Page 31 - Phoenix1999-2000
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COMMENTARY Thursday, October 21 .. 1999 - Page 7 Gendered magazines send mixed signals to readers As I was observing two maga- interpreting the significant other in Sara Hoover questions the At least this article zines found in today's society, 1 a relationship. Hopefully, these messages presented in tide concerns. by a woman. is too young to be having her palm was written noticed a pattern. Iused both Glam- magazines would help to bridge the gendered magazines. I moved onto a smaller article read by any man in the first place. our and Maxim to see if men and gap and confront the difficulties of entitled "Read Her Palm." This ar- Another problem with this ar- women are receiving the same type being in a relationship. Unfortu- are such "lousy listeners." tide does not express concern for ticle is that it lacked depth. I sin- of information on similar topics. nately, I was too optimistic. The article follows up with ex- the repair and maintenance of rela- cerely hope that the editors do not It is my estimation that this in- While thumbing through my expect a man to attempt these tricks dustry conveys mixed messages to copy of Glamour, I found, after amples and then strategies to help tionship; instead, it tries to give and hope to maintain a sensible re- what us poor females understand the sexes. searching through underwear, shoe, the guys are thinking and feeling. men something else to use to "pick lationship. Women's magazines have been and perfume ads, an article entitled her up." I know that it is not fair to brow- opposite in publication since the 1950's. "Why Guys Do What They Do." men's The magazine. is true for the In fact, the subhead reads, beat the guys. Unfortunately, I see Men's magazines, however, are This article tackles the issues While flipping through Maxim, "When you want to impress the girl no real harm in the Glamour article fairly new. Either way, the informa- that women face in relationships with your sensitivity, but there's not and not just because I ama woman. tion one can gain from them is sig- everyday. I found pages and pages devoted a puppy in sight, nothing does the The article successfully and hon- to women - naked women and ac- nificantly larger and more open Let me explain. I thought for a tresses with large breasts in tiny trick like palm reading." estly explains men. than in the past. long time that it was just me and shirts. Come on, seriously, a study The article does not degrade Now, it is not uncommon to find that my boyfriend simply didn't' ] found cigarette ads and, did I should be done to see how many them, simply stating facts that are blurbs like "Tongue Twist Her" on understand me. mention, naked women. women fall for such antics. feel- known and allowing men to explain Regardless of my personal the cover of his magazine or "Sex As a matter of fact, the prob- The point is clear. If she isn't Ings. the article explains a simple the reasoning behind their actions. Pointers from Women Men Love" lems of "wonders," as the article flung over the hood of a car or and effective way to read a I can honestly say that the on the cover of her magazine. termed it, were things that I had stretched across a bed, then she has woman's palm and hopefully strike Glamour article is effective and I have realized through obser- been turning over in my head for at least a five inch cleavage line. promotes the correct type of story vation that women's magazines about two weeks. Perhaps the Let me stop here, momentarily. up a conversation. the two, it for a woman to read. It does not After comparing have undergone several major magazine would help after all. Glamour also has naked women seems that while females are try- damage a relationship but allows it changes. These changes can be to become stronger. The article goes on to define the displaying lingerie, but well, isn't ing to understand men, men are try- titled different Visions. The article in Maxim, whether seven wonders about men. that for women? Glamour also has ing to seduce women. There are, The historical background of Those range from why men some handsome and muscular men taken seriously or not, is fickle. magazines is quite interesting, but cannot talk about relationships; in their ads but not nearly as many however, several things about the Unfortunately, ifstudies are cor- in this case, I was interested in why they are attracted to "bimbos"; as the number found of women in article in Maxim that bother me. rect, we do pay close attention to In the subhead, studying the content of the maga- why men hate being romantic; why Maxim. ferred to as a "girl." a woman is re- what the media tells us. zines. men share the same sexual fantasy; I spent time deciding that the If women continue to learn I seemed to deduce one thing and which is more important, their article entitled "Going Downtown" Now, my question is this: When about men while the men receive from these magazines right away. work or their women. was not the best choice for my read- exactly are we deemed worthy to useless attempts to make us smile, be no longer a "girl"? I assumed that women and men It continues to include why they ing pleasure. It would seem to me that if you then what becomes of the two-way, share one thing, the confusion