Page 38 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 38
Thursday, October 21, 1999-Page 14 SPORTS <, The Phoenix Spotlight: Beth Blasi GREG LEJ)ERER more. ning streak and a tie for first SlaifWriler In the 6-0 victory, Blasi reg- place in the conference. istered her fourth career hat Her goals include helping Since she was a child, Beth trick and set a school record the team continue their current Blasi has played soccer. At first, with at least one goal in eight success and possibly the NCAA she didn't like the span, but it consecutive games. championships down the road. has grown on her. Her play goes beyond per- She doesn't have a favorite It is a good thing for West- sonal goals as the team set two game or moment in her career, ern Maryland's soccer learn thai school record with its eighth but considers it all a very good she stuck with it. consecutive win and fifth shut- experience. The Columbia, Maryland, out in a row. An exceptional athlete, she product was the conference co- According to Blasi, she played both soccer and lacrosse player of.rhe year in 1997, and loves the fast pace and intensity in high school and at WMC. is having anothe-r incredible of the game. Off the field, Blasi is work- season. Many fans see her as an ag- ings toward a degree in physi- She has already been named gressive, fast player, which is cal therapy and exercise sci- the Centennial Conference evident in her league leading ence, and she hopes to compete player of the week twice and fourteen goals this season. in some co-ed soccer and la- -::' has received many accolades in Her influence goes beyond crosse leagues in the future. her four years on the woman's the scorer's book, as shown by She loves the game and is soccer team. the team's success this season. looking forward to future suc- Many of her achievements She says that the team is cess for the team and herself. KASENIALANTZKY were exemplified on an October very young, but is enjoying a This is the view most defenders have of Beth Blasi during games. 7 home game against Swarth- school record eight game_win- Field Hockey Upsets Johns Hopkins, 1-0 MIKE YESTRAMSKI Sports Editor The Terror fell to Goucher by a Peery scored late in the first half 4-2 score this past week. Horwath to tie' a game against Muhlenberg, An upset-minded Terror team had 10 saves in the loss, and Kerry but to no avail as Western Mary- took the field against Johns Hop- Wilson and Stephanie Peery each land dropped the game 2-1. kins this past Monday and handed had a goal in the contest. The Terror lost a 4-3 lead late the Blue Jays their first conference The Terror also dropped a 2-0 in regulation, and eventually lost loss by an overtime score of 1-0. game against Bryn Mawr. Horwath the game in double overtime to Goalie Jessica Horwath made 15 had 13 saves in the loss. Swarthmore, 5-4, a while back. spectacular saves in regulation to Nationally ranked Gettysburg Horwath had 19 saves in the con- force overtime and allow freshman handed the Terror a 5-1 loss two Golf team birdies at Blue Jay Classic CHRIS ANASTASIA ference champion Seth Aldridge ASSI.SP°r/sEdilOr finished in third place with a two-over par 74. Western Maryland College's With captain a 77, men's golf team finished a Ryan Reid finished team tied for 20th strong second at The Blue Jay place. Classic hosted by rival Ken Doyle tied for 27th with Elizabethtown. a 78, while Craig Zabora scored Lady Terror shoots past opponents in 0. recent game. The Terrors outdistanced four Centennial Conference ri- a 79 to tie for 41st. vals as well as three Division II Womelis Soccer schools. Continued from page 16 Western Maryland's strong Western Maryland College's In spite of the Villa Julie loss, play lead to just a nine stroke women's golf team finished 4th senior sweeper Meaghen Giorno teamwork," which has been exem- at 4 pm in Westminster and then at face Hopkins plified by 30 of the team's 36 goals on Homecoming difference between them and at the Inaugural WMC Women's explained that the wins are, being assisted. 11 am at home. The Terror is in a first place Millersville, a Divi- Invitational. "Building momentum because The Green Terror is now tied for position to take the conference sion II power. With an even par Bucknell shot a 407 to beat everyone is getting pumped up. first place with Gettysburg, who because of the tight defense and score of 71 on Tuesday, Senior second-placed Gettysburg by 47 Being number-one, tied with Get- they face in their last game of the strong goal keeping that has al- Ryan Reid won the individual strokes. tysburg and 6 [wins] and 0 season. Johns Hopkins, who was lowed only 10goaisin 12 games. title. Mount St. Mary's finished [losses] in the conference feels also tied for first, lost in a confer- Offensively, they have Blasi Earlier in the week, the Ter- third with 510, edging The lady great." ence match versus Gettysburg, thus as the go-to player with almost rors finished 6th among 17 Terrors by three strokes. In preparation for upcoming being knocked from a hold of the half(17 of36) of the team's goals teams at the Tom O'Briant Me- Mount SI. Mary's Julie games, Giorno explained that the top. but seven others have shown that moriallnvitational. Ronzani won the individual title, team is focusing on "maintaining The Terror still has to defeat they can get the ball in the net, Defending Centennial Con- with a final round 90. I possession as a team and a lot of Franklin and Marshall'Wednesdav too.
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