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NEWS Thursday, March 9, 2000 - Page 3 Campus Safety Blotter The Department of Campus Whiteford Parking Lot. -at 9:55 am failure to comply to lation for excessive speed in Rou- -at 10:37 pm visible smoke on Safety reported the following in- -at 7:23 pm a smoke detector on security personnel campus wide. zer Parking Lot. Pennsylvania Avenue. cidents: Pennsylvania Avenue. -at 10:00 am defacing in Rouzer -at II:25 pm a case of treatment 2/28 at 12:10am failure to comply 2116at5:30 pm towedvehicle due -at 10:45 pm not ren- to security personnel in Hoover to blocking traffic in Whiteford towed vehicle dered in Library. Parking Lot. due to excessive Blanche -at 12:47am low velocity impact -at 7:15 pm damaging in Rou- parking viola- Ward Hall. vehicle accident off campus. zerHali. tions in Harlow -at 9:00 -at 10:00am a confirmed fire in -at 7:26 pm damaging in Rou- Pool pm steal- McDaniel Hall. zer Hall. 2/21 at 2:47 pm ing in Al- -at 7:38 pm panel trouble in -at 9:45 pm damaging in Rou- stealing campus bert Nor- Lewis Hall of Science. zer Hall. wide. man Ward -at 9:40 pm misdemeanor theft -at 9:59 pm harassment in Cam- -at 6: 10 pm Hall. in Lewis Hall of Science. pus Telephone System. rendered treat- 2/27 at 2/29 at 5:09 am unauthorized use 2117 at 1:30 am damaging in ment at Harlow 12:05 am of a college facility inAlumni Hall. Decker Student Center. Pool. al cohol -at 2:00 pm unauthorized access -at 9:30 am lewd conduct in En- 2122at 12:50pm violation to a college facility in Rouzer Hall. glar Dining Hall. a towed vehicle for under- -at 5:15pm treatment rendered 2/19 at 3:35 am damaging in due to multiple age pos- in Pennsylvania Avenue. Blanche Ward Hall. factors in Rou- session in -at 10:25pm harassment/intimi- 2120 at 5:15 am tampering with zer Parking Lot. Blanche dation of an individual at 2 Cam- fire preventions in Whiteford -at 9:05 pm Ward Hall. pus Wide. Hill. tampering with -at -at 11:15 pm stealing in Albert -at 11:45 am low velocity im- fire preventions in Rouzer Hall. Hall. 12:lOam alcohol violation for un- Norman Ward Hall. pact vehicleaccidentin Whiteford 2/23 at 11:50 pm refusing to fur- -ar 4:40pm violation of resi- derage possession in BlancheWard 3/0 I at 9: 15pm defacing in Albert Parking Lot. nish in Albert Norman Ward Hall. dence hall policy inAlbert Norman Hall. Norman Ward Parking Lot. -at 7:10pm theft of a motor ve- 2/24 at 8: II am damaging in Ward Hall. -at I:00 am disorderly conduct 3/02 at 12:30 am harassment/in- hicle under investigation in Decker Student Center. 2/26 at I:57 am parking/traffic vio- in Blanche Ward Hall. timidation of an individual. More vandalism on campus RESERVE e 0 R P S continuedfromfront page that this incident may have had something to due with the outcome of the Honor and Conduct Board hearing on Feb. 25. However, for another student, who wishes to remain unnamed, she has no idea why someone would want to destroy her prop- erty. On March I her car was van- dalized in the parking lot behind Alfred Norman Ward Hall: She parked near the tennis courts at 9:15 am, and when she returned to her dark blue 1999Volkswagen at I: 15 pm the damage was done. Her car had been keyed the whole way around and the word "PENIS" had been etched into the passenger side in 6-inch letters. She immediately notified Campus Safety, although there was little they could do unless there was an eyewitness, said Webster. He said he does not recall ever solving a case like that because there is little evidence, and since it takes so little time to commit the perpetrator is rarely seen. While Campus Safety officers have mini- mums on the building checks they must perform, Webster said there is no way to control the frequency of the patrols SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PEOPLE ON THEIR WAY TO THE TOP. through the parking lots because there are so many unforeseen cir- If you didn't sign up (or ROTC as a fresh- By the time you have graduated from cumstances during their shifts. man or sophomore. you can still catch college, you'll have the credentials of The student is still rather up- up to your classmates by attending an Army offlcer. You'U also have set, though. "I would hope that I Anny ROTC Camp Challenge, a the self-confidence and discipline could park my car on this campus paid six-week summer course in it takes to succeed in college safely, and I would expect that if leadership traininq, and beyond. Campus Safety didn't see it that my fellow students who did would report it," she said. ARMYROTt She said her mom was disap- pointed because she did not expect something like this to happen on THE SMARTESTCOLLEGE such a small campus. At this time COllBSElOU CANTAKE. the student is waiting to hear from her insurance company.
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