Page 121 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Phoeni Thursday, March 9, 2000 WMC student slain close to campus MICHAEL STOKF,S the person or persons responsible. SlaffWriler The Westminster High School graduate had gone back to school to Chad Lee Weiler, 36, a resi- study political science, according to dent of Westminster and Western Mary Weller, his mother. He had Maryland College student, died attended Carroll County Community on Thursday, March 2 from head College before his recent two and a FRANCESCA SAYLOR injuries that he sustained from an half-year stay at WMC. Co·News Editor. apparent attack. The incident took Not only did Weller attend col- The Honor and Conduct Boar" place on February 22 outside of lege and work at Best Pizza, he was and the college's disciplinarians Best Pizza on Pennsylvania Av- also a volunteer at Resurrection have been rather busy this past enue, approximately one block Farm, a refuge for homeless people, week. The Board first met on from the college. his mother said. Feb.18 when two students were Weller had been' delivering Ken Doyle, a senior sociology charged with "damaging college pizzas for Best Pizza when his major who lives on West Main property" in the Blanche Ward Hall unconscious. beaten body was Street, just 100 feet away from the flooding incident. It met again on discovered in an alley behind the murder, said "Students have to Feb. 22 regarding the computer store only ten minutes after he had watch their backs nowadays, they hacking on campus when two stu- apparently stepped out of the back have to be aware of their surround- dents were charged withvviclaring door to smoke a cigarette, said ings, especially off of campus." WMC policy in regard to respon- Westminster Police Captain "It's sad that I have to call this sible use of computing resources." Randy Barnes. neighborhood home," said Barrett In addition, Scott Kane, assistant Weller's truck, a GMC Gugliotta, a senior physics major dean of Student Affairs, met with Sonoma pickup, was found aban- who also lives on West Main Street. the student involved in the Feb.11 doned at the intersection of West More information concerning Grace Atmandres; Director of Multiculturat Sen-ices, discusses alcohol poisoning that took place Main and Union streets a short this incident will be available in the an upcoming event, This is only one of tlte many tasks she has to in Alfred Norman Ward Hall. take care of in a busy day like today. See page three for all time after he was discovered. next issue of the Phoenix. interview with Ms. A/mandrez. Although two students were According to police, no sus- Much of the information in this charged in the Blanche Ward Hall pects have been identified yet and article was obtained from the March incident, only one was found re they are still looking for any in- 3 edition of the Carroll County continued on page 2 formation that might lead them to Times. Students react to Ethernet in dorms Campus deals with STACEY M. MEYERS system has been extremely posi- SlaffWrirer tive, but surprisingly low. phone line to be kept free while stu- dents are online. Students have shown more vandalism acts YOU ARE IN QUEUE. ALL man "I'm Jenny very excited," on the new very positive reactions to the installa- says fresh- Wetzel LINES BUSY. 34 WAITING Ethernet system. "I hate getting cut tion of the Ethernet and are thrilled about having it here at WMC. FRANCESCA SAYLOR dent down by making him wait, even AHEAD ... The days of waiting to off and having to spend a really News Co-Editor though it is not her fault that she will get online to do research, check e- long time trying to get on." The program is working, the have to go through the whole pro- mail, or chat with friends may be The Ethernet is one of the lat- students are happy - the Ethernet While unrelated to the Blanche cess of getting another one. should be a big success, right? students, Ward Hall vandalism a few weeks Spencer said Campus Safety was over for some WMC instaifalion est innovations in Internet technol- to Well, not exactly, says Christine thanks to the successful ogy. This system allows students ago, there have been at least two really good about the whole matter of the Ethernet in both freshman be hooked up to the Internet 24 Mathews, director of Information other incidents of vandalism on and she understands why they had dorms. Rouzer and Whiteford were hours a day, seven days a week, Services. "We sent out information the Western Maryland College to burn all the unsalvageable mail wired for Ethernet over January without ever getting kicked off or to about 400 students, Mathews campus. Although there does not after two days because of the over- term, but it was not activated and having to wait to get on. It runs at claims, but so far, we've only got- seem (Q be a correlation between whelming smell. available for student use until Feb- higher speeds than the traditional ten about 70 responses." She esti- the two events, both have been Mike Webster, director of Cam- ruary 28. The response to the new modem hookup and allows the mates that approximately 75 per equally disturbing for those in- pus Safety, said there are no suspects continued on page 2 volved. at this point. He also stated that since Sounds of Silence hosts The first occurred on Monday there are usually only two officers Inside such an occurrence. Deaf Awareness Week Feb. 28 in the post office when a on duty at a lime, it makes it diffi- student urinated into the campus cult to prevent mail slot, ruining several pieces He is still unaware of why the of mail. Campus Safety called ev- perpetrator(s) would have done this KRISTEN G. FRASER continuing until Friday the 25th. tv'an Hurff and Jessica Fitzgeral eryone who was due to receive the because "it didn't inconvenience SmffWriter The week opened with an ASL f-ke a stand on the weighted grad mail to inform them of the inci- anyone but the postal workers." story-telling competition. The con- ystem scheduled to be imple dent after the mail bin had been Webster said it is often the case in Last week's Deaf Awareness test was open to students and fac- tnented in the fall 2000 semester. left out in the sun to dry. crimes of vandalism that the person Week may have been overly quiet, ulty. Deaf professor Brian Students like Rachel Spencer mainly affected by the act is the jani- but that didn't make itany less suc- opened with a story ex- were "disgusted" when they heard torial or maintenance person who cessful. The use of American Sign Brizendine the unique deaf experience rom Cheazy-E to Cecile B - Se plaining the news. Spencer said she was has to clean it up, not the college or Language just doesn't require associated with driving. ior Eric Barry is scheduled t supposed to receive a Papa John's a particular individual, so he sees it much noise. rake his Hollywood film debu gift certificate. She said that as rather "juvenile." Sounds of Silence, WMC's sign Many other ~tudents followed ith Melanie Griffith in August. "more than anything else it was a One postal worker said an inci- language awareness group on cam- with various renditions of personal hassle" because she was going to dent like this happens every year anecdotes, children's stories, and pus, sponsored give the certificate to another stu- around Spring Fling when students Deaf Awareness the First Annual the like. hauna Dominguez talks wit Week. The event dent as a Bingo prize. She feels are drunk; however, he speculates included week-long events, start- Sounds of Silence President Joe hris Clemmens about his recor "There like she is letting her fellow stu- continued on page 3 ing on Monday February 21 and Lucas comments, on page 4 were 16 reaking season in swimming. continued
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