ballots, with Gore bal- of only 2.04, it was unlikely that up." blacks were dis- voters who said that the chad on lots mixed in. said Willis. Charkes Chester criminated against because most of WIDNER BRAD their ballot would not punch Igoe said that this sort of mix- All the panelists agreed that the blacks that testified in court on through simply because, over the up was not fraud, but simply hu- new voting systems were needed, the basis of discrimination were - Charles Chester years, chads had backed up inside and thatthe punchcard ballots were from predominately Democratic Foxjustifies the actions of his country and defends recent insinuations Missed the show?0,,,,, Here~s continued from page J give [peace] a try, there is no other DefenseForce and theirobjectives. some photos from Skid Row~ choice," Fox responded. "What we are dealing with is Cbristianna Nichols Leahy. as- terrible," he said "and we are ready sociate professor of political sci- to give 96% of our territory back ence, also questioned Israel's in- to Palestine." tentions, as she read a report on al- President Joan Develin Coley, legations of Israelis torturing and who also introduced Moshe Fox, killing innocent Palestinians. concluded the evening by thanking "Those insinuations are com- everyone for corning to talk about pletely false," Fox answered, "we such sensitive issues. are in a state of war and every war Fox replied to one lastquestion, manual I know of doesn't suggest and finally stating that the Israeli that you should wait for your en- Defense Force is there "only to kill emy 10come out and kill you." terrorists that have one purpose _ More questions, pondering Is- to spread havoc and [the Israelis] raeli intentions were asked of Fox are not going to have it." who continued to defend the Israeli Do you want to know what's going , on around campus before anyone else does? Why not write for the Phoenix? Meetings are held Mondays at 6:30 pm in the new Phoenix office, which is near the Rouzer laundry room. Call x 8600 for more information. "What is that you said Audrey 2? More blood .. ?"
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