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Thursday, November 18, 1999 - Page 4 NEWS SGA in brief Class of 2000 -If freshmen have any questions they can Cameras in the lab for safety not surveillance -Senior Class Gift reach Jamin Bartolomeo, ext. 8421, continued from page 1 -Senior Week Events Stephanie Knight, ext. 8171, Erin Collins, wanted to do something illegal on the com- Recalling an incident in which a student -Fundraising Ideas ext. 8527, or Staci George, ext. 8530. puter. was expelled last year, Sayre noted that the -Semor T-shirts will be sold as a class fund- Freshmen can also email Mathews is more concerned the someone video tapes can be used for cases involving raiser one from off campus may jeopardize the sys- the Honor and Conduct Board. However, ol00-Day Party for seniors is on Feb. [1, tem, but she understands that students are tapes can only be retrieved a few days after 2000 How can you get involved? naturally curious to know about the system. an incident happen. The tapes are erased on -The next senior class meeting will be an- According to Scott Kane, assistant dean If you take interest in what is going on a regular cycle. nounced next semester. around campus, join us at one of these of Student Affairs and director of Residence Mathews emphasized that the system is -If seniors have any questions they can call meetings to voice your opinion: Life, students should almost expect thesur- not like a department store's system, saying Kelly Dunnavant, ext. 80 I0, Kristen Fraser, «Public Relations Committee - (Meetings veillance, considering that they go to a school cameras are used to record possible incidents. ext. 8619, Wally Santillo, ext. 8300, or for students' the tapes to Kuger, Chris South, ext. 8012, or send email to - Mondays at 8:00 pm in the SGA office) which is concerned anybody would safety. be sur- According "if anything happens." are only "I don't viewed Chair: Jamin Bartolomeo think Committee -Acadermc Committee - (Meetings - Mon- prised by [the cameras]," Kane said. "[The cameras} give Campus Safety days at 9:00 pm in the Pub) Committee According to Sayre, the cameras are something else to work with if there is an Class of 2001 Chair: Steve Sharkey monitored by the department of Campus incident," said Mathews, adding that she -Class 'It-shirt sale starts November 15 -Campus Life Committee - (Meetings _ Safety, however, Mike Webster, director of feels more secure with the system in place. ·50/50 Raffle - will be held at home play- Mondays a19:oo pm in the Pub) Commit- Campus Safety, would not comment on the off game tee Chair: Jeremiah Kelly subject. ·December Class Meeting - Stay Tuned! ·Social Committee - (Meetings - Thursdays -Ctass Award - given to a member of the at 7:00 pm on the first floor of Hill) Com- Campus Safety Blotter class who has contributed to the WMC mittee Chair: Kelly Dunnavant community and his/her class. -On 10/27 at 12:40 am DoCS documented ·If any juniors have problems, they can And just so you know ... intimidation of an individual in Whiteford did not render treatment. contact Jeremiah Kelly and Matt Burger, -The ride board is up and available for all Hall. -On 11/2 af 2:07 pm DoCS documented a ext. 8114, Amanda Cline, ext. 8236, or students. a fire alarm report from Daniel MacLea. Sarah Mitchell, ext. 8216, or send email to -Don't forget the Honor Code. Always sign -On 10/27 at 7:50 am DoCS documented -On 11/3 at 10:23 am DoCS documented the pledge on your work. hit and run accident in the Garden Apart- the use of controlled dangerous substances ments parking lot. in Rouzer Hall. -An Organizational Representative meet- -On 10127 at 1:00 pm DoCS documented Class of 2002 ing will be held on Nov. 18 in Hill HaJJ defacement in Albert Norman Ward. -On 11/3 at 3:57 pm DoCS responded toa ·Class shins will be sold on November 16 108 at 8 pm. -On 10/27 at 3:47 pm DoCS documented call from Whiteford Hall but did not ren- dertreatment. and 18 in front of GlAR. long sleeve T- -Recycling - for new procedures, keep on stealing in McDaniel Hall. -On J 1/4 at 6:04 am DoCS documented the shirts are being sold for $13.00, and short the lookout. -On 10129 at 5:35 pm DoCS documented use of controlled dangerous substances in sleeve T-shirts are bejng sold for $10.00. -The use of SGA Texas markers is free to an excessive parking violation in Peterson the Rouzer parking lot. ·A sophomore open class meeting will be all campus organizations. Please call Dana lower parking lot. -On I J 14 at I: 14 pm DoCS documented a held on November 17 at 8:00 pm in the Jacobson, ext. 8264, for reservations. -On 10/29 at 8:25 pm DoCS responded to low velocity impact/vehicle accident in basement of Hill Hall. • SGA has helped to enforced the 20 to 22 a call from Decker Student Center for trans- Winslow fire lane. -lf any sophomores have any concerns, credit system. Students can now take 22 port only. -On 11/4ali :52 pm DoCS documented un- they can reach Steve Sharkey, ext. 8646, credits without paying extra money. -On 10129 at 2:43 pm DoCS documented Christy Dotson, ext. 8369, Maya Redfearn, -Ethernet will be in the WMC dorms within damaging on PElC lane. authorized access in Englar Dining Hall. documented
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