Page 43 - Phoenix1999-2000
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~----~-------------------------------------------------- ..--........ NEWS Thursday, November 4, 1999 - Page 3 Is binge drinking becoming at trend? Students, faculty, administration Continued/rom page J veated that during the period of ster, they are not. comment on Chambers' tenure September I to October 26, there "We usually expect two to four were three alcohol poisonings on alcohol poisonings each semester, WMC thanks our president for his achievements campus. so these statistics don't represent a When he tried to retrieve spe- big change," said Webster. In celebrating the [5th year of vice president. cific information on the incidents, However, during the same pe- President Robert Chambers' WMC Ethan Seidel, he ... enthusiastically seemingly interested in everyone people. • "But and everything. He enjoys he was only able to come up with riod in the fall semester of 1998, career, WMC faculty, students, and challenges He is social. He listens.. .. As a fac- information on two of them: one there was only one reported alco- administration have voiced their us to con- ulty member I feel very comfort- that happened on September 2, in- hol poisoning last year. thanks, and often, their admiration s tan t I y able with and around Dr. Cham- volving a female freshman in When asked if the increase is of our president: stretch and bers .... It has been a pleasure to Whiteford Hall (the student has alarming, Webster responded, • "In simple words, President be com e work with Dr, Chambers .... I have since recovered), and the most re- "Those numbers are very smail ... Chambers teaches us all- indeed even better. worked with him, not for him," said cent one on October 23. even if there were four [incidents inspires us by his example - to We all are Francis Webster said, "The numbers this semester], do you view the re- risk new the benefi- don', lie, so, according to OUT sults as a 300 percent increase? I ideas, boast ciaries of ~:;E~; records, there have.only been two," think that the slight increase does about our ac- the joy he However, according to Scott not represent an alarming trend." com p lis h - finds each and every day as he Kane, dean of residence life, Kane agreed with Webster, say- ments, and to walks across the campus," said of educa- tion. Webster's numbers are wrong. "I ing, "There is no explosion of al- "seize the Nancy Godwin, assistant to the ·"1 had know that there are three [incidents cohol poisonings this year from last day," said. president. a better of alcohol poisoning to date], and year." Kane did say that alcohol Joyce Muller, ·"President Chambers' greatest chance of he [webster] should also know that poisoning is a problem, and that director of contribution to the college commu- getting to their have been three." one incident is too many. Public Infor- nity (other than his wit, levity, and know him Kane said that he has records of When asked if the college was rnation. took three separate calls to Carroll going to do something to try to stop • "He has endeavored to make charm) has been the creation Budap- of when President Chambers schedule College, time off from his hectic Western Maryland County General Hospital to trans- the increase of alcohol poisonings all aspects of the college better. He est," said Christianna Nichols to support the International Dinner port students for alcohol poison- . this year, Kane said, "We're already enjoys everything from the theater Leahy, associate professor of po- which happens to be the biggest ings. doing a lot. Our purpose every year to sports and really tries to get oth- litical science. annual event of the [International] He also said that a student re- is to overkill the issue [of alcohol ers interested in the college as • "Bob Chambers genuinely Club. He was a very active mem- ported a fourth alcohol poisoning, poisoning}." well," said Kelly Dunnavant, senior cares about ber of the audience at last year's but when Campus Safety arrived to Kane said that the alcohol pro- class president. students and take care of the incident, the grams that the college implements • "Thanks Bob for expanding student-life dinner when the emcees called him, as well as other guests, up on stage student's friends "already took care are working in that students are the campus which looks like a issues. In the to name several of the flags that of the situation." turning in others for the poisonings. Georgian-Yale with a warm feel- 15 years I were hung all around the Forum. I Kane said that the discrepancy "The problem is that college ings of home," said Mitchell Alex- have worked in statistics between Residence Life students are going to drink ... and ander, director of College Activi- with him, would like to say that his presence and Campus Safety was nothing to the people who need the message ties. Bob has al- along with the many deans, faculty, worry about, and Webster was un- are less likely to not listen to us," • "Visions that many deemed to ways been staff, and students has definitely a Dinner made our International able to be reached for comment. said Kane. be unrealistic have become reality. highly sup- huge success and is definitely ap- Kane did say that every time a He would not say how many The college has been trans- portive, and by preciated student is taken to the hospital an more incidents it would take to formed "said perhaps, most important, he has susnama Rajapaska, the club," said a senior. incident report is filed, and the col- change programming; however, he shown that he understands student ·"He is the Phil Donahue of lege is required by law to keep track did say that one more incident Theatre awards ... concerns. Because of this sensitiv- college admissions presentations. of the number of alcohol violations might be enough {Q reevaluate it. ity, student life at WMC has im- He is the first president I have in a given year; however, "we re- "We would have to analyze ev- continued from page J proved significantly during his ten- worked with, ally don't keep statistics on alco- erything - damages to the residence it just wasn't expected," said ure," said Philip Sayre, vice presi- hol poisonings." halls, physical altercations, and al- Rcskowinski. dent and dean of Student Affairs. He said, "If it's not unusual, we cohol poisonings - all factors that This is Roskowinski's second has been a great boss; he has a fan- · ~i;1 to making • "His sensitivity this really don't feel as though we have would point to a needed change in time competing for the Award. a campus that is more diverse has to keep statistics." Are the numbers what we're doing in order to make She was nominated last fall for led tothe WMC Budapest Program B unusual? the decision to change program- her role in the drama Loose . and to an increasingly diverse stu- According to Kane and Web- ming," said Kane. Ends. dent body. For me, personally, Bob talk to the audi- Webster, a freshman with a ence face to dual major in theatre and music, tastic sense face ... and re- was nominated for her role as the ~:~~~~I~ interact ally young lady. with them. "I feel honored because I supportive That is why we get the kind of stu- didn't even expect to get a role I and is an dents that we do, because families in the play," said Webster, eternal op- trust that someone wants to answer The When asked about the expec- tim i s t . their questions and not give them response. Centerfor tations for the competition, Web- Working is just a canned (hat," said He is the ster replied, "I don't know what master Marty at for him Cross-C ultural to expect [from the competition] an enor- O'Connell, dean of Admissions. but [J] will go for it and do the mous plea- Study best Ican," she said. sure," said Joan Develin Coley, Compiled by Erin S. Howard provost and dean of the faculty . • "Dr. Robert Chambers is Bell Atlantic grants $75,000 to WMC Seville, Spain Courtesy of Public Information • Semester, Academic Year, january, & Summer tenus > • Courses at all levels taught in Spanish· Small classes' College credit. A three year, $75,000 grant sources . • Tuition Awards· Homestays • Internships • Field trips • email. from Bell Atlantic will help "We are excited about our Havana, Cuba WMC establish an advanced tele- partnership with Bell Atlantic," • Winter & Summer terms • 3 or 6 weeks, 4 or A credits • communications network to con- said Dr. Joan Develin Coley. nect freshmen residence halls to WMC will match Bell o' Courses in 'English or Spanish at Universidad de la Habana • .WMC's computer-based writing Atlantic's grant, raising the addi- tional funds from private sources through 'its current $40 million comprehensive ca.lT!pai&n, said' ..<1p..!p;-, ·.:i 1!.r1l:'/I'J:.~' lj'::'",~
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