Page 29 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 29
COMMENTARY Thursday, October 21, 1999 - Page- 5 WMC Internet headaches I'm sure most of us have sat Edward Schultheis morning or you have to wait until around in our dorms at 11 pm on a comments on WMC all the other normal people have weeknight waiting to get online to do computer delays. gone to sleep or, at least, have gone some work. I know I have. I know offline. that my roommate, classmates. and when we finally access the Inter- Since it is virtually impossible neighbors have also. This is one of net. to get on in the middle of the day, the biggest problems with the current Recently, however, Informa- this can pose a problem to many antiquated Internet system here at tion Systems has informed us that students who are awaiting mes- WMC. they have added more connec- sages. I know that we have all heard so tions for us to access the Inter- Many of my classmates didn't much about the system already, but net. get an email from our professor tell- as more students have computers in While this is a plus, it still ing us that class was canceled. their rooms, it's not going to get any leaves a lot to be desired. Not a huge problem, unless you better. Not helping the matter are the Lately, I come back from my were one of the ones that just sat in ever crowded writing centers and classes in the afternoon, flip on the room for 30 minutes waiting for My friends from other colleges have told me about their extensive networks .... I say that they are just jealous of our long wait times and slow speeds .... computer labs. the computer, and click on the a professor to show up. I have walked by the centers on WMCppp connection. With all the disadvantages to the my way to classes and tried to work To my surprise, the normal 45 current system here at school, it's on some of my work in the lab in people waiting in queue has re- a wonder why we still even have Hoover to no avail. markably dropped to 30 people it. Oh yes, it must be one of those I always see jam-packed labs ahead of me. oldies but goodies. which just drive me back to my room While it seems to not be a big You see, its not just a matter of [Q try to get online from there. The number, it can be when you have fixing the dorms' "networking"; it's problem is, I am only a freshman and a report to research, and those 30 also a matter of making sure that Have a ghoulish story about Halloween? haven't even been around for finals, people in front of you seem to just the computers in the labs are open What better place to tell it than the Phoe- which I imagine only intensifies the trickle away slowly. to students who need to get those niX?For Halloween story ideas, or any oth- problem. When you finally get online, important messages. My friends from other colleges it's a whole other story. It often The Internet is a great resource. ers, come out to a Phoenix meeting, held have told me about their extensive feels like Chinese water torture, I have used it many times already every Monday night at 6 prn in the base- networks running all through the with the excruciatingly slow to help me and to just goof off. It's ment of the fourth section of Daniel Ma- dorm areas. loading times. Bur, it's all good. just a teeny problem when no one I say that they arejust jealous of I think I have found the key. cLea. If you can't make it, call extension our long wait times and slow speeds Either you have to get on in the can get on when they need to do 8600. Do movie stars make good presidential candidates? The presidential elections are else can really be said? Kristen G. Fraser ernor of California. This has not coming up soon. College students He can make a pretty speech discusses celebrities in the been officially discussed yet, but it It's a growing trend that Ameri- everywhere will have to make a de- no doubt, but does that mean he presidential campaign. merits notice. cans are tired with traditional poli- cis ion about who they think should will be entitled to the nuclear He completes the group of ce- tics and traditional politicians. run the country. codes? r think not. He seems like the Republicans. lebrities that are something more Ventura's win in Minnesota ex- It seems there are many alterna- a nice enough guy, but does that Those sound like good qualifi- than a coincidence and are possi- presses that strongly. The fact that such media anen- tive choices this year, but do these give him the reign of the free cations, right? bly a developing trend. This trend tion has been given thus far only prospective candidates have any world? Moving on to another high pro- of celebrities in the political arena clue? About the same time Beatty file possible candidate. is an interesting turn and seems to reemphasizes that American votes I suppose this phenomenon can be made his exploratory comments, Newsweek this week profiled only be successful in the 1990's. are interested in more than the tra- issues. traced back to the irrepressible Jesse a stream of other would-be can- Donald Trump and his exploration There really seems to be noth- ditional political campaign candidates More traditional Ventura. The illustrious governor didates started sprouting up. I of the possibility of a presidential ing in common with these celebri- should take notice of these celebri- gave us reason to not vote for a poli- would like to assert that the rea- run within the Refonn Party. ties and another famous movie star, ties but not because they are a tician. and the trend seems to be de- sorting for these campaigns is Again, he has set forth no po- veloping further in the presidential purely marketing and self-pro- litical agenda at this time. He sim-. Ronald Reagan. did experience threat. Public reaction to them shows Though Reagan motion. ply soaks up the media attention many years in front of a camera in that they represent a voter senti- More traditional candidates should take notice of these celebrities but not because they are a threat. Where to begin? There are so Another such example is and the profits. many alternative candidates who Cybil Shepherd. Her career Trump has increased his wealth, Hollywood, he moved onto politi- ment of intolerance of politics as don't really belong in the sphere of seems to be dropping off in re- as if he needed it, as a result of his cal offices in many different are- usual. political campaigning. cent years, so of course, a presi- proclamation. It seems that this nas, such as the governorship of The most successful presiden- For some reason, these candidates dential run seems that natural serves as a very compelling reason California, before becoming presi- tial candidate might be determined feel compelled to run for office. transition for a middle-aged ac- to continue in his attempts. dent. These celebrities are not doing by whom can present ideas in a way Some of them just seem a little ludi- tress, right? Also, he. would certainly ben- that is appealing to most Ameri- crous. When was the last time that efit from his role if he were to be- this as a result of the traditional cans. Now, the celebrities are soak- H appears that Hollywood has anyone heard her name in the come president. The impact on big steps followed by Reagan. They ing up the limelight, using their become the breeding ground for poli- press? business would be unbelievable. have little or no practical political fame to draw media attention. ticians. Is it too much 10 suggest that Naturally, this thought has never experience to guide their "cam- . The presidential candidate who The next natural step would be her reasons for discussing this op- crossed the mind of Donald Trump. paigns." can steal the limelight with an is- that the New Hampshire Primary or tion are not for the good of the Rest assured, his current model What, then, is the point? sue that is pertinent to Americans gains seem fairly Their personal the Iowa Straw Poll will move into country but more for the good of girlfriend, Miss Melanie Knauss, obvious at this point. Personal could very well win the next elec- the realm of the Hollywood Walk of her personal causes. undoubtedly has begun work on a profit and free public relations with tion. Learn from the celebrities by Fame. Here is another person who revised health care plan and other the press are quite beneficial to getting the attention of the Ameri- . can people. For example, Warren Beatty an- has not particularly expressed nounced that he is considering a run any plans for America. Her po- humanitarian people. efforts to help the these individuals. This campaign has more celeb- A'Verican for the White House. He obviously litical background is that of a Rumors are starting to circulate This would not have been pos- rities than the Oscars, and they all has the political benefit of charisma, typical Hollywood actress _ sible without the proper American want to be Commander 'in Chief. th
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