Page 135 - Phoenix1999-2000
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SPORTS Thursday, March 9, 2000 - Page 15 If the Terror are going to have a magical Playing behind the defensemen will be is speed. season, however, they are going to have to Brian Nottingham '02, who returns to the Not only are the Terror playing with a With only 13 players returning from a overcome two problems-inexperience and a team after a one year hiatus. His return quick first midfield unit, they've got speed team that went 5-9 last season, there wouldn't lack of depth. couldn't have come at a better time, as the to burn at the attack position. seem to be much reason for optimism head- With only 13 players returning from last Terror lost their two goalkeepers from last The first unit will be made up of the ing into the new campaign for Western year's squad, nine of the team's 26 roster year's team. Nottingham started for West- speedy Joe Ellis '03 and Brett Sweeney '01, Maryland's men's lacrosse team. spots are filled by freshmen, and another ern Maryland two years ago, and brings a and last year's freshman phenom Tom Yet for those involved in the program, eight are sophomores. high caliber experience to the team. Brown. Despite being only a freshmen, there is a quiet confidence that a big season Coach Reitenbach believes he can ad- Nottingham played his high school days Brown led the team in scoring. Brown fin- is in store. Very big. dress this problem. at Gilman High School in Baltimore, one of ished last season with 25 goals and 16 as- They got off on the right foot Sunday with "We are going to make up for il by supe- the top lacrosse schools in Maryland. They sists. and is an early candidate for all con- 27-1 pasting of Stevens Tech at Johns Hop- rior conditioning. We're going to have to also play some of the best teams in Mary- ference honors this season. kins' field, setting a school record for mar- try and control the tempo in games so that land. "No doubt, he's the go to guy. He's big, gin of victory. Attackman Tom Brown led we don't get into the kind of run and gun "When you play in that league, you see he's a great ball handler, he's a great shooter," the charge with eight goals, and Brett game that will tire us out unduly," he said. the best players in the country," Reitenbach Riley said. Sweeney added five more. Despite this lack of experience, there is said. "To have a quality team, you have to What could be even more frightening for "Our number one goal is always to com- one area on the team where depth is a have a quality goaltender, and we feel we opponents, however, is that by all accounts pete for the Centennial Conference champi- strength-defensemen. have a quality goaltender." Brown has made major improvements in his onship," WMC Head Coach Keith Both starting defensemen, Gaelen Cross Also making a return to the team after a game. Reitenbach said. '00 and Jason Wiles '02, are back for the Ter- year off is midfielder Anthony Burgos '00. "He's learned that he's not the one man This is no small task considering that the ror. Burgos brings the type of speed to the team wrecking machine that he was in high Centennial Conference is considered one of Besides these Cross and Wiles, Tomas that will cause havoc for slow footed defend- school," Riley said. the toughest conferences in the country. In Urbano '00, Vince Hackler '01, Scott ers. Riley says that Brown has learned to fact, the Centennial's champion has finished Armstrong '02, Greg Elko '03, and Steve In fact, Reitenbach proclaims Burgos to move his feet more, and spread the ball in the top three in the nation in all seven years Mason '02 will all be part of the regular ro- be the "fastest man playing Centennial Con- around in order to create offense, instead of that the conference has been in existence. tation. ference lacrosse." trying to force tough shots. Not being a one According to one preseason poll, two of Reitenbach likes having this many play- But as Riley points out, Burgos brings man show has taken some adjustment on the nation's top six teams are in the Centen- ers in his defensive rotation, and says that it more to the team than just speed. Brown's part, but it appears that he's doing nial Conference this year, those being num- compares favorably to those of the '96 and Besides being a leader for the young just that. . ber 3 Gettysburg, and number 6 Washington. '97 teams, which had a combined record of team, "he knows the game well, he's a de- "He's adjusting to that great, and he's If the Terror can beat these high-caliber 21-7 fensive master. He also, right now, is going playing that much better this year," Riley . teams, in their minds there is no reason they While the strength of this rotation will to be one of our top offensive guys too," he said. can't go farther than a conference champi- be a key for the Terror this season, Cross is said. Reitenbach believes that the talent and onship. the standout of the group. Joining Burgos on the first midfield will speed for the Terror at attack could cause "We're not talking about our goals being He was recently