Page 114 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, February 24, 2000 - Page 10 FEATURES Garrett on linguistics and life Fun times at the Fat Cat Cafe MEGAN MARTIN exciting. The list of beverages, alone, is exten- SHAUNA DOMINGUEZ Student Adviser sive and enough to leave one in the land of in- Assistant Features Editor On a Saturday afternoon, a friend and decision. You can order regular or specialty I decided to take a stroll down Main Street. coffees. Or you can order a pot of tea that serves She's been to Spain six times, lived in Saturday afternoon, however, is not the six cups and offers a variety of flavors. They Madrid for three months before going to grad best time to look for adventure in down- also have standard drinks such as soda, hot school, and plans to spend two and a half town Westminster. Most places were ei- chocolate, or iced coffee. They also have Ital- weeks in Madrid and Barcelona for her up- ther closed by 2 pm or about to close within ian sodas to fit every taste. coming honeymoon. This woman is Susan the next few hours. One of the more entic- Their desert menu offers such things as Garrett, part-time professor of Approaches ing places to stop that was actually open muffins, scones, and tiramisu. They have tarts to the Study of Language - a linguistics past 5 pm was the Fat Cat Cafe. and other fine delicacies to tickle your fancy. course. This is her second semester at West- We entered Fat Cat Cafe around 4 pm, Fat Cat Cafe also offers you the opportunity to ern Maryland College. and, as far as we could tell, we were the order special occasion cakes, with advance The reason Garrett first got involved with only people there. We arrived right before notice, for fairly reasonable prices. linguistics was an introduction to linguistics their dinner "rush" started. Both of us or- Recently, Fat Cat Cafe started offering af- course she took at University of Maryland dered sandwiches and coffee. Ipersonalty ternoon tea. It is offered' on the first and third College Park. A professor had recommended recommend the Kosher Style Sandwich. Thursdays of the month. Reservations are nec- she take it as a BLAR-type requirement, and This sandwich was excellent - lean corned essary. she ended up loving it. Currently, she is pur- Susan Garrett, a relatively new addition to beef, sauerkraut, and meltedSwiss cheese The nice thing about Fat Cat Cafe is the at- suing her Ph.D. white teaching part-time both t{le/acultyat WMC on toasted rye bread with a side of Rus- mosphere. The room we were in was small' - here and at Goucher College. 'sian dressing (yum). The sandwich was six tables. The cozy arrangement is nice for a Garrett chose to teach here and at is grading compositions. "It's slow and there presented neatly on a clear glass plate with quiet conversation at any time of day. The green Goucher because she has a history with both are so many things to keep in mind. It's so a generous scoop of potato salad (second marbleized tables and chairs plus the rose pink schools. Her uncle was a student here and subjective." • only to Mom's), a pickle, and fruit - an walls make for a soothing environment. Deco- other family members have attended Onamorepersonallevel,Garretthastwo orange slice, a grapefruit slice, and grapes. rating the walls and windows are paintings and Goucher. Another reason she likes WMC is cats, Cartes and Yohualli (which is the Az- For those of you who would prefer sun-catchers, all on sale, that are quitee'clectic the personal atmosphere. She didn't want to tee word for midnight). She is a member of something else,' Fat Cat Cafe has a range yet fit in with the decor. . be at a research institution and not know her the National Puzzler's League along with her of sandwiches that includes the traditional Fat Cat Cafe is located at _I72 E. Main students. Also, she feels that the students here fiance. They both love puzzles and games of and the slightly exotic. If you happen to Street. Their normal operating hours are from are really into learning linguistics, even all kinds. In fact, her fiance proposed to her be a vegetarian, there are also several 8 am to 4 pm for breakfast and lunch, Tues- though it can be very hard. in a puzzle that he created. She now has this choices for you. They offer a veggie burger days through Sundays. On Friday and Satur- When asked how she got into teaching, puzzle framed, and it sits on the desk in her and a portabello mushroom sandwich,just day extended hours extend to 10 pm for din- Garrett said that she had always known she office. to name two options. Plus, there are al- ner. wanted to teach. The opportunity presented Another hobby of Garrett's is making ways salads - fruit, house, and caesar - to It's reasonable prices and excellent food itself while she was in grad school at Penn soaps. She enjoys this because, "It's fun and choose from. make for an enjoyable experience. Their lunch- State, and she seized it. She was offered a fast." She even sells her soaps on-line and in Fat Cat Cafe also offers breakfast and time fare will leave you begging for more. And chance to teach a night grammar course, and a shop at Cranberry Mall. dinner. You can get omelets, Belgian nothing's wrong with stopping in to sample a ended up taking over the course, rebuilding One would suspect that as a person who waffles or something as simple as oatmeal. dessert and some coffee 0)1 a weekend night. it, and making it better. She even sought out spends a lot of time working with words, Dinner usually starts sometime around.S Next time you're strolling down Main Street new textbooks with which to teach the Garrett would have a favorite, and she does. pm and is served until 10 pm but only on with nothing to do, or if you have a Durning course. She continued teaching until she left The word is "esdrujula," a Spanish term Fridays and Saturdays, according to the desire for coffee, sweets, and atmosphere, stop' Penn. meaning "words stressed on the antepenul- banner displayed outside the restaurant. in and see our friends at the Fat Cat Cafe; it's Her favorite thing about