Page 33 - Phoenix1999-2000
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FEATURES Thursday, October 21, 1999 - Page. 9 WMC's choir director Eric Byrd releases debut album JENN Ross AND ERlN JERNIGAN SeniorWrilers to his father, the rest happened Mothers, boyfriends, and soror- quickly. "The piano was in our ity sisters are all welcome to join house before my mother knew 'he the group. Byrd's objective is to Former WMC student and di- was going to buy it." rector of the Gospel Choir Eric Byrd grew up in Willingboro, "expose as many people to the mu- sic as possible." Byrd has just released his solo de- NJ, which is "kind of a hip area to Byrd receives cards, letters, and but CD entitled, "The Fire be from." While at Willingboro phone messages from students and Within." High School, a WMC admissions former students who feel that the According to Byrd. he waited representative described a school class is a life-changing experience. so long to release an album be- that sounded perfect to Byrd. He teaches his students to re- cause "it was a long time before He filled out an application for spect what they sing because I realized I had anything legitimate early admission on the spot, the only "people fought. bled, and died writ- to say that would warrant a college application he filled out. His ing this ... we have a high moral record." decision to apply to WMC was, in sense of responsibility to uphold Byrd describes his style as a his mind, driven by a higher power. combination of blues. gospel, and "God has a sense of humor. God will the standards Byrd of the music." the first performs Eric contemporary jazz. This mixture. prepare you and order your steps." weekend of every month at "Cha- rather than staying within anyone He originally wanted to be a meleon" on Main S1. in Westmin- style, simply "made the most journalist but "was distracted by ster. sense to me." music." He played piano for the His Gospel Choir has a concert Musical inspiration came at the first-ever WMC Jazz Night and early age of seven, after seeing made a name for himself in the mu- Dec. 4 in Alumni Hall at 7:30 pm. To hear more from Byrd, purchase Ray Charles on TV. "I'd never sic department. seen anything like Ray Charles in After graduating in 1993, he was his CD at the WMC Book Store for $12. my seven years of life. He has the recruited to come back to WMC in Or, visit his web site htlp:1I perfect marriage between his voice 1994 to direct the Gospel Choir. Ini- to download and his instrument." tially, Byrd turned the job down be- music samples and order the CD. After watching Ray Charles cause he did not think he was quali- sing "Abraham, Martin and John," fied for it. during a Martin Luther King Trib- Eventually, when he was offered Interested in Phoenix ute, Byrd decided he wanted to a pass to park anywhere on campus, subscription? play the instrument Ray Charles he agreed to take the job. The new Contact lenifer Sirkis at did. responsibilities were difficult. In 410-751-8600 His family supported tlis love Byrd's words. "It's not easy being for music. He began playing the green." COURTESY OP ERIC SYRD or piano at eight years old when his Byrd's favorite parts of his role Byrd believes that music creates a bond between people and has lite email us at father brought one home. as choir director are his students and ability to changes lives. Byrd remembers that after he the ability of the music to create a The music is so important to friends and family to share the ex- Subscriptions are expressed his interest in the piano bond between everyone involved. some of his students that they bring perience. $15 per year. Ondercin wins accounting honor Glar-cipes! Tips for making cool, fun foods at Glar lODY ULLERY Fell1uresWriter FRHM. KAROS Recently, one more name was ContriblllingWrirer Fruit and Cream added to the list of outstanding I. Mix canned peaches. pears, or people at WMC. Senior Lubomir Ondercin, a business-economics 1. Take one toasted pita or bagel, apples from thefruil bar with and cover in pasta tomato sauce. honey, which isfound in the hot major who excels in accounting, beverage area. is the recipient of the "1999 Out- standing Achievement in Account- 2, Sprinkle with cheese of your 2. Then pour regular or flavored ing Award" given by the Maryland choice, be it [eta from the salad creamer over the top. You can bar or deli cheese. . Association of Certified Public also squeeze lemon juice over the Accountants, Inc. 3. Besides that, you can add just cream, but be aware that this will Ondercin was selected for this about any combination of tasty make the cream chunky. award by Ms. Susan Milstein and ingredients that you can think of, Ms. Sue Singer. Milstein chose except maybe bean sprouts. 3. Lastly, sprinkle with cinna- Ondercin over all other candidates Here are afew options; mon, which is located at the pasta because "he is the best! 'He is an lunch meat, pepperoni, peppers, bar. outstanding accounting student mushrooms, onions, olives. with a very high average in ac- counting as well as in total GPA." Fizzy Yogurt Ondercin dedicates his 4. Sprinkle with garlic powder achievement to "long hours over and oregano, which are at the Cooler the accounting books." He also ac- pasta bar. 1. Pour soda of choice over a knowledges the wide range of ac- glass offrozen yogurt, ice cream, counting programs offered by 5. To cook, either microwave it or sherbert. WMC for making him well pre- or ask a Glar employee to place it pared for future employment in in the pizza oven. Caffeine Cooler accounting. Ondercin is involved in many Pasta Salad I. Mix coffee, chocolate ice community service projects as 1. Get plain pasta, found at the cream, creamer, and a packet of well as several student organiza- sugar. pasta bar. tions on campus. He has been an active member 2. Sprinkle with cheese, and add Angel Food of the International Club for three with any combination of the years. He recently joined Sigma following: shredded carrot, Surprise Phi Epsilon. He also volunteers to The active Lubomir Ondercin caught in a rare moment a/relaxation tomato slices, onion, olives, deli I. Pour creamer over a slice of do one of the most dreaded things their income taxes! He is a partici- hopes to go to graduate school. Af- meat, cabbage. angel food or other unfrosted thai Americans must do each pant of VITA, the Volunteer Income tes graduation, he plans to move to cake. spring. Tax Assistance program. New York and work for an invest- 3. Add dressing of your choice Yes, that's right, he helps with In the distant future, Ondercin ment or accounting firm. from the salad btu; and toss. 2. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
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