Page 118 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 118
Thursday, February 24, '2000 _' Page 14 SPORTS Sports View: The question of sports life versus real life CHIUS ANASTASIA outstretched, knowing that what- dreamt of making myself. Just because some guy or girl I do not know the answer, and Asst. Sports Editor ever that transpired would be grand This is the gist of this column. that was simply blessed with good frankly I do not want to know. As I sit here and type this col- and glorious indeed. I, probably like many of you out genes or a driving parent or with You can not judge yourself by umn, I begin to think of how I Then, we all grew up. there, once believed that being a boundless energy and self-determi- the things you have not done, spend my hard spent tuition I remember dreaming of being pro athlete would mean living a life nation does not make them any dif- only for the things you have. money at this fine institution of a pro athlete growing up. well beyond the normalcy of us ferent than you or I. Let those who lead that life learning. In short, I wonder if it I dreamed of dominating the regular folk. They make millions and have worry about themselves. I have is all really worth it. gridiron every Sunday. Was this my To be put upon a pedestal and thousands of fans. They also are the a hard enough time just writing I mean, I bust my *ss in a actual dream? Well, no. to be free of persecution and first ones that we see on the news this column. number of classes, and if I am It was a dream instilled by a trouble. To, in a word, be immor- for drug possessions and murders. P.S. If you hate this column, successful, if I truly do well, I brother who was a great player I tal. Well, that's where you would That is the life they live, they get or for the three of you who actu- may end up with a high five-fig- admired, and by a father that was be wrong. the perks and they get the punish- ally read and enjoy this little slice ure salary pushing paper past my only noticed by his absence. Rae Carruth was not above the ment. of life, e-mail me your comments desk and aggravating an ulcer. law. I am willing to bet that Ray Fair trade? You decide. "d questions at I recall the sense of adventure Well, a severe knee injury put Lewis wishes to God right now that Thus leads me back 10 my origi- in my youth when it came to an end to that little dream of mine, he were not held on such a pedes- nal point. (If I do, in fucr, have one) I will be more than happy to thinking about the future. It was but I had other dream, I wanted to tal. Did I waste my adolescence answer any question or piece of just a great ambiguous fate that be a writer, I wanted to document Payne Steward proved to us all studying when I could have been hate mail that I get, and I may we all reached out for with arms these great and colossal achieve- that no athlete, no matter how good, trying to throw a fast ball 100-mph even use it in a future column. ments of sportsmen that I had once is immortal. left-handed? Later. Women's basketball falls just short of reaching playoffs DAN GAUD they are a first place team, and went action to Coach Martin's news. 49 defeat. same way playing at Western Staf!Writer ona 13-0run. Hopkins guard Katie The loss to Washington three The Terror looked as if they Maryland on February 8. That's Western Maryland's playoff Fitzgerald ('00) triggered the run, days later ended that possibility, were upset minded in the first half, because the Terror tandem of Ibex bubble has burst. hitting consecutive uncontested however. going into the locker room trailing and Piccolomini tore through Dick- Despite recent optimism, 12 three pointers. Piccolomini finished the game by just a point, 30-29. inson like a pair of tornadoes midnight has struck for the West- "You can't do that to a team like with 17 points to lead the Terror and Elizabethtown, however, opened through a trailer park. Piccolomini em Maryland women's basketball Hopkins, you can't go to your end Jill Ibex ('01) added 16 to go with the second half with an 8-2 run, and scored a Terror season high 26 team, and maybe just a little too . offensively and have to work hard 13 rebounds and five blocked shots. they continued to widen their mar- points to go with five rebounds, quickly for the team that was seem- for every shot you get and then al- The big game was nothing new gin as the second half went on, un- four steals, and three assists. ingly improving every week. low the other team open uncon- for Ibex, who was named the Cen- til it finally grew as large as 24 late Ibex added another 24 points, Needing just to beat Washing- tested shots," WMC Head Coach tennial Conference's Player of the in the game. as well as blocking four shots and ton College (10-14, 4-9) at home Becky Martin said. Week two days prior to the Hop- "We played an excellent first grabbing 13 boards. Her 13 re- on February 19 to force a tie Hopkins would extend their kins game. Her week included a half, offensively and defensively. bounds gave her 459 career re- breaker game with Franklin and lead to seven, but with 2: 14 remain- three game tear against Dickinson, In the second half, I think that the bounds, placing her Tn Western Marshall to decide the Centennial ing the Terror would come storm- Elizabethtown, and Gettysburg in skill, and the composure, and the Maryland's all time top ten. Dick- Conference's final playoff berth, ing back. We just looked at each which she scored 57 points: and experience of Elizabethtown took inson was not strong enough to .