Page 106 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday. March 15. 20(H - Page 2 SGA discusses manyaoplcs including enrollment, h~uslng KATHERINE STRONG Coley and Sam Case, provost. tern appears confusing, and was not "grand-' ter tower. .f I 1 StaffWriler '''1 think that we know' what questions fathered" in, meaning that some student Aside-from more serious-issues however, [are going] to (be) asked, and we are pre- grades are split between the 4.0 and 4.3 the SGA has also focused on. campus enter- The Student Government Assembly has pared to answer them," said Kelly. scales, depending on their class standing. tainment. spent the opening_ of the spring semester at- The Student Bill of Rights is one of the The SGA is continuing to look into the Jen Flannery, president of the class of tempting to finish numerous legislative is- many topics that the SGA discussed at the new system so that it can provide students _ 2004, has been attempting to lind a band to sues, including the Student Bill of Rights. . Open Forum 'on Tuesday, March 13,2001. with answers, and a way to understand the play on campus for later this spring. Geor- safety problems on campus, and the proposed After what Steve Sharkey, president of new scale. gta Avenue, whose members come from Admissions Cap. the SO A, considered to be a successful Fo- The SGA has also been attempting to James Madison University and Bridgewater Jeremiah Kelly, president of the Class of rum in the fall, the members of the SGA make student life better by promoting safety College. 2001, recalls the-advent of the Student Bill looked forward to another chance to discuss around campus. The band describes it's sound as " ... an of Rights during the 1998-1999 school year. some of the issues with the student body it- Plans for more lights on the road that runs acoustic rock band with an emphasis on hav- Now, two years later, he is attempting to en- self. behind the Pennsylvania Avenue houses and ing a good time." sure'hlat students know their rights, having Another important issue on the agenda the water tower are being implemented, and The SGA meets Tuesdays at 8 pm in been made aware of them in the Student for the evening was the proposed Admissions Sharkey hopes that they will be in by the end Decker Auditorium, and students are always Guide and Date Book. Cap. of the semester. The exact timing for their welcomed to come and have their voice Originally the Student Bill of Rights was The admissions cap proposes that all fac- installation is still unknown. heard. a separate document that the SGA had pro- ets of the campus, from administration to There are also plans for vending machines posed be given to the students. However now students, should be involved in a possible in Hill Hall, and reworking the SGA web site they are looking to include it in The Student increase in enrollment. so that information about people, events, and Guide and DateBook to ensure that students The SOA has allowed students to express contacts is more accessible. Newsflash: are given the information. their views on this issue through writing Jamin Bartolomeo, president of the class Perhaps the most important and contro- down statements on a poster placed in of 2003, and the Public Relations Commit- Sophomore Erin Collins was versial issue on the bill states that resident Decker Center and polling students outside tee have been busy placing more Honor Code appointed treasurer at the end assistants are required to provide a student ofGlar. pledge statements in classrooms around cam- of last semester. with a written "ticket" that clearly defines Sentiments included that students would pus. the violation that occurred. like to keep Western Maryland College Additionally Bartolomeo has formed a Sophomore Staci George was However, at the Open Forum earlier this small, and the apparent overcrowding up- committee of other SGA members to partake year some RA's expressed concerns, particu- sets them. in the planning of new housing options that recently appointed to a larly that they did not have the power to do There is still widespread concern over the will be built in the near future. - representative position of the this as violations and punishments are de- newly implemented plus/minus system. This This committee is working with the Board Class of 2003. cided by the Residence Life Coordinator. was implemented last semester and put all of Trustee Building and Grounds Commit- Kelly expressed a feeling of readiness as WMC students on a4.3 scale rather than the tee to determine what sort of housing WMC he and other members of the SGA discussed familiar 4.0. will benefit from. Freshman Julie Ogrysko was their presentation of The Student Bill of One SGA member explained, that while A recent Phoenix article reported that they appointed as a representative Rights planned for Friday, March 9, 2001 in the plus/minus system had been something were leaning toward a mini village of small of the Class of 2004. a round table discussion with President the students voted on six years ago, the sys- low-rise buildings in the vicinity of the wa- ........ _-LJl.Qc..Jl.Qb.i.:n..a£fPn the CQLI.I:£lIu! that a sexuaL attack is not your fault continued from page J him a ride home. When they got there, he to envision a dark alley or a park lateatnight If the incident took place on carpet or fortable with. invited her upstairs for 'a cup of coffee. He where a nameless attacker perpetrates and ground, you should try to remember where it Not contained in the kit is one important later raped her. then flees. However, of the three types of happened so police can scrape evidence. message, "You must remember that this is But this time, she was not going to let rape (incestuous, acquaintance, and ran- The next step would be to contact a rape not your fault," said "Doc Robin". her attacker get away with the crime done to dom), acquaintance rape is the one that oc- crisis center and obtain a rape kit. For more information on rape and "sur- her body. curs most. With this type of rape, one tends "That box will give you some of your vival" after a sexual attack, the Rape Crisis He is now injail for rape because she had know their attacker well, and avoiding this power back," said DQ_cRobin. Intervention Service of Carroll County, Inc gotten the courage to tell. person in a public setting like acollege cam- Although it is recommended that the vic- is ready to be there for you. "Doc Robin" went over some astound- pus becomes a difficult endeavor. tim do all thirteen steps of the kit, one can The phone number is (410) 857- 7322. ing statistics. She said that 550.000 women In a new scenario, "Doc Robin" and Sam chose to do only those parts they are com- had reported being raped or sexually as- Gordon were classmates at a college party saulted in 2000. on a Saturday night. When: Aprilll. 2001 re:: =i~:~:;: :res~;~;~s~~~. ~:~ wer:~!~; ~hoer!~~~e:~:ert:~;::; :~~ ~~:~ Where: We$temMD ColI~ this was not a world statistic; it was the fig- decided to ditch the party. Westnlnster,MD ures~~:~e~!' t~~nee~ertain trends that go acti'~~~~ ~~:i~~!~~~~:r:e:o~~:~~:::~ TIme: R~stntion starts at 8AM 1 "" with most cases of sexual assault and rape. you are not thinking. you are sinking." Racebe:J"nsat 9 AM She said that most cases involve alcohol and From alcohol, the discussion then went Registration: $10before AprilIS also that most occur on payday. to date rape drugs. The audience got off to a RegistntiooForm AdditionalJy, most cases of men being slow start, naming Roofies, Ecstasy, and "K" $IS afterApril IS.nil on'Race Day J\lame: _ ...raped occurs by other men during gang rapes, as the typical date rape drugs. she said. Doc Robin also added GHB (ahorserran-. AllreptreredrunnenI i"leat'lhirtllldother Senior Sam Gordon volunteeredto beanovquifizer). alcohol, Nightquil , Tylenol, pdlu! foodwillbeproYided. Fordlr!ctionstof--------II attacker as ':Doc.Rebin" demonstrated what Benadryl, and basically every other drug that ther.ollfp.JO to "':!~~=:~~~~:~;:~~~i~d~~~:~n~:~!~~S~:~~~;~i:~~~~~~~n:~~:~;..L_--•..:..-U1-_.;;'...::"-.-......:I' :;;~~[w~m= "",.... _Is!lXLdy.l$SIIIttd.lnthaltlme,JIIU Sophomore Kate O'Neal said that she had When such a violation to yourbodyoc-""'1ll'1'OmMal A.._..L."L_· pen for ,...... .... _'--'-1IId _ ...... been instructed to "hurt them with your Jegs, curs, whether it be from a stranger in dark «ddllfsl.erfortl'oe2OCrbcelor~5K nleO'!'61lltnlshers,uwdlastothelOptwomen kick them in the groin, and scratch his shin alley or a trusted friend in their donn room, iIIId help 10 e!Io:!n!Il fI'Wb1 tJ*Ienic of alldWOlTlfllIn eacho(fivt I('!catepies: with the heel [of your shoe]." the first thing you will want to do is shower. WlIerocehAnwb. ~ 18andunder ,I 1,.25 26-36 Others chimed in by suggesting scratch- Don 't~ "Doc Robin" advised. 37-50 51tndover - ing the attackers-with your keys, pinching The next thing you will want to do is RANlIsI~~fIn!er:I Formoll\yrnent: and biting, and head butting them. change your cJothes--again, something she """'......"'''''''''' ...... wh ... The only suggestion that "Doc Robin" said one should not do. ~prO'I'IdeIll+hN.toI-.freet-.othfor 'PINse_dJedsOCllIDW$&'JIMD said would most likely not make your ar- Doc Robin says that the first thing you ~ 01 sexuII ThIs orpmdon CalereAddriMcll4orNrlbll1l!1I'tkomeJ tacker angrier and cause his adrenaline to should do is call someone to come and be Uo'UldlIoaI.aillscmnltOLllldtl'oe 50% of the proceeds will ~,.,....MJMIonP.aceOay.youwlbe rush would be to urinate, vomit, or have a with you. She also stressed that you carry a U1 lIb!IlOlplpemla\orlfwmthidlncblell bowel movement. Although she has' heard cellular phone at all times. benefit the WesIminster Rape wahtrrJltilit}'lorWl1C.fJIIUn_ that these three things-have deterred an at- If removal of clothes is necessary, Doc s.:utUiltIktlIuHhcbof1housar.dlof l8,youneed Ir-rent'tpmnlsslon! My tack, she is unsure of the exact statistic or Robin emphasized that all clothing is placed peopIetlCh.,...OnehMf'jtwo11pe'l'lml Crisis Center and 50% will go questIorlIanbe1hctecl1O percentage. . in a paper bag, as plastic bags can smear evi- ulU11detthe.rJl8,andor.edlNrit'frb:~ 8ei'Ie0803@f.oI.comor(410)151-811-tktfor When one hears the word rape, they tend dence. :.'tderll.WhI!anyou60lOhelp! direaJ to RAINN. StepIlarue! Wt1l1!1!youonbCIDl~
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