Page 46 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 46
Thursday. November 4, 1999 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Letters to the Editor Editor-In-Chief In response to "The Pub's four-star Continued Discussion of Gtar Mcgan K. Martin '01 after, the peak hours to help refill the ice ma- dining experience" Editor EmerituslWebmaster Dear Editor, chines, restock soda machines, refill condi- Emily Stamathis '00 ments, and other various tasks. Dear Editor, Not every Pub consumer feels the way If these things are checked before peak I cannot tel: you how many times I've Managing Editor "Bob" does. The October 21 issue of the Jcnifer D. Sirkis '01 times, customers are less likely to have a overheard comments that went something Phoenix presented a very critical point of source of a complaint. like this: "I hate Glar;" "I'm sick of the same Assistant Managing Editor view on the appearance, the staff, and the As to the fourth meal hours, I have defi- old foods;" and "Can't they make something Stacie Underwood '01 food presented in the Pub. nitely noticed a transformation of the Pub different." News Editor I am certain that Bob must be describing from order to chaos. Icringe. How spoiled have we really be- Lisa Dale-Van Auken '02 the pub from the perspective of a fourth meal Food and trash are left on the tables and come? I cannot even begin to comprehend consumer, whereas Idine there regularly for the floor because select members of the stu- Features Editor how very difficult it must be to cook for so Sarah Radice '01 lunch, breakfast, and only occasionally dur- dent population are willing 10 pick up their many people and to try to smile as they com- ing the fourth meal time-frame. own refuse and deposit it in an appropriate plain, right to your face, how bad the food Commentary Editor Kristen G. Fraser '00 I have not noticed the disgusting mess receptacle. is. that Bob so explicitly describes. For the most They appear to get a kick out of watch- I really think the men and women who Assistant Commentary Editor part, the Pub is tidy, the condiments are ing others complain about their mess. They work in Glar do their best to please every- Edward Schultheis '03 nicely stocked, and the workers speak quite present Academy Award performances at one. And, in all honesty, they're doing a Sports Editor clearly and in audible tones. pretending that their trash is someone else's pretty good job. From what I've heard, the MikeYestramski'OI The food is very tasty and nicely pre- Assistant Sports Editor problem. wrap and Caesar salad bars didn't always Chris Anastasia '02 sented. I get tired of these negative reports Ihave complained about the appearance exist. against my friends in the Pub. They don't of the late hour Pub to the boss, and he in Combine them with the tacos, nachos, Art Editor/ArchivisULayout realize that they are understaffed. Michael Puskar '99 tum verbally chastised the day workers and pizza, regular salad bar, and the main dish, It seems that the only people there that suggested that they could do better and you have quite a few options, not to Senior Writers do not seem to realize how understaffed they The reason the Pub is a mess is not the mention the regular supply of sugary des- Erin Howard '00 Erin Jernigan '00 are during peak meal times are the people lazy attitudes of the workers, but rather the serts that are always provided. Jennifer-Ross '00 responsible for scheduling and hiring. inability of certain students to be responsible Even if you are not impressed by the ev- Our Pub workers are often balancing sev- and pick up after themselves. eryday variety of foods, you must consider Photographers NiaClements'02 eral tasks at once, trying to keep up with the If you break a ketchup pack on the table, what I call "Luxury Nights." I think I have Trang Dam '00 pace. They really do need additional staff- either by accident or as a joke, clean it up. eaten more shrimp and steak in the past two Kasenia Larnzky '99 ing. Erin Owen '01 When the ice and soda run out, tell some- months then r did last year. For those who Hussein Samater '00 Instead of spending valuable time moan- one. Be nice to our Pub workers; they can find Glar to be a dull place to be, there is Brad Widner '03 ing and complaining about the appearance only do so much. always Casino Night to liven thing up. StafTWriters of the food" and the lack of condiments, stop, If you dislike the decor of the Pub, you That's just part of the work done at Glar. Amy Bittinger 'OJ and politely remind our overworked friends have the power to change that. Contact Every time there is a conference of some sort, Anne Butler '01 that supplies are low and that the tables need school officials, and lobby for a change in a picnic, or a campus wide activity, guess Ben Decker 'DO Tara Dellaftranzia '03 to be tidied. this area. who must make all the refreshments? The Jessica Fitzgerald '03 I do this and, most of the time, the work- As for the scoop in the icebox, I'm right people who work at Glar, Staci George '03 Shannon Hess '02 ers put aside their three or so