Page 42 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 42
Thursday, November 4, 1999 ~ Page 2 NEWS Changes improve Club college email Continued/rampage I explores planned on making the switch from ns l to opus during fall break so there would be no gender inconvenience for students, but the origi- nal hardware was believed to have been sto- len off a UPS truck. Gender issues added to So, installation had to be pushed back. Preparation for the switch began a week diversity talks before installation occurred. "Maxine and network STACI GWRGE programmer for Information Services, and SwjfWr;te, Wallace Newsome, programmer/analyst for Ten WMC women have united to Information Services, did so much work in the women's issues group. Pres- form preparation, the switch on Sunday went ently, they are not sure if it is a student smoothly," said Mathews. "They had to pre- organization or a student planning com- pare to move more than 3,000 accounts." mittee for Women's History Month. The Now that the change has been made, stu- dents can enjoy a faster machine and in- group gathers 309. each Tuesday at 6:30 pm in Elderdice creased disk space. Last semester, Eric Brind'amour Earlier, there had been problems in both Junior Eric Brind'amour logs on to the new email system which promises more space and of these areas. Jaster responses. The new system, called opus, was installed on October 24. talked to Grace Almandrez about form- ing a discussion group that focused on "On ns I, each student only had two general is that students did not feel Informa- and other students feel they should have been women's issues. Due to the fast-paced megabytes of disk space," said Mathews. tion Services gave them enough information told prior to the switch. "Now each student has an increased disk on the new server and many were confused Also, Mathews wants to remind students spring semester, as well as a few other it was not ideal to begin a new factors, quota of ten megabytes which allows more when they tried to log-on for the first time. that they do not need to use the word opus in group at that time. files to come through." "[The new server] seems okay, but it's their email address. Now that the group has assembled, However, Lubomir Ondercin, a lab as- confusing to students," said Anne Butler, a It should remain as follows: user they have begun 10 address matters such sistant in Hoover Library, says he doesn't junior communication major. "Students are as date rape and health issues. They are see much of a difference in the new server. getting confused because it looks different The outlook for a web-based email pro- hoping to get more student involvement, "It may seem a little faster but not and choosing a new password was difficult." gram looks bright, according to Mathews. both women and men. much," said Ondercin. "But it is good that Mathews did agree that the security for Right now students are still using pine Presently,the group is planning acof- there is more disk space now, and students opus, which includes passwords, is a lot and facing difficulties like being unable to fee house for early December. Entitled can receive bigger files with pictures and stricter than ns I. send attachments or receive them. "Celebrating WMC Women," this other things," "An English word, if it is found in the "We know this sort of thing is important evening of singing, poetry, and acting, is "I could tell there had been a switch dictionary, is not acceptable for a password, to the students," said Mathews. "We're not to be held in the DMC basement, but the because I had to change my password," said even if it's backwards," said Mathews. "I sure when the change will happen, but it will exact date and time has not been decided. Stacey Starleper, a math and music educa- suggest students take a: word at least six char- be soon." Originally scheduled for last month, tion major. "But I haven't noticed anything acters long and stick numbers in between the For now, students will have to be satis- the coffee house was canceled due to lack drastic." letters." fied with pine and their new server, opus. of female performers, but with plans to Another criticism of the new system in This is the type of Information Ondercin publicize more, the group anticipates a President Chambers reflects on his personal accomplishments strong number of performers. Anyone is allowed to perform at the Continued/rom page 1 erage tenure for a college president in the .a pleasure." His attention to the aesthetics of American college in Budapest, Hungary, and coffee house, as well as attend the night's can performers Interested excitement. United States is six to seven years. the campus is widely known. spearheading the college's first major contact Grace Almandrez at extension He, however, is one of the longest sit- But it is surprising that he enjoys the pres- fundraising effort, have made WMC more 791 (410 857-2791 off campus). ting presidents of all private four-year col- sure and politics that his job 'entails. He distinctive, Another project in the works is the leges in Maryland. spends a great deal of time in Annapol is deal- Yet, Chambers still equates much of this planning of Women's History Month In addition, he is only the seventh presi- ing with state government issues