Page 47 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 47
COMMENTARY The Phoenix Thursday, November 4, 1999 - Page 7 football game on October 23. this Glar lacks vegetarian choices commends president From what I have heard. The Phoenix wishes to con- game had record. attendance for any Unbeknownst to many, espe- with an appe- gratulate President Robert Cham- home football. Also, the last two cially those that plan the menu at Kate Esposito discusses waiting for someone paste or disinfec- tite for wallpaper bers on his 15th anniversary as football victories are keeping the Gtar, there are a growing number the lacking vegetarian tant. president of WMC. Green Terror straight on the path of students at WMC who refuse the menu in Glar. Last year, there was a vegetar- Fifteen years is quite a long to a third straight playoff run. tickets at steak night and stay away ian bar which featured several types time to be in one place, and it is a lt is a great credit to the team, from the Cajun chicken. instead of the unadulterated version of humus, so usually at least one which is Italian I believe? testament not only to the college its coaches, and the athletic staff No, they are not from the FDA, There are plenty of other non- would be palatable. but to the people and traditions that thai WMC has had three such won- these people arc vegetarians. spicy foods that are rarely offered make this school a community. derful seasons in row. And there are more of us than When ordering a garden burger, Over the years, the college has Keep it up, Green Terror. We you think. According to the Veg- such as pasta primavera or maca- it is not certain what will actually roni and cheese. grown, not just in the size of the want to go far in the playoffs this etarian Society of the United Slates, Also, as vegetarians, many of us be arriving on your plate, an actual student body or the number of new year! a little over five percent of the are interested in eating a healthy garden burger, tasty equivalent. or buildings, but it has grown in repu- Lady Terrors make population are vegetarians, and the diet. Uncle Joe's vegetable hockey puck. tation. Surely, this can be attributed number is steadily increasing. How is it that a roasted veg- This is true in the Pub as well. of the Pub, why is it Speaking to the influence Dr. Chambers has WMCproud This brings me to my point. We etable burrito has 15 grams of fat, that out of all of the sandwiches had on the campus so far. What can be said about the vegetarians need food, better food. when it should solely consist of offered as fourth meals. only three It is our wish that Dr. Chambers women's cross country and the At least something having nutri- vegetables and bread? (grilled will have many more happy years women's volleyball teams? These tional value or taste. Also a small plate of eggplant are vegetarian burger)? cheese, egg salad, garden here and that he will continue to Lady Terrors have certainly made Hmmm you may be think- parmigiana has a Whopping 24 fat None of these three feature veg- make WMC a better place 10 live, WMC proud. This past weekend, ing, but there are lots of vegetarian grams. work, and learn. the cross country team brought options at Glar: vegetarian salad, Apparently vegetarians like to etables either. feature The Pub could certainly Poisoning cases home the Centennial Conference vegetarian bread, vegetarian pasta, substitute gallons of oil for all of a vegetable sub, using the same in- decline' crown. The volleyball team also scored and, that wonderfully ambiguous those missed Big Macs. It would gredients put into the salads. Over the past two and a half major points by becoming confer- dish, vegetarianmoussaka. help to have an ingredients list so In conclusion, dining services years that I have been here, it seems ence champs in a three way tie. That is all well and good but not we could actually know what we needs to be a bit more considerate that more has been done to provide Sorry you didn't make the playoffs, good enough. First of all, although are eating. of the vegetarian diet, considering a vegetarian entree there is usually alcohol free events and alcohol In addition to these wonderful that there are people that actually though. Maybe next year it will offered, if it is not devoid of all fla- main dishes, the dining hall also follow it. awareness education. During my happen. vor, such as the shepherd's pie, it first semester here, I wrote an edi- Enjoy the post-season ladies, is so covered in spices that it would offers humus, tofu, and garden As of now, vegetarian options torial talking about the lac kings of and good luck next year. Of course, turn even titanium stomachs. burgers. This may be true, but they seemed to be offered merely for the On Campus Talking About Al- we don't want to forget any of Why must we have Mexican are also not edible. cosmetic reasons. The people that cohol program and also the lack of WMC's other teams. Congratula- The humus and tofu sit on the eat them deserve more consider- alcohol free events. tions to all of you on your sue- Manicotti or Manicotti Santa Fe, salad bar, neglected and alone, ation. While I am not sure that the ac- MD Attorney General missing the tivities and educational programs are at their most productive levels, New email server according to Campus Safety and mark in plans for gun control Residence Life, alcohol poisoning arrives on campus cases have decreased in number The new email serven opus.fs Gun control is already one of Ryan Seavolt criticizes recently. Certainly, this is a step in definitely confusing. While infor- the most controversial issues