Page 160 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, April 13,2000 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Reflection on the Reel Big Fish Concert Baseball Alright, I am not above admitting when I Michael Wiles reflects on his I propose the class of 2003 should start am wrong, and I was about a recent event on experiences at the concert and his money now, we will more than likely be able takes on a ahead. Ifwe begin to pool and raise thinking campus. mixed feelings afterwards. When J first heard that "Reel Big Fish" to afford a band or group with a more di- would be performing on this campus, I was selves to be quite entertaining, I still main- verse appeal, such as ''The Roots" Univer- new look or even not too optimistic about the results. I imme- tain the belief that WMC could stand to bet- "The Goo Goo Dolls," who Towson diately wrote the band off, assuming that they ter. With other colleges such as University sity hosted last fall. Also, there has been Matt Hurff questions the 2000 were a no-name group (since I had never of Maryland booking large name acts and some talk of WMC pooling resources with Major League Baseball season heard of them,) and felt pity for CAPBoard events such as the "MTV Campus Invasion," other colleges for a day-long festival some- for planning an event that was so certain to I do not see why WMC students should miss time the future. opener in Japan. fail. out on the fun. Undoubtedly, there is no shortage of ideas Ah yes, it is now April, the smell of Well, the actual outcome of the March I still do not understand why CAPBoard in this regard. I am sure everyone has a fa- freshly cut grass, peanuts, hot dogs and 25 concert only goes to show one thing: I could only afford a $12,000 band in the first vorite band they would enjoy having visit sushi permeate the air. Sushi? I don't know absolutely nothing. As those of you place. With all this school charges in tuition WMC, and, with the proper planning, these remember that being served at the who were there know, as well as the rest of and other expenses, one would think their hopes can become reality. Once again, I ap- ballpark last summer. us who were not (like me), the concert was would be more money available for enter- peal to my fellow classmates to begin pre- Well, at least for the Chicago Cubs huge success. Like I said, this comes as a tainment such as a campus concert. This, I paring for the future as soon as possible. I and New York Mets, sushi was on the large lesson to those like myself who pur- am sure, has more to do with CAPBoard's mean, "Reel Big Fish" are great, but I can- menu as they began the 2000 season with port to know everything. poor funding than with anything else, but that not help but believe WMC deserves some- a tour of Japan as part of a new plan by Although "Reel Big Fish" proved them- is an issue for another time. thing a bit "bigger." Major League baseball to spread its popu- the world. Coming to the defense of the SGA larity throughout players may be used in so that future This plan was created League Major Staci George reaffirms the SGA s international competitions similar to The Student Government Assembly has tion Mike Blundin's and other SGA's rea- soccer's World Cup and the NHLexperi- taken a lot of flack for its recent posting of position in relation to the new Pub soning for mandating that at least half of ment in the Nagano Olympics. the infamous Pub Standards Act, which and Grille Standards Act. their organization participate in the annual The experiment was certainly suc- serves as guidelines that if followed pre- Campus Cleanup, held on Sunday, April cessful, as the Mets and the Cubs sold cisely, the WMC community will receive Most of the people who disagree with the 2. out the 55,000 seat Tokyo Dome, a build- the best quality of food and service at its SGA are those who experience the Pub dur- However, SGA allocates funding to ing modeled after the Minneapolis campus eatery. ing the day, when fourth meal is not in ef- each group through an interview process, Metrodome. (Why would anyone want In the last issue of the Phoenix, there feet, and business is not booming. so it's only fair to ask these organizations another Minneapolis Metrodome?). were two commentaries that harshly repri- But, between the hours of 8 pm and 12 to give a little in addition to receiving a lot. In addition, players on both teams en- manded the 20 members of WMC's gov- am, the Pub was a different place until the Only 20 students are in SGA, the gov- joyed the trip as they were able to pick erning body. act was posted. eming body of Western Maryland College. up Pokemon memorabilia for their chil- I'm fully aware of the fact that some Tables did not get adequate attention, These 20 students 'also participate in dren. may perceive there to be a conflict of in- food took an average of half an hour (on a several campus organizations in addition As a result, Major League Baseball is terest with me writing this commentary, good night) to be prepared, and at times the to their involvement with the SGA. considering a similar beginning to the seeing how I serve as co-editor of the News workers lacked energy to offer friendly ser- They are 20 students with diversified season in South America or the Caribbean section, and also as a class of 2003 