teaching is the timate (third from the end) syllabJe." She The back page of the menu is the most one of Westminster's treasures. teaching itself. She loves being in the class- finds it interesting that the word is an ex- room and is very enthusiastic about her work. ample of what it means. And, she added, "it's Locust Books offers atmosphere just a fun word to say." thing that her least favorite She commented Rat's Web by Anne Butler There are collections of Celtic parables, books KATE Features ESPOSITO on dream interpretation, and several titles on Editor A look at Virii, Trojans, and Worms Do you like books? No, I am not talk- eastern religions. If you are an education ma- ing about textbooks or anthologies, but jor, or children's books are at your intellec- You've probably heard of viruses, possi- can shut down businesses by overloading actual interesting pieces of literature you tuallevel, almost the entire back of the store bly through one of the many e-mail hoaxes servers. would read without being forced. If you is devoted to the under 12 set. There are pa- that seem to keep being perpetrated. Maybe Trojans you probably haven't heard are tired of the rather limited selection perbacks, board books, and stuffed animals. you've even been hit by a virus and you know about. No, I'm not referring to the condoms of these items at the WMC bookstore, The humor section is also excellent. There first hand how much damage it can do. But or the horse. I'm referring to a program that you need only take a short walk down is a parody on almost every subject, from for those who have been fortunate enough exists on your computer that allows a hacker Main Street. There you wilt find Locust dumping a guy to a book on how to become to avoid viruses, I'll explain just what they with the corresponding program to have ac- Books. a certified idiot-for dummies. The selection cess to your computer. They can delete files, Although this store is no Borders or does not stop there, however. The most un- A virus is a malicious file or part ofa file steal passwords and credit card numbers, and Barnes and Noble, whatever it lacks in usual book that I noticed was a thick hard- that is intended to do damage to the files or generally play hell with your computing life. size, it makes up for in atmosphere. back written about the history of bookshelves. software on your computer. This damage is If they delete any files Windows needs in Upon entering the store, you are For the more conservative, regular bestsellers called the "payload," and some viruses have order to run, you will not be able to start up greeted by the clerk who seems genu- are also available. a very minimal payload (for instance some Windows. inely happy to see you. Either this per- There is a bargain section with books at may just display a message and then let you A Worm is a special type of virus that son is a wonderful actor, or more likely greatly reduced prices for the financiatty im- get back to your normal computing). Others infects your files and tries to send a reply to she is a friendly, welcoming person. paired. Unfortunately, those on a low budget can be more dangerous. every e-mail you receive, attaching a copy Playing in the background is inno- must be interested in a book on the movie Many viruses can change your files or of itself and attempting to spread itself fur- vative new age or jazz. The store is di- "We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story" or a biog- even delete some of the files that your com- ther. The labs were plagued by this type of vided into sections, designated by pieces raphy of Hanson- If not, bring. your parents' puter needs to run, preventing it from even virus early on last year. of paper taped to the shelves. Although or friend's crediLcard~ '. starting up correctly. So far only one type of Next issue, I'll tell you just how you get there is not a huge selection, the store If you are looking for a specific title, the virus can actually damage hardware; that is any of these malicious things and how to find definitely has variety. employees are happy to help you. Foregoing the CIH virus and its mutations. They can out if you have one. I'll also give you the The first section, located in the front the computer age, all of the books available ::::- damage the BIOS, or what allows you to URis of some programs to use to get rid of window is entitled "gift books". It con- are indexed in an old-fashioned filing system: communicate with your computer. It only them. For now, l'tI give you a simple tip: sists of small hard backs with quotes note cards. This store is agreat place to spend costs around thirty dollars to fix, but can still Do not download or accept files from a . about love and friendship. There are also an afternoon, especially since the back con- be annoying. source you do not trust! handmade cards, bookmarks, posters, nects to the cafe next door. Macro viruses are a type that is particu- and stickers ranging from Hercules tat- You can spend an hour or two just brows- larly devastating to Word. They can really Weird-Ass Site of the Issue toos to Pocemon. A perfect gift for a ing with no overt exasperation shown by the screw up the operation of the program or roommate would be the Wubbulous clerk if you fail to buy anything. This is also delete document files. Finally, there are spe- Kurumi's Humble House of Roadsdom - World of Dr. Seuss coloring book. They a good form of procrastination if you are sup- cial types of macro viruses like "Melissa"{roadslfreeway.hlpll ~. posed to be writi.~g a paper or studying for that sends copies of itself as an attachment Are you a road geek? mean REAt . ~:r~~i~::~t~~e;}o~~~rt~:~~e~~;~tl.or- an exam. \." to everyone in your e-mail address book. It roads like with the yellow lines and every- Another interesting section features Another ham-related reason to go: there doesn't do much harm to-a computer, but it thing? This guy is ...--.-. bocks-on- mythology and philosophy. is-a large seiection-of Cliff's Notes. _.
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