Page 27 - Phoenix1999-2000
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NEWS Thursday, October 21, 1999 - Page 3 Alcohol at WMC Campus Safety Blotter MAUSSA MORIN Mitch Alexander, director of Col- • On 9125 at 2:43 am DoCS docu- SlaifWriler -On 1011 at 12:00am DoCS docu- -On 10/4 at 6:30 pm DoCS docu- lege Activities, said that at events that mented threatening or dangerous mented intimidation of an indi- Across the nation, alcohol re- are sponsored through his office, usu- physical abuse at Blanche Ward mented a pull station incident in vidual lated crimes and injuries plague ally "not more than 50 students at- Hall. tem. via the campus phone sys- McDaniel Hall. college campuses every year, in- tend," even though alcohol is some- ·On 9/25 at 2:37 pm DoCS re- • On 1011 at 4:00 pm DoCS docu- -On 1015 at 2:00 am DoCS docu- cluding our own. times served. sponded to a call from McDaniel mented motor vehicle theft at Al- mented a fire alarm/panel trouble ''Two or three students have Bonnie Bosley, health education Lounge for reasons unknown. in Daniel MacLea. already been hospitalized this coordinator, said that there arc a lot -o- 9/25 at 4:03 pm DoCS docu- bert Norman Ward Parking Lot. -On 10/5 at 7:20 am DoCS docu- -On lOll at 9:0 I pm DoCS docu- year for alcohol poisoning," Scott of alcohol education programs spon- mented a fire alarm/panel trouble mented excessive speed at Gill mented a fire alarm/panel trouble in Lewis Hall. Kane director of Residence Life, sored by the college that students in McDaniel Hall. Lane. -On 10/5 a15:38 pm DoCS docu- said, noting that "this number is must attend. -On 9/25 at 6:45 am DoCS docu- -On 1011 at 11:17pmDoCSdocu- mented stealing at Rouzer Hall. fairly consistent with the past." Freshmen students are required to mented an alcohol violation, pos- mented disorderly conduct at Rou- -On [015 at 9: 18 pm DoCS docu- But perhaps _surprisingly, complete a program called On Cam- session of "kegs," in Albert Nor- zer Hatt. these incidents apparently have pus Talking About Alcohol (OC- man Ward Hall. -On 10/2 at 2:00 am DoCS docu- mented a fire alarm/panel which trouble was in Daniel MacLea, not affected the way students per- TAA). ·On9126at 12:30am DoCS docu- mented defacing property in Rou- forwarded to OCM. ceive alcohol, and a high percent- After that, students are exposed mented a damage report in the zer Hall. age of students on campus con- to programs such as Alcohol 101 and Garden Apartments. -On 10/2 at 9:01 pm DoCS docu- -On Ion at5: 15 pm DoCS docu- tinue to drink in excessive Alcohol Awareness Week. -On 9/26 at 4:05 pm DoCS docu- mented theft from the Decker amounts, according to a recent "Those programs tend to be dry mented a medical report but did survey done at WMC. and long, but there is hope," said So why aren't more students Bosley. "We are always concerned changing their behavior? with trends in binge drinking." "Students don't change their Kane traces the binge drinking opinions [about drinking] be- problem to the availability of alco- cause, ifit doesn't affect you per- hol among students. "Parties are Lane. DoCS documented a sonally, then you don't think you spread around campus," he said. -On 9/26 at 9:50 pm vehicle accident at need to change your behavior," "Most of them are Greek-related." DoCS documented B Ianche Ward Hall. said Megan Friday, a senior psy- Despite the Greek reputation for a medical report, chology major. "Right after throwing parties, WMC houses some for transport only, in am -On DoCS lOIS at 9:38 docu- something occurs, it changes dry organizations. Phi Mu and Phi Whiteford Hall. your outlook briefly but not long Sigma Sigma sororities have been -On 9/27 at 3: 10 pm DoCS term." dry since they were founded nation- documented motor vehicle theft Even when i~cidents do hap- ally and Phi Delta Theta and Phi at the Whiteford Parking Lot. pen on campus, students' opin- Kappa Sigma fraternities also boast -On 9/28 at 5:41 pm DoCS docu- ions 'on the dangers of drinking the dry label. mented an emergency exit in towed from flee. do not change because they "still By saying they are dry, the frater- Hoover Library. Parking Lot. have the outlook that it could nity or sorority must keep their liv- -On 9/28 at 10:40 pm DoCS -On 10/3 at 9:00 am DoCS docu- -On 10/10 at 2:00 pm DoCS never happen to me," said An- ing space and their clubroom alco- documented a medical report in mented a medical report and ren- documented a smoke detector drew Allen, a junior political sci- hol free. However, not everyone Rouzer Hall and needed higher dered treatment in Englar Dining alarm in Daniel MacLea. encemajor. agrees that the dry label is really ranked EMS procedures. Hall. -On 10/12 at 1:20 am DoCS Last April, the. college con- making a'difference. ~ ~ o On 9129 at6:iiOpm DoCS docu- documented a medical report and ducted a campus-wide residence .....None of the four [organizations] mented dishonesty/furnishing -o- 10/3 at2:15 pm DoCS docu- rendered treatment in the DoCS from Alumni mented theft HalJ. satisfaction survey that also in- are really promoting being dry," said false information at Englar Din- -On 10/3 at 3:45 pm DoCS docu- Office. cluded questions about alcohol Betsy Chimock, assistant director of ingHal1. mented a smoke detector in a Penn- -On 10112 at 4:30 pm DoCS_ College Activities. "Jf the groups -On 9/30 at 6:45 pm DoCS docu- sylvania Avenue House. documented a parking violation This survey was also con- were really alcohol free. there would mented a failure to comply with at Peterson Hall Parking Lot. DoCS ducted at 159 other colleges