named a preseason Hon- be speedsters Mike Coleman '02, and Riley. some real match up problems for the oppo- anything less than winning every game," orable Mention All-America by Face Off Reitenbach is looking for big things out of sition. Reitenbach said. "We may not go unde- magazine. According to Reitenbach, Cross this trio. Opponents may be able to contain one, feated, but that is none the less our goal," he will be playing the role of Mr. Everything "We've got some true midfielders. We've or possibly two of the three auackrnen, but continued. for the Terror this season. got some guys who can play both ends of it will be difficult for most teams to come The reason for this optimism goes beyond He will line up on the wing for face-offs, the field, and that can make a lot of very ex- up with the speed to stop all three. pure talent or statistics. For those in the pro- he will take face-offs, guard the opposition's citing things happen," he said. The combination of last season's 5-9 gram, there seems to be a connectedness un- top attack men, and be part of any special Riley who began to show signs of domi- record, and the heavy losses suffered by the like-an in recent history. defensive packages WMC puts in this sea- nance midway through last season could gen- Terror could cause some to write them off, erate much of this excitement, Reltenbach lot :~t~:~::de:~~~~;:~~~ ~:v~_a son. t€snorg()ln~o-lcave-the field. He's "There is no question that he is our num- but if Nottingham plays like speed on of- he will, and the team's thinks team this year. It was there the past two going to play every minute he's capable ber one midfielder;" Reitenbach said of the fense and in transition, and depth on defense years ... but not like this year," co-captain oL.he's going to be a force," Reitenbach junior captain. come through for them, this could a very big Dave Riley '01 said. said. If the Terror have one major strength, it year for Green Terror lacrosse. Aluminum bats raise safety issues for baseball FREE TAX HELP team For whom: For students and Other Low to Low Moderate Income Tax- payers continued from page J 3 Where: Western Maryland College - Gold Room B I like the low scoring games. Games aren't I'm not so sure that they're going to be down When: as long. It's the game of tradition," he said. to wood standards," he said. This low scoring style was a one-year Although from a hitter's standpoint Legge phenomenon in the Centennial Conference, prefers using the aluminum bats, he feels they Tuesday Thursday Saturday however, as they will be going back to alu- may be bringing an element of danger back 7·9 pm 7·9 pm 12·3pm minum bats this spring. to the game with their return to the Centen- The new bats will have to meet some new nial Conference. March 9 (Spring Break) criteria to be certified by the NCAA, such as "I've seen a lot of pitchers get hit through- March 21 a reduced barrel width of 25/8 inches, down out my years of playing, and it was getting March 23 March 25 from 2314 inches, and a length to weight ra- worse as the bats were getting more high March 28 March 30 April I tio of minus three, meaning that is 33 inches tech," he said. April 4 April 6 April 8 long can weigh no less than 30 ounces. Although the new bats have to meet the April II The bats must also be tested for exit ve- new criteria for certification, he isn't sure that locity, as this number must now be below 97 will make them safer. By appointment only miles per hour. "They're just going to keep finding ways Most, however, do not feel that these to get around these standards and make the Please call Serg Fayvusovich x8359 (on campus) or (410) modifications will change the performance bats more high tech," he said. 751-8359 (off campus) to schedule an appointment. of the aluminum bats. He points to the practice of some compa- "I think the aluminum bats now and the nies who have added weight to the knob of ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING aluminum bats before are very similar. 1 the bat, below the grip, in order to meet the don't see that much of a change from hitting weight requirement. with them. I think the stats are going to go This actually increases a hitter's leverage, Spring Semester 2000 back to where they were before," Legge said. allowing him to hit the ball harder. Legge 11:30-12:30 While the verdict is still out for Seibert, said he feels that the NCAA might someday he believes that things will return to the days have to switch to wood bats permanently to Every Other Thursday of old. solve the problem. ''I'd like to see the aluminum bats become One thing is for sure, however, with the March 9 & 23 more like wood bats, which is what they sup- power that aluminum bat makers have in the Apri16 & 20 posedly have done, although I don't know bat industry, and the long term inexpensive- May 4 that I agree with that. We're using alumi- ness of aluminum bats, that day is a long way Location •• Smith House num bats now that have to be certified, and off. Call Ext. 243 for an appointment
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