Page 25 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 25
WMC dedicates science building Lewis dedication boasts speakers and improvements CATUV P£NDOR~'. LISA DALE VAN Information courtesy of Public Information Office AtiKEN The long anticipated opening of Opened in 1914, Lewis Reci- Slaff Writer.News Editor the Lewis Hall of Science on Sat- tation Hall is possibly one of the urday showed off the $13.4 million oldest full-time science education Starting their efforts last semes- facilities. facilities in the nation. WMC's ter, students who were trying to con- Although the building was offi- modern computers and lab equip- vince WMC to raise the number of cially opened to students taking sci- ment were rumored to have looked credits they can take without being ence classes in August, the dedica- strangely out of place in the his- charged may finally be satisfied. tion was held on Saturday, Oct. 16 toric building. Earlier this month, requests taken at 2 pm in Baker Memorial Chapel. In fact, in Provost Joan Devlin- to the budget committee were grati- Dr. Paul A. J: Janssen, of Bel- Coley's speech at the dedication, fied when administrators agreed to WMC Jat:ulty. students, and honored guests CUI/he ribbon of the new gium, was the guest speaker at the she noted that the WMC's 1915 science building at last Saturday's dedication up the credit Iimit from 20 to 22 next dedication. catalogue boasted that Old Lewis semester. Active in work to discover an had "toilets and an electrically con-, Students question Dean Joan Devlin-Coley, pro- AIDS vaccine, Janssen was given nected vacuum cleaner," unlike the vost, explained that the new credit an honorary degree at the ceremony whopping 164 vacuum outlets of administration's system will be helpful to students presented by James Melhorn, chair the new building. who wish to take four academic ofWMC's Boarded of Trustees and Although the building is a ma- . classes as well as a gym class and a that the devotion to tradition . PresidentJCEQ of Episcopal Min- jor step up from the old structure, music class. istries to the Aging, Inc. most speakers admitted Previous to the new system, stu- Janssen is credited with found- building needs more than brick and dents were required to pay $ 365 per ing Janssen Pharmaceutica, which mortar to make WMC students LISA DALE VAN AUK£N credit to take over 20 credits. became a part of Johnson & benefit. News Editor homecoming parade this year, Students originally requested the said interviewed SGA members. credit limit be raised to 24, but the Johnson in 1961. Although Coley called the He is also chairman of the building "a downright state-of-the- Miscommunications between Every year, WMC has re- committee decided that 22 would be the Student GovemmentAssembly Janssen Research Foundation and art technological marvel," she said and the Alumni Affairs Office con- ceived five tractors from Finch a good compromise. said Coley. was made Services, a local farm equipment Coley said the decision was honored by the Belgian gov- that the building needs the "magic" semester's five ernment in 1990 when the title of of students and teachers to live up cerning this caused some dealer. and a produce flatbeds from in an attempt to be responsive to the students vender and parade Baugher's, next semester. homecoming Baron was conferred on him. to its potential. anxiety among students and faculty. restaurant on W. Main St. Ext. Rumors WMC would go back to Holding 19 honorary degrees Louise Paquin, professor ofbt- This year, Rytter informed of the This year, some members the from twelve different countries, ology, agreed in her speech. "The SGA were doubtful of the Alumni SGA that they would not be able the three credit system to accornmo- notes date the new limit are untrue, Janssen received his first American structure alone can't do it all... the Affairs Office's devotion to the to get the equipment, which is Coley, saying that the college only degree of Doctor of Science from institution must commit itself to a time-honored tradition of a usually used by WMC in build- relatively recently switched to the WMC. very integral role for the sciences." homecoming parade, but Alumni ing floats for the parade, said in- four credit system. The dedication also included re- Dr. Richard H. Smith. profes- like Students, SGA members. marks from John Willis, secretary sor of chemistry. said in his speech Affairs has denied any "apathy" ac- on terviewed Ryner said that road sophomore Chair Steve Sharkey, of the Student Also, their part in staging the parade, of state for Maryland. that the building is a symbol to the cording to Randall Rytter,Assistant construction would have kept the Government Assembly Academic State legislature appropriated a WMC community. from having a parade.' $3.5 million challenge grant for the "It symbolizes WMC's founda- Director of Alumni Affairs. of the college In order to appease the SGA, Committee, seem excited about the firstSGA meeting Atthe change. project. rion in liberal arts. The art is in the year, SGA board members were Ryner suggested that they con- "I feel it's great for students who To some, the investment seems appearance of the building," he told by Rytter that there were many sider having a banner competition want to double major and have extra well worth it. said. obstacles which would prevent a Continued 011 page 2 minors without charge," he said. Four stories and 50,000 square feet, the new Lewis appears to be a Freshman directing major community service major improvement from the old project for Honors Program science hall. Inside ERIN Senior S, HOWARD served as race director her senior the RAINN, proceeds of this race all of to school, Knight is overwhelmed by writer year, brought the idea of a charity we are supporting at the '''The (3·1"I"i§,'£'" 1 taking The WMC Honors Program is race to the Honors Program year. Ac- the Rape Crisis Centers around the reaction. people who are helping are project on a new for its beginning of the school Kristen G. Fraser affirms current yearly community service project, cording to Knight, the Honors the nation." great," said Knight. "Everything is TIle previous two charity races problems with the service and food and not only is it more ambitious Program's past community service which Knight planned raised moving along quickly." in the Pub and Grille, and Anne than past ventures, but the driving programs have included projects $5,000 each year for the Ameri- Still there is much robe done. ac- Butler tackles campus parking. force behind the seven month un- such as sponsoring needy families can Diabetes Association. She cording to Knight. The planning of 'Willig ., dertaking is a First-year student. and recycling drives but never "a hopes the Race for RATNN will the race will take a full seven months, First-year student, Stephanie large project like this." raise $10,000. and she and the members of the vari- Jenn Ross and Erin Jernigan pro- Knight, is directing the Race for The charily, RAINN, which is The response Knight has al- ous committees, which include the file another local artist, WMC's RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest widely known for its cofounder, Race Day Committee, Sponsorship choir director, Eric Byrd, who re- National Network), a 5K foot race influential music artist Tori Amos, ready received from the Honors Committee, and AdvertisinglRun- cently released his debut album. to be held on April 9, 2000, for the was also chosen by Knight. Program and the WMC commu- ners Committee, are still in the be- that this nity leads her to believe stages. ginning fttfffi¥ C' Honors Program's yearly commu- "I think society largely ignores ambitious goal is possible to "If we plan it right, the earliest nity service project. of people that have Greg Lederer puts women's soccer Knight, who successfully the population raped, or victimi ....ed achieve. the Race for we can have things wrapped up is the been abused, Currently, player Beth Blasi, from Columbia, planned two similar races for the because it is not a nice topic to deal RAINN has 25 volunteers. Hav- week before," said Knight. "But usu- Md., in the Phoenix spotlight. American Diabetes Association at with," said Knight of her reasons ing only had three volunteers for ally it comes down to the day of the race." Glen Burnie High School and for choosing RAlNN. "By giving the races she planned in high Continued on page 2
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