and be a positive change on campus, spe- a college official at Englar Din- -On JO/3 at 3:55 pm DoCS docu- -On 10113 at 5:33 pm to a call report mented a medical and ren- documented a response universities across the country. cifically in the drinking culture on ing Hall. dered treatment in Alben Norman from Hoover Library for reasons Results showed that 22 per- campus." -On 9/30 at 11:00 pm DoCS docu- Ward Hall. cent of students on this campus Rana Rezzaque, social chair of mented the use of a controlled -On 10/3 at 8:00 pm DoCS docu- unknown. at 11:36 pm DoCS 10/[3 ·On claim they do not drink at all, Phi Sigma Sigma, disagrees with dangerous substance at Rouzer mented stealing at Blanche Ward documented a damage report at compared to 31 percent nation- Chimock because she believes that Hall, forwarded to WCPD. Hall. the Power Plant. ally. Kane said that he thought "it's not our responsibility to make this number was "surprising and the whole campus solely on Greeks." WMC plans for more renovations dry, it's not fair to impressive." put that burden On a another note, of the stu- Razzaque thinks that indepen- dents on campus who do drink, dents drink as much as Greeks, "but MIKE STOKES with cars who are on that side of proval, however, Seidel said that said Seidel. "our goal is to have the buildings the campus," 38 percent consume two or more the reason why we get a bad reputa- SraifWriler The design for this construction completely renovated and ready to times a week, compared to 26 tion is because our events are orga- The major construction that has is completed, and the college is go by the Fall 2000 semester." percent nationally. nized and attract a lot of publicity." been ongoing for years is coming analyzing the bids and the con- Seidel also commented, "All of Although Kane said that floor But Kevin Dooley, vice president to an end. The new science build- tracts. The work will be completed this is part of an effort to have all parties are on an increase and clu- of Gamma Beta Chi, believes that ing is finally complete, as is the within the coming year, according of the facilities on campus up to a broom parties are on a decrease, "there is a consensus over the coun- walkway in front of the Lewis Hall to Seidel. high quality." he noted that there is "no hard and try that Greeks drink more than non- of Science and McDaniel Hall. Also in the works is a renova- Renovations that will also affect fast evidence that there is more Greeks because those who tend to The walkway in front of tion of the old Lewis building. Ac- the entire student body will be an drinking going on on-campus in join sororities and fraternities usually McDaniel was extended into the cording to Seidel, the plan is to upgrade of the Internet service in the past few years." party more and drink more." lobby level of the building to pro- renovate all of the classrooms, of- the residence halls. The budget Although Kane said there However, Razzaque also said that vide easier access to the residence have been more floor parties re- Greeks do hold events that are not hall, according to Ethan Seidel, the fices, and labs. The math and com- committee recently approved funds cently, he also noted the decrease centered around alcohol. vice-president of Administration puter science departments will oc- for the renovation, and experts are currently being contacted to deter- cupy the first floor, the second floor in the amount of alcohol viola- For example, Phi Sigma Sigma and Finance. labs, and the computer tions during the 1998-99 school and Phi Delta Theta had a movie and The college is also in the pro- will contain department will be housed mine the best technology _ for the physics project. year compared to past years. pizza night recently, and Phi Sigma cess of expanding the campus on the third floor. The plan is adirect result of the During the 1996-97 school Sigma had a series of alcohol educa- walkway system, which will stretch The communications and eco- year, there were 290 discipline tion classes specifically for their so- from Main Street to McDaniel Hall. nomics departments will relocate growth within the last three years requir- of students of the numbers cases involving alcohol, 247 dur- rority. Seidel said that brick paths will be from Winslow Hall to Lewis. ing Internet access in the dorms. ing the 1997-98 school year, and "College students do drink, and constructed all the way into cam- The renovations will increase And, according to Seidel, the work 240 during the 1998-99 school they will continue to drink," said pus from Main Street, and the road the number of classrooms on cam- will be done this year. year. Kane. into campus will be revamped to Friday believes that because Friday believes "drinking is pretty include a circle between Lewis Hall pus, they will provide a greater va- Seidel remarked that "renova- of "the lack of other entertain- evenly distributed [between Greeks of Science and McDaniel Hall. riety of classrooms, and will in- tionswillneverend,becausewe're ment the college and the city of and non-Greeks], but, of course, "The brick paths will add to the crease the flexibility of classes, ac- always trying to improve residence . Westminster provide, students some groups are going to be worse look of the campus, and the new cording to Seidel. life on campus. However, the rna- are bound to continue drinking." than others." road will make it easier for students stages The plan is still in the design ap- jor renovations are coming to an end." for budget and waiting
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