Page 35 - Phoenix1999-2000
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FEATURES Thursday, October 21, 1999 - Page II .Jenn and Erin travel to Baltimore: 'Day trip ideas JENN Ross AND ERIN JERNIGAN The Walters Hours are 10:00 am Admission is only $4 for stu- IfYDU don't get there early, you Senior Writers where you can test your skill on one until 4:00 pm Tuesday through Fri- dents with ID, so make sure to may have to wait up 10 an hour and of their. many simulated sports day, and 1 (:00 am until 5:00 pm bring yours if you want to save a a half for a table. games. Game cards can be pur- Just for you, we went to Balti- Saturday and Sunday. couple of extra bucks. Never fear, because you can ei- more City. You, too, can have an On Saturday, be sure to take ad- We made the transition from art ther explore the one hundred-plus chased in increments of $5 for 15 game points. adventure - just follow our lead. vantage of free admission from to film when we stopped in the In- stores in the mall, or if you're over Most games are 15 to 20 points Get a map of Baltimore City at 11:00 am until I :00 pm. The mu- ner Harbor to watch part of the tap- of play _ per hour or half-hour the Information Desk, and make seum is closed on Monday. ing of a new John Waters film. 21, have appetizers and drinks at yes, some games do last that long. the bar. your own fun day trip. The Walters had our artistic Speaking of waters, we had We, of course, chose to shop. If sports are not your thing, We decided to. start with high juices flowing so much that we de- great fun at the National Aquarium Who can pass up spending quality travel over to Fell's Point for shop- culture and work our way down. cided to continue exploring high in Baltimore watching the fish time and money at J. Crew, Bath & ping or other recreational activities. Our first stop was the Walters culture at the Baltimore Museum swim and the dolphins play in the Body Works, and the Gap? There are many unique gift Art Gallery, located at 600 N. of Art (BMA), located on Art Mu- new "Coastal Connections" dol- Once we were seated at the shops and clothing stores. Music Charles Street. The $3 student ad- seum Drive and North Charles St. phin show. Cheesecake Factory, we knew why lovers must be sure not to miss the mission price was a small price to Most of our time was spent ad- You should be sure not to miss we had to wait. This popular res- Sound Garden. which has a large pay for all the treasures the Walters miring the works of Monet. Renior, "Venom: Striking Beauties," an taurant serves over two hundred selection of new and used CD's, in- holds. and Maner in the "Faces oflmpres- exhibit featuring venomous snakes, dishes, ranging from pasta, sea- eluding hard-to-find favorites in The Walters boasts many spec- sionism" .exhibit, which will be spiders, and fish, because it will food, steak, sandwiches, and of every genre. tacular works of art. Start off in the showing until January 2000. only be around for a few more course their delicious cheesecake. As far as the bars go, take your Palazzo, where you will find an Another exhibit you should be months. They make over 35 different pick. Make sure to stop in at Maxi's ,_,;, overview of the history of world sure to visit is "Robes of Deliver- Admission to the Aquarium is varieties of cheesecake! Most on Broadway which has 143 beers art. ance: Ritual Garments of the Bud- $14, but well worth it. tables enjoy a scenic harbor view. on tap. Just be sure not to go alone, From there move 0" the dhists Priests of Japan," which will Hours of operation are Sunday If you don't get a window seat, the Hakerman House, also known as be showing until the end of Febru- through Thursday from 9:00 am un- soft art deco decor makes a sooth- and be responsible. day of After such a jam-packed the Asian Art Wing, which holds ary 2000. til 5:00 pm, Friday from 9;00 am ing backdrop for your meal. excitement, you will surely be tired Chinese, Japanese, and Korean art. The BMA is open Tuesday and until 8:00 pm, and Saturday from Come prepared, The Hakennan House also includes Wednesday from II :00 am until 9:00 am until 6:00 pm get tempted to splurge. as it is easy to and maybe out of