and is a success to the people he works with. The which will be celebrated in March. One dent to preside at WMC. member of various boards and associations, moments of recognition which have meant of the group's active members, Amanda "At some point, Idecided, while walk- such as the Maryland Independent College the most to him are more personal than the Cline, is arranging for a guest speaker to ing across this campus, that this is the best and University Association and the Commis- grand achievements in fundraisingand build- come to WMC. Barbara Chester, a pro- job I could have," said Chambers, who sion on Higher Education's Middle States As- ing construction that he will most likely be fessor from the University of Miami in added, "each year has confinned two opin- sociation. remembered for. Ohio, will speak about the history of ions: working in higher education is the best Unfortunately, those activities keep him "I was made part of the community," said women in America. and getting this job was the luckiest move away from the school about which he is so Chambers while pointing to an elaborate Another festivity of Women's History of my career." passionate. document hung prominently on his office Month will be the "Phenomenal Woman" Although Chambers says there is noth- "All of these things take time, but Ienjoy wall declaring him "Honorary Alumnus - contest, where students and staff nom i- ing he especially dislikes about his job, he doing them," he said. 1994." nate phenomenal women they admire. admits that there are "frustrations inherent" However, when boisterous laughter sud- "There are just too many rewards in Twenty of these women will be recog- to the position. denly erupts from the conference room ad- teaching to give it up," he said of another nized at a formal luncheon. "It's hard to organize your schedule in a joining his office, interrupting the interview, one of his favorite personal accomplish- The group has three long-term goals: rational way," he said, admitting that, while Chambers turns and says, "Do you see that? ments. He has taught a class every semester to form a student run women's resource he has been an avid runner for over 32 years, I like that. That is how a college should be," for admittedly "selfish reasons" since he was center, to strengthen the women's stud- he often goes running just to "have the op- making it clear that it is the people he works a graduate student. "It keeps me in {ouch with ies minor, and to have the heritage se- portunity to be alone." with who really make his job worthwhile. at least a small group of students." quence include women and other heri- He also finds it hard to tell people 'no.' His highest priority has been to "bring to However, one of his greatest personal tages of the United States. "Everyone wants something, but there's the college the best possible people at every moments came at the recent Founders Soci- The group's advisor, Grace Alman- only so much you can do." level.. .. We've been very lucky. You won't ety Dinner where the Board of Trustees sur- drez, director of Multicultural Services Chambers, who equates his job to being find another college with people like this," prised him with the presentation of a Presi- believes that gender embodies a culture the mayor of a small city, says there are he said. "We've got the best," dential Endowment Fund in his name. of its own. many reasons he loves his job - and not all Other accomplishments which Chambers "That was a big moment for me," said "My main purpose for starting this of them are the obvious ones. is particularly proud of include the "extraor- Chambers who admits that the honor was group is to broaden the definition of It is no surprise that a man with such dinary changes in the look and feel of the totally unexpected. multiculturalism; that it is not just race eclectic taste - his office contains everything campus," the WMC-Budapest program, and UltimatelycCharnhers summarizes his and ethnicity but also gender. It's very from African and Asian art to college the $40 million Defining Moment Capital success at WMC in several words: chemis- broad and encompasses a lot. The diver- memorabilia to a collection of kitschy cof- Campaign. try. the right mix of people and place, mo- sity isn't just for students of color but for fee mugs - would enjoy a job that allows "I view it as part of my job to make this mentum, the sense of movement "onward the whole community. It's a value on this him to do "a little bit of everything." In a college stand out from the rest," says Cham- and upward," and disti~ctiveness, campus," she said. single day he might act as teacher, lour. bers. . When asked about his legacy, he simply Again, this group welcomes all WMC guide, and lobbyist. He believes that overseeing Hoover U- states, "I want it to be saidwhen I leave here men and women to their 6:30 pm meet- Nor is it a secret that he simply "enjoys brary. the science Center. the .addition to Le- that everything 1 had a hand in helped im- ings every Tuesday. the place," or finds-that, "just being here is vine Hall/ali well-as elitablishing the first prove the place." ~"'O" •• , •••••• - •• , l'_'_r.::",.::.. ::::ch;.:~;"'~":.t;;:.:,;:::;t.:;.:.:::::;...__
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