repre- vice. -opinions, a high level of achievement in because of the large number of players sentative. For once, I would like the student body their classes and schoolwork, and serve as in the league who originate from coun- However, over the course of the year, I to see the SGA as I have seen them. student representatives on faculty commit- have sat on the sidelines while the SGA has They are nota body of students who pur- tees. tries such as the Dominican Republic and Venezuela. been the center of "bad publicity." And not posely offend people, nor are they people To clarify, we the SGA, are your peers, I really do not feel that repeating this until now have I felt so adamantly about who hurtfully post a sign outside of the Pub and we do not put ourselves on a pedestal experiment in the same way is the most expressing my feelings. and demand radical or reactionary change of over the student body, but are intermixed prudent decision by Bud Selig, commis- The posting of the "Pub Standards Act" the campus restaurant. with everyone, trying to give each and ev- sioner of Major League Baseball. has once again caused the SGA "bad pub- Instead they are a body of students who ery WMC student what they deserve. How many people here in the United licity" as the student body has begun to time after time advertise their desire to lis- I cannot speak for the other classes, but States were able to catch these games? question the credibility of its governing ten to the problems, concerns, and issues of I personally know that class of 2003's meet- The final pitch of each game was thrown body. their peers. ings have been poorly attended this entire around sunrise EST; my guess is very few Like everything else, Food Services is They have an Open Forum each semes- year. viewed the games live. not as easy as it may look, especially when ter, in which they invite students to come and The best attendance was ten people at a Heck, it is difficult to stay up when one minute there is no one in the restau- discuss their "beef." meeting early in the fall. your team is playing on the West Coast, rant and a sudden, mad rush occurs, and At the last Open Forum held on Thurs- So in closing" before you decide to rep- let alone the Far East. 50 people instantly demand fast service. day, March 23, six non-SGA members at- rimand the SGA for what seems like an Don't get me wrong, I do think play- But that is as sympathetic as I am go- tended 'to discuss their "beef." unfair attack on a less powerful opponent, ing regular season major league games ing to get at this time. And, at an organizational representative's you should contact the SGA, or attend a internationally each season is an excel- I do not think that the SGA has acted meeting held on Thursday, March 30, I sat weekly meeting (Thursdays at 7:30 in Hill lent idea. falsely or without careful discussion be- in the room taking notes while I listened to 104), and get the facts before assumptions However, not on opening day. I forehand. an unha rou of campus leaders cues- are made. Opening day is the one day where hy- SCJ commended for pothetically, every team still has a chance, :,AJ'4!If"1f ino"lo4!~ IOU/' : and there is still an air of anticipation for the fans. a UlmplfS m4!~ia"J'- dedication regarding recent played under the sunny blue skies as the be games The should day on this uani:zali"n? journalism conference icicles of the winter have been removed, not in Japan under a dome. game the first By playing abroad, If so, join the Society SCJ Adviser Terry Dalton praises however, I feel that major league officials for Collegiate thejournalism honor society for this important day-long event. weakened the allure of opening day for too, to the many fine speak- And thanks, Mets and Cubs fans. Journalists! the success of College Press Day. ers who enriched and enlivened this second- Instead, Major League Baseball annual gathering of student and professional should consider playing games interna- I just want to take a moment to extend journalists, plus journalism educators. tionally at some point in the middle of Applications and membership my warmest congratulations to WMC's Naturally, we are especially grateful to the season as the Padres have tried in information are available at the chapter of the Society for Collegiate Jour- the representatives of the three colleges who Mexico City. Information Desk nalists for putting on such a well-organized joined us this year: Mt. St. Mary's, Gettys- Ken Caminiti, third baseman for the and informative College Press Day on Sat- burg, and Washington. Padres at the time, became ill with food Applications are due by noon on urday, April 8. Thanks to the devotion and detennina- poisoning, but other than that, the trip April 17 via campus mail to Special praise goes to the conference's tion of student journalists such as the ones went well. Francesca Saylor. If you have main organizers, Kristen Fraser, Erin who attended this conference, the flame of Yes, internationalization is a great any questions, call Francesca at Howard and Kate Hampson, who worked press freedom burns brightly on college cam- idea, but, please, not on opening day. xB031 tirelessly for months to assure the success of puses across this land. What is next, the World Series in Paris?
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