of are so "easy" and why it is that men You can only guess what that ar- are calling a woman a girl, then she equal relationship that so many of us strive for today? Homecoming parade debate: Don't shortchange tradition Matt Berger's comment in Lisa communities. It gives people a Megan K. Martin Dale Van Auken's article, sense of continuity. Long after I considers the importance purpose, enabling students to look fraternities and sororities, and the back but still have a sense of the "Student's question leave WMC, I hope that something community at large to develop and administration's devotion to tradi- I was a part of lives on here. of tradition. future. All people need a sense of maintain traditions that are time- that led of the history their roots, tion," page I, about WMC losing For instance, I wouldn't mind future editors will have to do the less, like the parade. Without them, traditions really got me thinking. coming back, some future same. to their time and place. by we lose our sense of the past and can be This evidenced I am not certain which traditions Homecoming weekend perhaps, to It's not unlike the Homecoming cannot look to the future as clearly. people's fascination with geneal- have actually been lost or forgot- see some Phoenix editor running parade. When the alumni were stu- ogy. I've helped my mother search If it is true that WMC has lost ten in recent years; the Phoenix of- frantically back and forth between dents, they took part in the parade. for genealogical infonnation on the some of its traditions over the fice tends to be that proverbial rock dorm and office instead of attend- Now, when they come back Internet and was amazed at how years, maybe someone should look some people live under for most of ing the football game. Not that Homecoming weekend, they can many people have developed sites into which ones have been lost and their lives. there's anything wrong with attend- watch current students participat- dedicated to their families and tra- why they have been lost. Some of The idea of losing the ing the football game, but some- ing. the more important ones, or the Homecoming parade does bother times it is just impossible on a lay- lt gives the alumni a bond with ditions. overtime, tradi- more interesting ones, could be Unfortunately, me. Apparently a misunderstand- out weekend. the future and the students a con- tions can lose their meaning. The dusted off and revamped for ing, the controversy over this year's Traditions like that give conti- nection to the past. turnover rate at college is extremely today's campus. parade is, at the very least, thought nuity becauseI know that former From the students' collective high. What is meaningful for one In any case, I hope we never let provoking. editors had to miss football games perspective, a firm connection with class may mean nothing in four go of things like the Homecoming What if we lost this tradition? for layout weekends before I ever the past helps pave the road to the years' time. parade. Since Homecoming is not Traditions are important to came to WMC, and] know that future. Traditions help serve this It is important for college clubs, a layout weekend, I'll see you at the parade. SEX. Too much personal information You never lose the right to refuse. available on the Internet Being unable to consent Is not Do you feel safe where you are Jessica Fitzgerald exposes always thought he was. the same as saying yes. right now? the tangible threat of Obviously, I had every intention I ask this because, as I recently No means No. Period. discovered, anyone, anywhere, can Internet spying. to use this information in the most of ways. innocent If you need help about sexual Violence, find out a lot about you simply by am, 'J asked what he was doing, to However, not all people have call us. Calls are confidential and typing your name into a web search which he proudly responded that he the same scruples as 1. services are free. engine. found a way to find a map to Some people could really use Creepy, isn't it? anyone's house, provided that they this information to do serious dam- Telephone: 410 • 857 - 0900 Not only can they find out about were listed in the phone book. age to a person, either physically you, but they can find out about I started playing around and or emotionally. your family and neighbors and buy managed to find a high school I don't know what steps can be 24 hour Hotline: 410-875-7322 copies of your public records. friend's address, createamap to my taken to make this sort of informa- I don't feel very safe at all any- boyfriend's college, and calculate tion harder to get. It may even be Rape Crisis Intervention Service more. How about you? the miles from my roommate's impossible. of Carroll County J discovered this frightening home to my uncle's house. But, if anyone reading this has 224 North Center Street. Rm. 102 little web site over fall break, when For a brief time, I also consid- any brilliant ideas, please write in Westmlnlter, MO my younger brother was just fool- ered buying my strange neighbor's and let me know. ing around on the Internet. public records, hoping they would Maybe then I can get some de- Being the nosey older sister I tell me ifhe's the crazed madman I cent sleep during the night.
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