other tasks to in there with you on the germ thing. It makes All of these thing take quite a bit of orga- Sara E. Hoover '02 fix the problem. me sick when Isee hands that have been who nization on the parts of the Glar workers. Mall Hurff'03 Often they do not even think about the knows where reach into the ice cooler and They have better things to do with their time Michael Jenkinson '02 Jeremy Kei! '02 things that arc needed outside of the grill scoop out previously contaminated ice. then cater to us. So, the next time you com- Greg Lederer'O! area, as they are so busy trying to get our This has got to change! It is downright plain about the dining services, remember: Ma!issaMorin'OI food ready in a timely manner. unhealthy! the workers really are trying to please ev- Cathy Pcndorf'02 Devon Reeser '03 Perhaps the powers-that-be could send eryone, including you. Francesca Saylor '00 in an extra worker from Glar just before, or Abigail Engel Jessica Fitzgerald Ryan Seavolt '00 Rich Simmons '00 Michael Stokes '00 Common property damage affects all, Nyko!e Tyson '03 lady Ullery '03 PhilipVogt '01 even innocent parties, financially Distribution Rich Suchosld '00 Graduate Assistant I sat down to write this after an inter- Michael Wiles observes the I have recently learned that, until the Vince Chesney esting run-in with Campus Safety. problem of common area damages total bill reaches the amount of ten dollars Adviser Terry Dalton Two men from the Department of Cam- for the innocent. per resident, no one will actually be pus Safety knocked on my door, inquirin.g charged. The Phoenixis published biweekly. The as to whether or not Ihad just thrown some- There are, of course, consequences for This makes me happy because it shows opinions expressed do not necessarily rep- thing from my second-story windo~. this lifestyle. "Common damage," for those that Residence Life understands we are not resent those of The Phoenix staff, the fac- When Ipointed out that my window was of you who are unfamiliar, is a policy en- all to blame for the damage that occurs 10 ulty, or the administrators ofWMC. not even opened, they went on their way, forced in the residency halls where, in short, the building. The paper welcomes free-lance submis- telling me that they were going to check everyone pays for the misdeeds of their Still, something must be done about all sions on Macintosh disks in most word pro- with my neighbors upstairs. neighbors. this. cessorfonnats. Tfeeditorreservestbenght As a resident of Rouzer Hall, such en- Now, upon moving in, I saw no problem I cannot believe that there is no solu- to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to publish as space permits. All submissions As a freshman here at WMC, I am not sure exactly 'whcu reputation is associated (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be with Rouzer Hall, but whatever it is, something tells me the building is living up returned. to it. Please include a name and phone num- -ber for verification. Names wiUbe withheld counters are neither surprising nor uncom- with this policy. I felt that it was only fair tion to this problem. I know that it seems only by thediscretionofthe Editor-in-Chief. mon. for the students to pay for whatever damage insurmountable, but I still believe that there As a freshman here at WMC, I am not might; by chance, the key phase, occur to is a better way to deal with the problem of The Plwenixdoesnotdiscriminate based sure exactly what reputation is associated the building while they were living there. building damage than making uninvolved on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orien- with Rouzer Hall. Whatever it is, something However, now that Ihave been here for a people' pay. tation, national origin, condition of handi- tells me the building is living up to it. while, as the bill keeps increasing. my posi- Perhaps more patrolling by Campus cap, or marital status. From the dirty bathrooms to the over- tion is no longer what it once was. Safety would cure this problem, at least in heated laundry room, something always You see, in reference to my "key phase," part, until a better solution can be found. Mail to: seems to be broken in this place, not to men- r never thought people would destroy their In Rouzer's case, this might be the best ThePhoenix tion the front door. home, however temporality, on purpose. solution, seeing as Campus Safety'S office WMC, 2 College Hill The situation gets to be such that you Call me crazy, but Inever remember any is already part of the building. Westminster, MD 21157 begin to feel sorry for the Resident Assis- of my friends, or, needless to say myself, Besides, they are an innocent person's (410)751-8600 tants who, despite the benefits, were some- trashing a bathroom just because it was there. best insurance from unfair billing. As they FAJ(,(410) 857-2729 how tricked into being responsible for im- Although this policy is unfair, there is one can tell you, I did not throw anything out E-Mail: posing order. consolation. of the window.
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