Page 44 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, November 4, 1999 - Page 4 NEWS Students push for class on race relations Campus Safety Blotter Continued from page J As of yet, there has been no official des- grate diversity into the student body and aca- -On 10/14 at II :00 am DoCS documented damage to property at Decker Student Cen- ignation for which department will house the demic life. disorderly conduct at Blanche Ward Hall. ter. study. This issue will be resolved after a pro- The faculty was a crucial element in the -On 10114 at 9:00 pm DoCS documented -On 10118 at 9:33 am DoCS reported a ve- posed meeting with various faculty members. execution of the course. "This really would damage to property at Rouzer Hall. hicle was towed from Rouzer Parking Lot The purpose of the meeting is to finalize not have happened without the support of the -On 10/15 at 5:00 pm DoCS documented because of excessive parking violations. the last steps of the program and to find in- faculty," states Cline. stealing at Rouzer Hall. • On 10119 at 1:03 am DoCS documented terested faculty to teach the course. The four students presented their proposal -On 10/15 at 10:36 pm DoCS documented damage to property at the Golf Course. Currently, Dr. Debra Lemke and Dr. Vera for the "call to community" study groups to intimidation of an individual at Albert Nor- -On 10120 at 11:40 am DoCS documented Jakoby have expressed an interest in partici- (he committee. man Ward Hall. damage to property at Decker Student Cen- pating. It then went [Q the Faculty Committee -o» 10116 at 9:14 am DoCS ~_ _ This class serves as a way for WMC stu- where it subsequently died. dents to exhibit their desire to address diver- However, during this semester, Reiff, sity issues on campus. who also sits on the Diversity Task Force, "As an institution, we have made a com- became involved. mitment to become a more diverse institu- Originally, the idea of a voluntary club tion. And that decision starts from the Board or organization was discussed, but the insti- down," states Dean Henry Reiff, an admin- tutional backing of an independent study istration member who has become involved made it more likely to be taken seriously. with this study. "If we think diversity is important, we The evolution of the class stems as early should be willing to offer credit for students as November 1998. During the Candlelight who are willing to approach it at an academic Vigil held last year, John Springer, of the slant. It gives more .of an incentive to join Interfaith Action for Racial Justice Inc. spoke study circles," argues Reiff. of the need for WMC to have "acall to com- Reiff is optimistic that the proposed in- munity." dependent study will get through the final After being inspired by the class "Preju- bureaucratic steps, but stresses that it is not dice & Power," a group of four students felt yet completed. compelled to get involved. Junior Amanda If the study proceeds, it would be offered Cline, seniors Raini and Rashmi Wright, and as an independent study for the Spring 2000 junior Jeanne Chamberlain began the pro- semester. It is not listed in the current class P cess. offerings, but an addendum would announce DoCS docu- Rashmi Wright believes In the new class. it to the campus. mented campus mented stealing "We need' it for diversity'S sake and for Though the first semester would undoubt- wide intimidation of at Gill Lane. people to be exposed to different cultures. It edly be considered a trial run to focus on fine an individual. • On 10/21 at 10:21 pm would help to expose students who come to tuning, it appears the class would be wel- -On [0/16at5:oopm DoCS re- DoCS rendered medical treat- college after being in the monoculrural back- comed on WMC. Cline said that "breaking sponded to a call but'did not render ment at the DoCS Office. ground;" she said. . down prejudices and building community" treatment because it was refused at -On 10122 at 4: 15 pm DoCS docu- President Robert Chambers previously are the goals of the program. PELC. mented harassment at Whiteford HaJJ established a Diversity Task Force which It is the hope of the students involved, as -On 10/16 at 8:00 pm DoCS documented -On 10/22 at 4: [5 pm DoCS documented a became important to the process. well as many others, that the millennium is damage to property at Garden Apartments. fire alarm report at Albert Norman Ward Hall This committee, which included Multi- marked by a true call to community for West- -On 10116 at 8:47 pm DoCS documented for unknown reasons. cultural DirectorGraceAlmandrez, Mr. Walt ern Maryland College students and a formal possession of a controlled substance at Rou- -On 10/22 at 5:00 pm DoCS documented Michael, Dr. Robin Armstrong, and other recognition