Page 24 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 24
cmenDireCI Wanted: Sports writers Teffllr and photogra- phers Call x8600 Volume XX, Number 2 Western Maryland College Thursday, September 30, 1999 Green terror football unravels Ursin us BY MICHAEL JENKINSON displayed in a box score. Staf!Wr;ler In the second half, the Terror offense racked up 21 points. ~e of the touchdowns was a On Saturday, September 25, the Ursinus Bears arrived at Bair Sta- pass to junior flanker Ryan Smith. The a two point following play, dium to take on the Green Terror. The Terror were victorious 36-15. conversion, was also caught by Smith. The action started fast for the Ter- Dominant play at the line of ror, as the defense shut down scrimmage by seniors A.J. Ursin us' opening drive. Barchetto and Dan Harmon was the The offense then drove down starting point for many of the big- the field and scored on their open- gest plays for the Terror. ing drive, highlighted by several A week before, The Terror went tough runs up the middle by sopho- down the road to take on confer- more running back Kevin Parker. ence rival Gettysburg. Senior offensive lineman Terry The Terror the Bul- destroyed Otto made a crushing block near the lets 44-0. The biggest story of the sideline on a sweep on a key down game was Smith's 9 catches for 198 in the middle of the drive. The scor- yards and a touchdown. Surpris- ing play of the drive was a 22 yard ingly enough, the game GOuld have scramble run by senior co-captain been even better for Smith. A 67 quarterback Ron Serrnarini. yard TO reception was called back The touchdown was the first of three rushing touchdowns, to go on a questionable clipping call. along with a career high 140 rush- The Terror defense posted their ing yards, for Sermarinl on the day. / second shutout of the season Quarterback ROil Sermarini drops back for one hLI·many successful passes this past Saturday. against Gettysburg. The At this point Green Terror fans Derek crew of junior are used to seeing the opponent lose Defensive coordinator AI Tho- the holder threw the ball, co-cap- The Green Terror came out and linebacking Selecky, and Meiklejohn Gwynn, momentum and control of the game mas' defense went on the field and tain Matt Meiklejohn jumped up in dominated the second half. The swarmed the ball and made bone and watching the Terror rack up a made big plays, as they have all the air and knocked it down. defense had big plays throughout, crushing tackles throughout the big blowout. This did not happen. year in trouble situations. The rest of the first half was including a safety by Aaron contest. Ursin us came out with their guns Sophomore defensive linemen back and forth until all-around Bartolain, an interception by Rob The only negative note of the blazing. The Bears drove down the Brian Fogelsonger and Josh Gale- player Teron Powell, usually a star McCraken, and two interceptions route was an injury. Workhorse run- field on their next possession and more teamed up on a sack on a wide receiver, lined up in the by Centennial Conference record ning back Greg Dubel1 broke his scored. The score was tied, 7-7. third down play to effectively kill backfield for a goal line play. holder Marvin Deal. foot. He will not return this season. The next Terror offensive drive the dri~e. Coach Tim Keating gave the Tommy Selecky, the returning However, even an injury can wasn't effective, and the punt was After the big third down play, ball to Powell on a running play, All-American linebacker, made have a bright spot. Dubell will red fumbled in Green Terror territory, urstnus set up for a field goal but on which Powell dove into the end three tackles for losses in the sec- shirt this season and play again next giving the Bears great field posi- faked the kick. An Ursinus receiver zone. This gave the Terror a [3-7 ond half. SeJecky has made several year for The Terror. tion. looked open on the fake, but when lead heading into half time. big plays this season that can't be Volleyball garners national ranking The team is 5-0 in conference We're working hard, and we're go- BY MIK}: YESTRAMSKI play at press time, ranked first in Sports Editor ing to- be ready." the conference and sixth in the na- Recently, the Terror dominated No one knows the highs of vic- tion. both Bryn Mawr and Muhlenburg tory and the lows of defeat better When asked if she was worried by sweeping all three sets in both than the Terror women's volleyball games. team. The team has yet to drop a set After a promising start and ex- "We're hunting for to a Centennial Conference oppo- cellent play throughout last season, [those who are nem the Terror ended their season with In a recent tri-meet, the team a loss, and subsequently, an ejec- coming for us} and easily defeated Dickinson (15-6, tion from the Centennial Confer- everyone else [5-5,15-4) as well as dominating ence Tournament. host school Haverford (15-7,15-9, Well, they plan on doing every- ranked above us, 15·12). thing in their power to prevent that We're working hard, Brianne Bray led the team with from happening again this season. 10 kills, 18 digs, and four service According to captain Heather and we're going to aces. Tolkach, the team has been "run- The Terror also dismantled ning, lifting, swimming, and just be ready." Washington College (15~1, 15-8, about everything else you can do to --Heather Tolkach 15-4) to open this reporting week. condition." Rouse had a career high six ser- Hard work and determination vice aces in the meeting. seem to be a common theme around about other teams hunting for them The only setback for the Terror this team. Jessica Rouse, and the now that they are ranked, Tolkach was a recent non-conference home rest of the team, feel "real excited said, "We're hunting for them, and loss to visiting York College 3-1 about the rest of this season." everyone else ranked above us. (15·5,12-15,14-16,8-15). Terror volleyball action heals up as the learn receives a national ranking.
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