in general's proposals, but not his caU the right direction. mation Services'did a good job giv- politics today. recent gun control fora ban. There are, however, many un- ing students information about the But now, Maryland's anomey measures in Maryland. Gun clubs are vehemently op- reported. cases of alcohol poison- intended change via the WMC general is proposing new laws rality, education, and responsibil- posed to this measure and the ma- ing on campus. This causes concern website, more could have been which would require tighter back- jority of the community seems to because it affects members of the done {Q inform students about pass- ground checks on anyone attempt- ity of all Americans, not the fact be opposed to it as well. that they have access to guns. entire community. words. ing to purchase a handgun. and Although Governor Parris Personally, I am stunned that a While alcohol poisoning is ob- Personally, it took six attempts making fingerprinting for all poten- public official would even suggest such gun viously dangerous to the affected for me to create my password. tial gun owners mandatory. Glendenning legislation supports as the "smart such an outrageous action. control individual, those of us who live While security is good, ease of use What's the problem? These gun" proposal. new requirement for If a government official were to here also have to pay the price. is better, measures may not seem 100 unrea- safety locks, and other ideas on lim- propose restrictions on what the press could report, we would never Property gels damaged, or Campus On the bright side, the increased sonable. Did I mention that his iting the number of accidental child hear the end of it. Safety has to spend time looking space for email and the faster long-term goal is a statewide ban deaths, these measures are a far cry If a politician were to suggest into suspected cases or figuring OUI speeds for access arc enjoyable. on all handguns owned by private from denying every member of the damages while someone else on citizens? public their constitutional rights. that we give up the right to vote, never could outcries our be si- Terrorfootball The above editorials were Attorney General J. Joseph The most puzzling fact of the lenced. general's continues winning written by the editor-in- Curran, Jr. says that only law en- attorney than his insane proposal is that Why should this issue be any officers idea of ban- other and gun collec- forcement campus may need them more. chief in consultation with tors should be permitted to own ning all handguns, Curran actually different?The right to bear arms is It was great to see so many handguns. In his words, the rest of has several solid ideas for curbing our fundamental right under the as citizens eo Ie out at the Homecomin the editorial board. us private citizens must give them the spread of gun violence. Second Amendment and the ability of the United States, SEX. up because the "cost has become police For instance, he proposes that target practice and, if need be, in for recreational to use handguns too great." be allowed to use wiretaps hopes the illegal that his recently purchase Curran of our homes and families, released 58 page report entitled. "A to investigate and that the possession defense not be taken away from us. of handguns should You never lose the right to reruse. Farewell to Arms," will prompt the of an illegal handgun be made a The old catch phrases of the Being unable to consent Is not public to discuss limitations on felony. pro-gun legislators and the Na- the same as saying yes. handguns. Such measures place the re- tional Rifle Association may seems to sue gun Curran seek like cliches by now, but the notions No means No. Period. manufacturers may for the violence to sponsibility of the crime directly on that "guns don't kill people- people the perpetrator and not on us. which their products contribute. Curran also suggests that any kill people" and "if you outlaw If you need help about sexual Yiolence, Now, correct me if J' m wrong, but person convicted of a crime be pre- call us. Calls are confidential and I have never seen a gun magically vented form owning a handgun, guns, then only criminals wiU have them." still apply today. services are free. rise into the air and squeeze off sev- thus ensuring that people who have I believe that rather than exces- eral rounds at the nearest bystander. exhibited violent behavior in the sive gun control, longer prison sen- Telephone: 410 - 857 - 0900 What I have read about, how- past will not have legal access to tences for violent offenders, with- ever, are gang-related shootings, weapons which they can use to out the opportunity of parole, 24 hour Hotline: 410-875-7322 disgruntled employees opening fire cause more harm. would go a long way toward fix- on former co-workers at the However, Curran's plan to ing the problem in this country. Rape Crisis Intervention Service shooter's former workplace, and eliminate all privately owned hand- Fortunately, even Curran him- of CarroU CounJy warped high school students who guns is so ludicrous by comparison self admits that a complete ban on 224 North Center Street, Rm. 102 decide to shoot their classmates and that even a spokeswoman for the handgun ownership by private citi- themselves. Wesbnlnster, MD national lobbying group, "Handgun zens is not likely to become reality It seems 10 me that the real is- Control," says that the organization www.repecnsrscc.ccm any time soon. Hopefully, I won't sue should be the intelligence, mo- supports some of the attorney be around to see it.
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