• the Green Terror (11-12, 7-6) were other and we told each other that pulled down 33 rebounds. fits toll on us. To be honest, we handle an inside and an outside upset 66-54. basically 'we're either going to win "We can always count on her. played a very good game, but I game. When Jen was hot and they Washington, who hadn't beaten it, or we're going to go out trying Even if she's not having a good {"think they were just better than us," came out, we were able to go in- the Terror in five years, dominated our hardest,' so we put everything shooting night she still does so Martin said. Guard Abbie Fabian side to nn. and vice-..fetsa, when _~ the first half and went into the we had into those last two min- many other things for our team, if ('01) was a good example of this they sagged in on Jill to try to con- locker room up by 16. That lead utes," WMC center Kris Brust (03) it's rebounding, or if she gets her- ~ta[ent, as she lit the Terror up with tain her, we were able to go out- was increaMCI to 21r early in the said. After cutting the lead to three, self to the foul line, she makes big [6 points, five assists, and an amaz- side and score-from the perimeter. second half. . WMC put the ball in the hands of plays for the team, and she did that ing nine steals, tying a WMC op- It was a great tandem," Martin said. But with their season on the guard Jen Piccolomini (,03), and all week long," Piccolomini said. oonenrsjrecorc. With 9:38 remaining in the line, the Terror, like they hair done with II seconds remaining she This was certainly true of the For WMC's Brust, playing this game, Dickinson cut the score to so many times earlier this season, drained her fifth three of the game, then crucial February 12 match-up kind of talent was a new challenge. 60-55, but a Sindi Stem ('03) three refused to fade away. knotting the two teams at 54 apiece, at Gettysburg (12-9, 6-6). I personally have never really seen starred a 13-0 run that buried the Trailing 58-41 midway through and sending the game to overtime. With both teams hoping to find players that have as much quick- Red Devils, and WMC went on to the second half, WMC rattled off WMC jumped out early, scor- a place in the conference touma- ness as they do, and as much skill. cruise to a 86-68 victory. 12 consecutive points to pull to ing the first bucket of overtime, but ment, Ibex pulled down [I re- Usually they have one orthe other, While Western Maryland fin- within five points. That was all it was all down hill from there. The bounds and scored five of her 15 but not both combined," she said. ishes with its first losing season in they could muster, however, as they more experienced Hopkins team points from the charity stripe in The victory was Elizabethtown's six years, a bright future appears missed their last eight field goal wentona 13-2run to ice the game, helping the Terror to a 69-56 vic- 24th consecutive against the Terror. on their horizon with all five start- attempts of the game, allowing 67-58. tory. Dickinson must have felt the ers returning next season. Washington to escape with the 12 "It was just unfortunate. Down Ibex got help from fellow co- ""-:7'"-"--""'~-=------rr--:-l point victory. the line in the last five minutes, captain Patty Russo ('Ol) who' This game, however, was not Hopkins has been there a few more poured in a season high 16 points the only chance that the Terror had times than we have. From my per- in the win, and Brust, who added to extend their season. spective, we looked as if we tried 15 points, and more importantly, 15 Heading into their February 16 !O play the last five minutes in one rebounds. match-up with first place Johns minute. Five minutes is really a lot The Terror controlled the game Hopkins, Western Maryland trailed of time, and we just did some things throughout, but the Bullets tried to second place Franklin and Marshall in a hurry," Martin said. make it close, pulling 10 within six I by one game in the Centennial Con- Thinking that their playoff midway through the second half. ference standings. hopes were dead, coach Martin was WMC, however, squelched that With F&M playing at'Iast place headed across Gill Gym following advance by going on a 6-0 run and Dickinson that same day. it seemed the game when a reporter notified never looked back. The win was that the best the Terror could do was her that Dickinson had upset Fran- the fourth consecutive Centennial hold the distance at one game. kIin and Marshall. She immediately Conference victory for the green With this in mind, WMC gave went back to the locker room to let and gold. the Johns Hopkins Blue Jays (18- her team know that they were still Western Maryland was not for- 5, 10-2) all they could handle. alive. tunate two days earlier, however, Having been in front for much "It was like being on a low from when a very talented Elizabethtown of the game, the Terror opened their knowing thai we could've beaten (17-4) team came to Westminster. lead to 40-32 with 9:00 remaining Hopkins, to a high on, we can still Despite a well fought first half, in the game. play them again," WMC guard Jen Elizabethtown eventually pulled Hopkins, however, showed why Piccolomini said, recalling her re- away and handed the Terror a 69- len Piccolamini shoots for two in a recent home game.
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