that racism is a problem on cam- zer Hall. visible smoke in Whiteford HalJ. faculty and students, was designed to inte- pus. -On 10/16 at 1:05 am DoCS documented -On 10122 at 8:00 pm DoCS documented defacing property at Bair Stadium. -On 10122 atl l :30pm Ogle takes a breather for Smoke-Out. cal treatment at Rouzer DoCS rendered medi- Hall. -On 10123 at 2:04 am DoCS documented possession of alcohol at Rouzer Hall. When asked why he first started to combined. -On 10/23 at I 1:56 am DoCS documented SpeciallOthef'floellix smoke, he responded, "A lot of people were Now Ogle will use The Great Ameri- possession of fireworks at Harvey Stone Everyday Ernie Ogle makes a short trip doing it; I started to enjoy [smoking]; and can Smoke Out to find a healthier, smoke- Park. from his office in telecommunications to the eventually, I found it to be somewhat of it free lifestyle. "I've been requested by a ·On [0123 at 9:·26 pm DoCS documented an outside of Decker Center where he pulls out stress relief." doctor 10 quit anyhow. It's not going to be illegally parked car at Whiteford Parking Lot. a pack of "cigs" and lights up. With every Many other Americans have begun to in- easy but is something I have to try any- -On 10/23 at 11:30 pm DoCS documented inhale he grows more and more addicted, hale as Ogle did many years ago. According way," Ogle said. an alcohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. and with every drag, he becomes less likely So, what exactly is this Smoke Out ·On 10123 at II :00 am DoCS documented to quit. deal? stealing at Albert Norman Ward Hall. Ogle, like thousands of other Americans, On November 17, the day before the -On 10125 at I I: 16 am DoCS documented has been smoking the majority of his life Smoke Out, tables will be set up outside failure to comply at Pennsylvania Avenue. and finds it virtually impossible to kick the ofGlar and at Decker Center, manned with -On 10125 at 6:45 pm DoCS documented a habit. Well, Ogle's opportunity is here, and pledges, candy, and free 'It-shirts. fire alarm report at Garden Apartments. he has decided to quit for one day. On Nov. If you sign a pledge and trade in ciga- -On 10126 at 1:46 am DoCS rendered treat- 18, WMC will join the rest of (he United rettes, then you will receive a care pack- ment at the DoCS Office. States in The Great American Smoke but, age containing gum and mints helping you -On 10/26 at 3: 15 prn DoCS documented giving smokers an incentive to start their get through your day. theft at Winslow Center. long journey to a smoke-free life. In order to acquire a stylish and com- ·On 10126 at. 6:15 pm DoCS documented a Ogle has been a respected member of fortabl~ white long-sleeve T-shirt, you medical report for transport only from off the WMC community throughout his 29 must attend a gathering later that night in campus. years of employment. He has been smok- McDaniel Lounge. -On [0126 at 11:37 pm DoCS documented a ing cigarettes for the past 38 years, except There, three speakers will give their medical report for transport only from McDaniel Hull. ~~~t~ of nine months when he ~~;e:;t~~i~: that short time, two fellow em- ~;;{~~Z~::'};::!~~=:lo~:~i~:a;~,;;~~lJa:.e a ~~:~~ns~~~~~:~~X' o~~~r \~~:c:: ;::~ -On 10/27 at I :40 am DoCS documented SEAN POND During ucts. intimidation of an individual at Whiteford ployees quit their jobs because Ogle. became To help smokers after the day is over, Hall. irritable. He had to hire new help. and re- to the American Cancer Society, everyday, the Health Center is going to be holding a -On 10127 at 7:50 am DoCS documented a train them, putting enormous amounts of more than 3,000 adolescents in the United support group that will meet every two hit and run accident at the Garden Apart- stress on him. In the blink of an eye, he was States smoke their first cigarette. One third weeks. ments. back outside Decker lighting up. of these new smokers will eventually die of If Ogle can attempt to throwaway his -On 10/27 at I:00 pm DoCS documented "It became a crutch in some ways. The tobacco-related diseases. pack of"cigs," there's hope for everyone. damage to property at Albert Norman ward addiction to the nicotine is tough, but more More than 400,000 people die every year "From having been a smoker for years Hall. than that, the actual habit you build over from smoking-related diseases. That is more now, it would have been better to quit at a -On [0/27 at 3:47 pm DoCS documented the years becomes extremely hard to break," than deaths from alcohol, crack, heroin, younger age. The longer you hold a habit, stealing from McDaniel Hall. .ackDaw.ledges...QgJ.e._ .•_muuler.s •.suicide,....car_accidea1S~-AIDS. __ the hardeLit break it," Ogle advises.
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