Page 41 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Phoeni Thursday, November 4, 1999 Students WMC celebrates call for Chambers' 15th year new class President reflects on his years ofservice ERIN S. HOWARD a $300,000 Presidential Endow- SeniorWrirer ment Fund in Chambers' name at Comme/Uary EditQr When Dr. Robert H. Cham- the Founders Society Dinner in As registration for spring classes bers first became president of September and the campus-wide looms ahead, many important Western Maryland College in special program to be held at the changes are pending, including the 1984, he "didn't have a clue" as November 8 First Thursday. possibility of an independent study to what to expect. "We're not celebrating me so aimed at integrating diversity into "No one tells you how to do much as we're celebrating the col- the student body. these jobs," he admitted in a re- lege and what has happened over a This independent study is the cent interview. period of time that has been very result of continued effort spear- Now 15 years later, it is clear good for us," said Chambers of the headed by select students, staff, and that Chambers has more than a festivities. faculty. "clue" about how to run acollege. Other members of the campus The course is slated to be com- In fact, in honor of the 15 year community believe Chambers' ac- posed of six-week study sessions anniversary of his inauguration, complishments are well worth cel- with small groups of students en- the campus community has ebrating. [See related article on gaging in frank discussion of racial planned a semester long celebra- page 3J issues. These sessions will have a tion of his achievements as presi- The fact is Chambers never ex- 50 percent minority composition dent pected to beat WMC for IS years. and a 50 percent "majority" popu- The various celebrations.jok- In fact, as he said, "No college lation. OENESWEENEY ingJy referred to as "The year of president plans to be at any college Continued on page 4 Robert Chambers has a ball at Camden Yards in 1997. This year, Bob," by Chairman of the Board for 15 years." Chambers is celebrating 15 years of achievement at WMC. of Trustees James Melhorn, in- According to Chambers, the av Updated Email system makes (;amp'usO"debates communication quicker, safer binge drinking trend MALlSSA MORIN Mathews, the previous server was The plan was to put faculty and SlajJWriler "a lot older and needed to be staff on one server and students on MIKE STOKES Do you ever find yourself wait- changed." another server. Staff Writer the incident. ing for what seems like forever to Instead of the ns I server, which Currently, faculty and staff are Another alcohol poisoning in- The aforementioned incident log onto your college provided the school purchased before any- still on the ns I server while all stu- cident occurred last Saturday, was not the first on campus this se- mester, nor was it the second. How- email account'? one currently attending the college dent accounts have successfully October 23, on the college cam- ever, there is a question as to how Well, your troubles arc over, was here, the school is now using been changed to opus. have oc- according to Christine Mathews, a server called opus. Mathews did note, however, pus. The poisoning took place in many alcohol poisonings a male Hall and involved Rouzer to date. curred director of Information Services. Mathews called opus "a faster, that faculty and staff will soon be resident. Webster's search of Campus On Sunday, October 24, 1999, better server." moved to opus but on a separate According to Mike Webster, Safety reports on their database re the college temporally disabled the Before the change, students, piece of hardware. director of Campus Safety, the computer network and instituted a faculty, and staff were all on the Information Services had student has since recovered from Continued on Page 3 change in hardware for the college nsl server. Continued on page 2 provided email. comes after a lot of Ghost Sonata actors, The change frustrations and problems with the old hardware. According to designer recognized Inside CATHY PENOORF SraffWriter $500 scholarships to each winner at a regional ACTF competition. Three students from the WMC Winners of regional awards Jenifer Sirkis and Kate Esposito theatre department were nomi- then go on to compete for two na- speak firsthand about their experi- nated to compete in regional com- tional awards with $2500 scholar- ences with the Honor Code and the petitions during the American Col- ship at the National Festival in Honor and Conduct Board. lege Theatre Festival Jan. 13-[6, Washington, D.C. 'B"'hi ., 2000, at Clarion College, Pa., for Also recognized, Cassie their roles in Ghost Sonata. Domser received a Certificate of Flip to page II for a pictorial essay Erika Students on WMC: the President Robert and Lyrique Webster Roskowinski Merit for Costume Design and will were nomi- Chambers years, 1984-1999, com- nated for their acting roles and present her designs atACTF for the piled by Sarah Radice, features edi- Barbizon Award for Theatrical De- hope to win the Irene Ryan Acting sign Excellence in Scenic, Cos- ~M~';t::·tl2'I¥••••• II"!lJ !~~~~lr;~~~'id~~r~is~~~~i~~ ::vs~:~ tume, or Lighting Design. theatre a senior Roskowinski, Stephanie Peery helps field hockey ranee to outstanding student per- major, is a second time nominee. CATHYPENDORF look back at its highs and its lows formers. "I was shocked partly because I Actors from last month 5' Ghost Sonata display Cassie Iromser's accredited this season. Men's soccer enjoys The Irene Ryan Foundation didn't have a large part and because costllme design. Domser was awarded a certificate of merit from ACTF for first winning season .. . presents- 16 regional awards and Continued on page 3 her designs. Two actors also received nominations/or ACTF awards.
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