Page 34 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 34
Thursday, October 21, 1999 - Page 10 FEATURES Rat's Web by Anne Butler Movie Reviews: Three Kings collec- and American Beauty Ah, the SO's. Most of us grew up in that The Starlight Jukebox - a complete decade. And most of us grew up with the tion of the songs from Jem cartoons of the 80's. Now you can relive JENN Ross AND ERIN JERNIGAN America" Beauty is the full-length fea- those days through the World Wide Web. I Senior writers ture film debut of theater director Sam now present Part I of the Teens series: Ah, and those blue wonders the Smurts. The ihought of George Clooney, Mark Mendes. sa's Toons! Who can forget their homogenous look and Wahlburg, and Ice Cube in a film together His use of interesting camera perspec- "He-Man" is the preeminent cartoon from their specialized use of the term, smurfy? alone was enough to drive us to the theater. tives and effects work to build plot and char- the early and mid-SO's. It made over a bil- When we got there, we were pleasantly sur- acters. lion dollars in its five year rise to the top. Beth's SmurfHomepage -lots of pies of toys prised by the depth and strength of the film. Instead of the typical Hollywood movie The effeminate Prince Adam turns into the and others. Three Kings is a story about soldiers who structure. Mendes' novice eye creates a style manly He-Man and battles the evil Skeletor. http://www.geocities.comffelevisionCity/ did not see enough action in Desert Storm, that is artistic and fresh. This also includes She-Ra information. SeU41511 and who stumble across a way to get rich For a guy who hasn't spent much time and see action at the same time. by stealing behind a camera, "he uses the camera to ex- - Great site, tons of info SmurfDew - the Aftennath of the Show the gold Saddam Hussein stole from the press emotion and give the viewer an inside Kuwaitis. Their plans are drastically altered look into the minds of his characters. insrnurf.html by the atrocities they witness on their mis- Annette Benning, Kevin Spacey, and The He-Man Page - has some of the cheesy sion, ard the main characters awaken to their Thora Birch are a family that make you won- morals, but not as much info And here are some links to some other humanity. der about the people next door. 'http://w w w. s pea k eas y. 0 r g/- 0 h h I shows of the sa's, "GI Joe," "Fat Albert," The humanity in the film is what is so The plot delves into the frightening world heman.htm "Inspector Gadget," and "Rainbow Brite." striking. Every character is developed to the of white, upper-middle class suburbia by ad- point that the audience cares what happens dressing some of the most important Ameri- Cringer's He-Man Site - Doesn't look like The Ultimate GI Joe Cartoon Website - lots to him. and the motivation of the bad guys is can issues today: sex, violence. drugs, and much, but great info and lots of info! tangible and clear. For an action film, the family relationships. hUp:llwww.west.ga_neU-eterniaIHe-manl http://www.geocities.comffelevisionCity/ violence is minimal and necessary, and each Spacey plays a bored and detached forty- he-man.html SeU15771 killing is handled with grave remorse. something father who doesn't see his mid- The director went to great lengths to find life crisis as a crisis because he has nothing And who can forget those anthropomor- Fat Albert's Hood -Iots of nice stuff, includ- appropriate scenery to simulate the flatness to lose by following his every whim. phic feline wonders, the "Thundercats"? ing icons of Iraq and the mountains of Iran. The ter- Proof of his rebirth is depicted in his tran- http://www.geocities.comffelevisionCity/ rain, coupled with the realistic portrayal of sition to a high-flying rock and roller. He is Erin's Thundercats Stuff! - sounds too! Network/l84~ modem wartime army life. made the film' hit having fun for the first time in a long time, home. and it is exciting to watch. Spacey is by all tcatslindex.html Go Go Gadget - find out what Dr. Claw re- This movie proves that a story can be means the star of the show. ally looked like! successful even without an obligatory ro- He is comple~ented by his equally dis- ThunderCat's Obsession - nifty stuff! h Up :llgogoga d get. s im plene t.coml mance. Viewers are instead awed by the po- turbed wife and-daughter, who are defined index2.htrnl tential for human greatness in the face of op- by their flaws. Benning, as the wife, is clearly teats.html pression. off her rocker. The daughter may not have a Welcome to Rainbow Land! - nice info and It is hard to say more without giving away prayer, considering her parents. One of the preeminent girls' shows was lots of pies the plot. except that the audience should walk As much fun as it is to watch other the rocking hit, "Jerri and the Holograms." away with some new ideas about Iraq and people'S craziness, this movie will make you Fighting the evil Misfits and a corrupt record rbindex.html the role of the press in the Gulf War. fear what evil lurks behind closed doors. executive, Jerrica became the glamorous .Grade· B+ It could have been an A if Grade: A You'U"ever look at red roses Jem, using her special hologram earrings and Marky Mark had dropped his shorts. the same way again an intelligent computer. Weird-AssSite of the Issue Hollywood Jem - nice page. lots of info Tombstone Alley - supporting the weird-ass Classified http://www.geocities.comffelevisionCity/ horror of Hollywood 92521page3.htrnl hUp:llhome.earthlink.neU-vondreckl Travel BREAK ACT NOW! GET THE WMC Entertainment Box SPRING withSTS- 2000 BEST SPRING BREAK Join America's #1 Student PRICES! Take advantage of this service to Tour Operator to Jamaica, South Padre, Cancun, Ja- WMC Shuttle you. You may never be stuck in your Mexico, Bahamas, Cruises, donn room again. For any questions, maica, Bahamas, Acapulco, Schedule call 1.765. and Florida. Florida & Mardigras. Reps needed ... Travel Free, Earn Local Movie Now hiring on-campus reps. $$$ Group Discounts for No car? Call 1-800-648-4849 -, 6+. No problem. Theaters or visit online @ 800-838-82031 You no longer need to spend all weekend stuck in your donn room. The www.LEISUREIOURS.COM WMC shuttle will begin Saturday, Sep- Local Movie Theaters: tember 18 and run every Saturday dur- ing the semester. with the exception of Hoyt's Cranberry Mall, Westminster: Personal He. Wanted fall and Thanksgiving break. Accord- Phone: (410) 857-1410 ing to Terry Page in College Activities, Prices: Adults are $6.00 before 6:00 PREGNANT? the shuttle will pick students up in front pm FREE CONFIDENTIAL Immediate Openings! of Campus Safety beginning at 12:00 & $7.75 after 6:00 pm PREGNANCY pm. There will be a pick-up every hour until the last pick-up at 9:00 pm. General Cinema, Owings Mills: TESTING & CARING Students earn $375/$575 The shuttle will drop off and pick Phone: (443) 384-ooSI COUNSELING up students at the following locations: Prices: Adults are $5.00 before 6:00 HELP 1-800·521-5530 weekly processing/assem- Main Street in Westminster, Cranberry pm CONTINUE EDUCATION bling medical LD. cards from Mall, Owings Mills Metro. and Owings & $8.00 after 6:00 pm AND CAREER, your home. Experience Mills Mall. There is no need for a res- ervation, and the shuttle operates on a Lowes Valley Center 9, Owings Mills: THE NURTURI!';G NET· unnecessary ... we train you! first come, first serve basis. Phone: (410) 3634194 WORK Call MediCard Prices: Adults are $5.00 before 6:00 800·866·4666 pm 8i $7.7) after 6:"00 pm 1-541-386-5290, ext. 300
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