cash. shuttle, if you take the WMC The aver- a cafe and a gift shop. 5:00 pm and Thursday through Sat- All this culture and fun was age price for most meals is $1 0, but make sure to get back to the Ow- Beginning October 2&, you can urday from 11:00 am until 9:00pm. making us hungry, so we walked experience art from the Middle Sunday hours are from 11;00 am over to the Cheesecake Factory 10- the portions are so large you will ings Mills or Metro station will before be you pm else 9:00 surely need a doggie bag. Ages through Monet in the "Vive until 6:00 prn, and the museum is cated in the Gallery shops of the You can bum off the extra calo- "S.O.L." la France" exhibit. closed 011 Monday and Tuesday. Inner Harbor. Ties by walking over to ESPN Zone Baltimore's Center Stage presents a truly ideal Husband JON BEARN. Peu/ilresWrirer were stunning supporting perfor- mances. In the beginning of 1895, Os Laurence cn: Wil,d; reac~ed !~~crest of his with my Aunt, O'Dwyer (Travels A Midsummer's brrltiant career. Simultaneousf y, Wilde's The Importance of Being Night Dream. A.~ YOIILike It) re- Earnest and An Ideal Husband ten turns once again to nearly stoat the role show with his complementary againsteach.other, with both draw- as Lord Goring's marriage-preach- ing large numbers at the box office. ing father. As the year progressed, he lost John C. Vennema tackles his everything. Scandal arose as Wilde role as the moral Sir Robert was accused of, and later convicted Chiltern with great mastery. for, homosexuality. He spent the His credits include a number of next two years in a penitentiary Broadway roles as well as appear- doing hard labor. ances on New York Undercover. An Idea It Hl~sband, one of Other performances worth of Wilde's most skillful and some- mention were Mart Nelson's risque what prophetic works, is currently Mrs. Cheveley, Oliver's stunning being shown at Center Stage. portrayal of Dog, and a wonderful The play opens with a dinner of duet party at the home of the nationally instrumental on harpsichord Bozena and Jedrzejczak renowned politician, Sir Robert Chiltern (John C. Vannema), whose Bruno Nasta on violin. years later, Over a hundred popularity resides with his spotless Wilde'sAn Ideal Husband not only reputation. is pertinent politically, but it also Mrs. Cheveley (Mari Nelson) grips us with its cmotional story of comes uninvited to the party and people coming to terms with (heir attempts to blackmail Sir Robert. mistakes. Ienthusiastically recom- . In her possession is a letter that mend seeing it. shows that Sir Robert's fortune comes directly from a shady deal- ing in his youth. Sir Robert's dear friend, Lord 'fley! The Phoenix Goring (David Adkins), attempts to diffuse the situation. '(lasstudent Goring tries to talk Mrs. Cheveley out of blackmailing, to COURTESY OF CENTER STAGE reative writing make Lady Chiltern's (Olivia Shown here are two characters/rom An Ideal Husband, which is highlighted by good acting. pn the next page. Birkelund) accept a flaw in her success. prove to be a major boon to the pro- her shawl became entangled with ideal husband and fix his own love Maryland's own David Adkins, duction as well. the buttons on Vannema's vest. 'f you want to be life as well. fresh off an appearance in this She saved the cast from two po- Birkelund gracefully embraced An Ideal Husband shows that summer's Pierce Brosnan film Tho- tentiaily hairy situations, including Vannema while unsnarling her ap- published in the the limelight of the public arena has mas Crown Affair, shows remark- one in which she smoothly con- parel from the vest. always been blinding, with few able poise and pulls off the lovable cealed the loss of a bundle of her Her credits include Soul Man, !Phoenix, contact skeletons ever staying in the closet. Lord Goring in grand fashion. hair during a show by nonchalantly Private Parts, and Universal's up- Wilde's play, under the direc- Olivia Birkelund's exquisite putting it in her pocket. r'larah at x8386 tion of Irene Lewis, is an amazing beauty, quick wit, and calm nature The other occasion came when coming The Bone Collector. Key to the success of the show
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