Page 105 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 105
Israel's Moshe Fox stresses the need for peace acuity The discussion period held af- iscuss an JACKIE LEAZER Fox said, referring es- not by bullets," Fox said. StajJWriter pecially to current threats from Iraq to- ter Fox's speech started off slow, The issue of peace in the ward Israel, Kuwait, beginning with Phil Sayre, vice MiddleEast was brought directly and the US, "the US president of Student Affairs, ask- nwritten to WMC when Moshe Fox, Min- support for Israel is ing to compare relations between ister of Public Affairs at the Em- critical." Israel and the US during the bassy of Israel, Washington, With Israel's new Clinton administration and Bush's. olicy D.C., spoke at the 2nd Annual prime minister-elect, Fox responded, saying that Israeli Resnick Lecture March 7 in Ariel Sharon, even ambassadors do not want to con- JENKINSON McDaniel Lounge. more movements have tinue with previous administration MIK}: SlajJWriler Speaking on the ongoing been made for peace, policies and are currently working Middle East conflicts between but Fox believes these on new guidelines, but so far Bush Unbeknownst to most of the Israel and Palestine, Fox con- efforts may prove to be has said nothing but positivethings faculty and student body of jured strong opinions within the futile. Palestinian regarding Israeli relations. WMC. voice mails on campus crowd, sparking a host of con- leader Yasser Arafat Questions soon became more phones and messageson campus troversial questions from the au- has visited the US controversial,as an audiencemem- e-mail are not private properly dience during the discussion pe- more than any foreign ber asked how Israel can attempt for either students or faculty at riod. . leader for peace talks Due 10 the new administration in Israel, Moshe to make peace with the Palestin- WMC. Ina recent statement, accord- but he has never Fox, the Israeli Minister of Public Affairs spoke in ians, when Arafat has made no se- ing to Fox, President George W. made any effort place of Israeli Ambassador David lvry for the crets of his hatred and ultimate Bush statedthat the"US commit- toward improving 2nd Annual Resnick Lecture at WMC. goal of Israel's destruction. ment to Israel is [rock solid]." the situation, Fox said. tant choice and a step toward pro- "We are not in a position to "It is a great comfort to have Fox is also confident that the gression by electing Sharon. choose our enemies, we should the United States on our side," Israeli people made an impcr- "He was selected by ballots and continued on page 5 Doc Robin discusses rape and sexual assault ied sexual abuse and rape, she has STACI L. GEORGE Alcohol Syndrome, no musclecon- luck had changed. She was a jun- News Eduor experienced it time after time be- trol,deaf, blind in her righteye, and ior in high school when another ginning at a young age. her parents were told that she high school studentasked herto go Survive-This seven-letter This was not one of those pre- would never be better-that they out on a date. But it was not a din- word is the only thing you have sentations where the lecturer stays should just go ahead and institu- ner and a movie sort of night. to do during a rape or attempted at a podium and the audienceis five tionalize her. Instead,he and two friends took sexual attack. feet away,but rather a presentation She was institutionalized for a her and sexually assaulted her for This was onlyone of the mes- where ""Doc Robin" walked while, but released when doctors two hours and then drove back to sages that Robin Blake, a na- around the room and was ,:,ery said that she did not need to be the school parking lot. They tional lecturer on rape, drug and much in one's face. there, but would be better off at pushed her out of the car and sped alcohol prevention, and self- es- "It was a format that I liked. I home. away. teem, discussed with the attend- thought it was engaging how she But she was not; she was sexu- Naturally, she thought it was ees of the her hour and half pre- got people involved in a topic that ally abused at a very young age. her fault. sentation on March 2 in Hill 108. is not regularly discussed each Growing up, she said, she had Years later, she was in Chicago Sophomore Stephanie day," said senior Tom Macurek no self-esteem. "No one ever told when she saw a priest walking Knight, introduced the night's She introduced herself and ex- me I was pretty ...1 had glasses, alongside the road. Thinking noth- subject by reading a poem by plained how she had been an un- braces on my legs, and a hearing ing would happen because he was Erin Bash that discussed the pain wanted pregnancy; her mother had aid," she said. a man of the church, she offered she felt as a result of sexual an affair withher husband's cousin. . Then, one day, she thought her continued on page 2 abuse. abortion but it was not successful. What was upsetting Her mother had tried to have an "Doc Robin", as she prefers cobecalled, has not simply stud- Doc Robin was born with Fetal student's stomachs? InSide MATnlEW MCGOWAN of WMC students to go to the Emergency Room at Carroll StajJWriter In recent weeks, the WMC County General Hospital. community has been suffering the A handful of students found manda Nederkom describes the effects of a stomach virus and not their way to the hospital that Sat- eluctance of the press to let Presi- food poisoning as a rumor sug- urday morning, amid confusion as ent Clinton go and focus more on gested. to what was afflicting them. he current president. Such a stomach virus leaves its Forseveral days thereafter, stu- victims with "intense abdominal dents wondered whether the odd Where would WMC students pain, inability to hold down any illness going around was the result spend their dream spring break? food or liquid, including water,diz- of a stomach bu-gor poorly pre- ziness, and fatigue, probably from pared food in the Pub. I~::~~~;~l~~~i'~l~~r(l~~~l.d,stu- dehydration," according to Michael Sodexho, the management of Baker, a Rouzer RA who fell ill the Pub, declined to comment, around the February 25, on which however Tile Medical Advisor. a date he bece-ecthe first of a string large easy-to use home medical continued on page 3
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