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FEATURES Thursday, April 13,2000 - Page 9 of despair while getting her way seemingly inept lawyer (played by filer and coffee makertoa crusader and filling their swimming pools. through the use of hard work, dedi- Albert Finney) is unable to get her for human rights. A good time is had by all as her Ever wanted to take revenge on cation, perseverance, and strategi- reimbursement for her medical She ends up fighting against a campaign takes off, except for her the energy industry for destroying cally fitted clothing. bills. This is possibly due to the fact large energy corporation, PG&E boyfriend (played by Aaron the environment? How about an- After being divorced twice, she that her behavior in court is a bit after finding out that they have Eckhart), who is somewhat un- other worthy cause? is left by herself to raise three chil- unreserved to say the least. been contaminating the local kempt and hairy but has a good You avengers out there could dren including an infant, and has a However, instead of firing her groundwater with the chemical heart. learn a lesson from Erin Brokovich. hard time finding a job due to the attorney due to the loss and calling chromium six. Problems arise when he decides This film, which is based on a true fact that her only experience is as a Stephen L. Miles, she instead in- For those of you who are not (justifiably) that would rather be story, proves that you don't have wife and mother. sists that he give her a job. Due to chemistry majors, suffice to say _ to be a politician, or an organiza- To make matters worse. after her constant presence in his law that this is a bad thing. She takes riding his Harley iota the sunset his than playing while Mr. Mom tion leader, or even gainfully em- her most recent unsuccessful inter- office and her loud and persistent on the voice of the common towns- girlfriend is off campaigning. ployed to make a difference. view shown during the beginning ~ nagging, she is eventually hired. people who were lied to by the So how will it turnout?Will Erin The lead character (Erin scene in the film, she is hit by a car Unbeknownst to everyone in are Brokovich for those of you who and injured, not to mention her ve-. the office, she winds up becoming seedy official types. kick some corporate butt?There As a result two ways to find out. (I) Can the of the contamina- haven't been paying attention) is hide is also missing a passenger the greatest asset that the finn has tion, local residents have become real Erin Brokovich, although her played by Julia Roberts who goes side door. - ever had. Somewhat by accident, seriously ill from the effects of the number is probably unlisted or (2) from emotional highs to the depths Although she is not at fault, her her status changes from being the water running through their laps See the movie. Expressions 2000: Photos of the recent BSU fashion show runway with clothes provided by JC Penney, DEB, Belk, and Maurices. Fashion categories included evening wear, sleepwear, and swimwear, to name a few. Even "Will Smith" and "Stsqo" joined in on the fun for the Wild Wild West experience. As you can tell from the above photo, the night was all about fashion and attitude! There was also an aspect of eloquence as seen in the evening wear photo at left. Photos and text by Trang Dam Greek Speak: Meet the four social sororities on campus GINGER PARKE mascot. In 1941, the Phi Alphs of- College in Macon, Georgia. It be- ing sisters fanned the first nonsec- Contributing writer ficially fused with a brother frater- came Phi Mu in 1904 and was the Lutheran Village. Alpha Nu Omega nity, Gamma Beta Chi. second female fraternity formed in tarian sorority. Their colors are In conjunction with Alcohol The sorority of Alpha Nu Their mission is to, "promote the U.S. king blue and gold, and their mas- Awareness week, they lit over 100 cot is the skunk. luminaries in Red Square, Omega was founded in Ocean City, love, trust, loyalty and respect be- The Phi Alpha chapter at WMC As a national sorority, they senting the number of alcohol repre- re- Maryland during the summer of tween each sister and to support formed out of Delta Sigma Kappa have over II0chapters all over the 1979 by a group of 15 close friends growth and learning as individuals in 1989. Their colors are rose and lated deaths in Maryland in 1998. who attended Western Maryland and as a group while providing ser- white, their flower is the rose car- world, ranging from Manitoba to California. They are based on three College. vice and compassion to our com- nation, and their mascot is the lion. core values: diversity, leadership Write for the It is a local sorority, only exist- munity thereby ensuring survival of The national sorority partici- ing at WMC. The Omegas partici- the group and the groups ideals." pates in many philanthropy events. through service. and academic'ex- Phoenix! cellence. pate in numerous community ac- Phi Alpha Mu participates in Their national philanthropy is the The Gamma Psi chapter of Phi You know you tivities such as Adopt-A-High- many community service activities. Children's Miracle Network, sup- Sigma Sigma has a 78 year history way and working with the elderly Two deal mainly with women's is- ported by fund-raisers such as on campus, dating back to its ori- want to. ata local nursing home. During the sues. such as Rape Awareness (the bowl-a-thens and candy sales. gins as the WW Club (founded Oc- spring they participate in the walk Clothesline Project) and Eating They have participated in other tober 7, 1922), progressing to for multiple sclerosis. Disorder Awareness. community activities as well, in- Sigma Sigma Tau (founded Octo- They currently have 30 active They have adopted a highway, eluding volunteering Come to the the members. Their colors are baby go Christmas caroling at a local Lineboro Haunted Hayride, for visit- ber 5, 1936) until finally becom- ing Phi Sigma Sigma in 1981. blue and white and their mascot is nursing home, and participate in the ing the children in a Baltimore hos- Phi Sigma Sigma's national meetings- the panda. Walk for Diabetes. The Phi Alphs pital, participating in the Race for philanthropy is the National Kid- Phi Alpha Mu also are active in floor projects, Mondays at Phi Alpha Mu is a local soror- with topics that include Fire Safety Rainn and the Multiple Sclerosis ney Foundation. 6:30 ity that was formed in 1926. It was and Basic Car Maintenance. Walk, and visiting a local nursing Last year they completed 22 service the first sorority on the Hill. Its PhiMu home. Phi Sigma Sigma campus. projects, both on and off Basement of colors are purple and white, and its Phi Mu was founded originally Phi Sigma Sigma was founded participate During the year, sisters for the in the Race flower is the purple pansy. in 1852 as the Philornathean Sod- November 26, 1913 at Hunter Col- DMC Section 4 Haunted Hayride, The purple cow is the sorority ety by three ladies at Wesleyan lege in New York. The ten found- Cure, Lineboro caroling at Carroll and Christmas
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