Page 37 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 37
SPORTS Thursday, October 21, 1999 - Page 13 The Sports View Reversal of Fortunes In The NFL, barely getting by either; this team CHRISANAST.-\SIA Remember playing baseball in get well wishes to Darren Yankees and Red Sox Play Back- yard Ball has been the beneficiary of many a Assl. SPQrI.fEditor your backyard as a kid? Whenever Drozdoc. lopsided score this year. Now I we did not have enough players, we Known as "Droz" in the know what you're thinking, "this would have advised anyone, and would use "ghost runners." You Hello again, sports fans, and is just the outcome of some poor everyone, to put their money on ei- know, as place fillers that would be WWF wrestling organization, this welcome to the latest installment schlub selling his soul to the devil ther the Broncos or the Falcons to only able to move up if knocked in former stand-out at the University of my rather headstrong rantings in order to see his or her team have win the Superbowl this year. by a human hit. of Maryland and former member and rumblings about the world of one great season. (Very "Damn of the Denver Broncos, was in- Well, I bring this up because ap- In a strange bit of irony that only pro-athletics known as "The Yankees". style for all you Broad- a masochist would appreciate, both parently the Red Sox: are using jured during a match a few weeks Sports View." way fans out there.) these teams are experiencing some ghosts runners in their American ago. First, let's take a look at the Ithink it is just the outcome of terrible luck that is making winning League Championship Series In this match, Drozdoc sus- and NFL. This is a season with more a good coach like St. Louis's Dick. a game difficult. against the New York Yankees. tained injuries to his neck in his spine and has lost feeling twists and turns then that stretch Vermeil being allowed to build a Both teams have lost their star Icould tell because the Yankees lower body and legs. of 1-79 outside of Flinstone, contending team from the ground running backs to injuries and have can seemingly tag mid-air and Drozdoc is said to be con- Maryland. Who would have up without any meddling from the had to rely upon inexperienced cause an out. The only way I can scious and in good spirits and will guessed that the only team unde- front office and with the support of back-up quarterbacks due to the explain this is due to Boston's use be soon entering rehab for his in- feated thus far would be the ... St. the fans. retirement or injury of the starters of ghost runners. juries. Doctor are still unsure Louis Rams?!?! Ravens fans take heart, maybe from last year. It is this or the umpires are In a twist that alludes to the you to can be the like the Rams Nobody could have seen the fall whether the paralysis will be per- apparent coming of the apoca- someday. (I believe that is the First of these teams to have happened so grossly negligent in their calls in manent or not. this series, and we know American I think I speak lypse, the Rams, who have lost time I ever advised anyone to be soon after their success. If there is League umpires are always flaw- of this column when for all readers I send out over 95 times in 1990's, are now "like the Rams." Jeez, what is this to be a lesson learned from this, it less, right. .. right? prayers and wishes for a speedy the most dominant team in the world coming to anyway?) is that any team must have capable Well, that's about it for this in- and full recovery to Drozdoc and league. Speaking of advising people back-ups at all skill positions in stallment of "The Sports View," but It is not like the Rams are about football, before the season, I today's era of constant injuries. before Igo, I want to send out some his family. Until next time, Iwill see you in the cheap seats. Cross Country runs to Men's Soccer Buzzes Beaver, 3-0 a national ranking MIKE Y.::STRAMSKI Goalie Ryan Defibaugh re- had goals for the Terror. of 238 at the Dickinson lnvita- MIKE YESTRAMSKI Sports £tliwr corded another shutout in a 3-0 vic- The Terror also dropped games Sporrs Editor tional, leading the Lady Terrors The men's soccer team fell to tory over Beaver College at home. to Franklin and Marshall, 1-0, and to their second best overall finish Johns Hopkins by a score of 5-0. Wolf, Bowles, and Tom Long all to Gettysburg, 3-0. For the first time in school his- ever and their best since 1991. The Terror never even challenged tory, the Western Maryland Col- Krebs finish was the best in- Hopkins goalie Charles Huang, as lege women's cross-country team dividual performance since the Huang had no saves in the shutout earned national ranking as they silver metal win by Kendra win. received the number five spot in Weible in 1991. Earlier, the Terror shut out the NCAA Mideast region The team's overall standing Albright 2-0. coaches' poll. was also helped by sophomores Jon Pitonzo, a senior playing his The top three teams in this Diana Pool in 27th place and first year of collegiate soccer, came poll go to the national champion- Jayne Karotow in 28th place. off the bench 10 break the lie early ships on November 20. The team The WMC men's cross-coun- in the second half with his first col- has won three of their five invi- try team came in 26th out of 28 legiate goal. tational this year. Sophomore Jill teams at the Dickinson lnvita- Captain Ryan Bowles added the Krebs has set school records, win- tional. Senior Brendan second goal late in the game. ning three goal medals and two Henderson finished I20th of215 Swarthmore upset the Terror at silvers this season. to lead the Terrors. home a few weeks back by a score Krebs finished fifth in a field of 3-2. Darren Wolf and Charlie Volleyballvictorious ;e:;~:~had goals for the Terror in A Ter~or kicks his way 10 a team victory. despite key injury MIKE YESTRAMSKI the Terror fell to Gettysburg 3-0 Spons Edirar (15-10,15-10,15-5). Wall had 14 The Adventures of Captain Condom & Private Parts kills, and Drumgoole had 15 in the The Green Terror volleyball defeat. team finished fourth at its own tour- The team had a decent showing PHIL'S PLACE nament, partly due to an injury suf- at theluniata invitational, splitting fered by all-leaguer Brianne Bray. four matches. The Terror defeated Bar & Grill Bray injured her ankle in a first Grove City 3-1 (15-4, 15-12,7-15, round 3-1 win over Bridgewater 15-8). Earlier, the Terror had a (15-8,9-15, 15-6, 15-12) and sat come-from-behind win over out the rest of the tournament. SUNY-Brockport 3-2 (16-14, 3-15, The Terror defeated Eastern 3- 13-15,15-7,15-10). 0(15-13,15-12,15-IO)beforefall- The Terror lost their first two 00 ing to eventual champion Franklin match-ups to Baldwin-Wallace 3- and Marshall in the semifinals and 2 (15-12, 7-15, 15-11, 13-15,5-15) Lycoming in the consolation round. and to RIT 3-1 (12-15, 15-12,9- The Terror called on freshmen 15, 13-15). Kate Wall and Abby Barnett to re- Drumgoole had 24 kills and Jes- place Bray. Wall recorded 28 kills sica Rouse had 51 assists in the OPEN 0 in the two victories, while Barnett tournament. had 17. The Terror continued its domi- Franklin and Marshall swept the nance of Notre Dame by running Terror 3-0 (15-13,15-13,15-6). its series record to 29-0 with a lop- Lycoming did the same by a score sided defeat at Notre Dame. The of 15-7,15-12,15-10. Terror swept the match 3-0 (15-3, Honesty Drumgoole, who re- 15-1,15-5). corded 15 kills in the win over East- Bray recorded 10 digs and Wall em, was the lone Terror to make had 12 kills, while Drumgoole led the all-tournament team. the team with 13 kills in the con- Earlier in the reporting period, test.
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