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NEWS Thursday, March 9, 2000 - Page 2 Honor and Conduct Board Decisions Basement room of Lewis no continued from page J sponsible. to fix the computer problems, and will serve The offense is a violation of proscription 100 hours of community service each with longer remains a mystery six of the Honor Code. According to Phil the Department of Housekeeping. Sayre, dean of Student Affairs, the Board re- In addition, Sayre said one student will RICH SUCHOSKI too unpleasant, the organization's name manded that the student be suspended for two be placed on disciplinary probation for the Di~tribIl/iQnManage, changed during the Nixon administration to semesters, pay the college in excess of rest of his college career while the other will Many rumors have circulated about what WISP (as in whisper), the Wartime Infonna- $6,000 for damages, serve fifteen hours of be on disciplinary probation for the remain- the sub-basement of Lewis Hall of Science tion Security Program. community service with the Department of der of the spring semester. was used for. The function of this group was to censor Campus Safety upon his return to the col- Despite the serious health issues involved Ernie Ogle, who has actually been down all military and diplomatic information from lege, and live off-campus upon his return to in the alcohol poisoning, the student was not there in 1990, said it was the fallout shelter the news which could leak to an enemy. The Western Maryland. Sayre said the outcome brought before the Honor and Conduct Board for the Secretary of the Department of Ag- eight men who were to report to the WMC is being appealed to Acting President Joan because it was a first offense and she was riculture. Every high ranking government campus, one of which was the current direc- . Coley, and the final result will not be known over 21, Sayre said. However, Scott Kane official had somewhere to go in case of a tor of the Physical Plant Eugene "Stoney" until March 8 or 9. spoke with her on Feb. 15 and the issue was nuke attack, which is why the elevator does Willis, would censor all American news Concerning the computer hacking of- handled through the college's disciplinary not go all the way down. When a squad of media. Television, radio, newspapers, and fenses, the first decision of the Board was system, Sayre said. Soviet bombers were launched, the secre- magazines were not even allowed to publish appealed and the final decision, which did Because he is concerned with .the issue tary would be escorted here to WMC and or broadcast the weather without an okay not vary from the first, was released by Sayre of the Phi Alpha Mu sorority's involvement descend into the sheller to wait out the from the men in the sub-basement of Lewis. on March 6. While the two students were in the incident, Sayre met with an advisory nuclear winter. This is not feasible, accord- The second part of WISP were the thou- originally charged with violating Proscrip- group on March 6 to discuss it. ing to Ted Gup in his article "How FEMA sands of other people on call to "censor all tions one, two, three, and 12 of the Honor The group consists of two students in- learned to stop worrying about civilians and mail, cables, telephone calls, and other com- Code, they were only held responsible for volved in Greek leadership, two faculty love the bomb." munications entering or leaving the country" violating one and 12. Greek advisors, Assistant Director of College Dean Sayre only. knew it was leased out at other strategic locations. The students will pay the college restitu- Activities Betsy Chimock, and Health Edu- to the federal government and nothing else, As if this view of war is not scary enough, tion in the amount of $742 for the approxi- cation Coordinator Bonnie Bosley. The out- though he did have some interesting history this book was printed back in 1973, yet the mately 36 hours it took Information Services come will not be known until Mar. 8 or 9. on the fallout shelter sign on the outside of US government relinquished their lease this Since the basement there year. That means if a Russian Seventy freshman take advantage of Ethernet Daniel Macl.ea. it would not make sense to cided to read this book, WMC operative have de- is above ground would continued from page one have that be a fallout shelter. The sign was been on the map as a government continu- cent of the students in Whiteford and Rou- In addition, there are about twice as many probably stolen from Lewis and put there. ance site for the past 27 years. zer have personal computers, so a response men using the Ethernet as women, Mathews A couple of years ago there was a coffee Considering the government was look- rate of only 23 percent seems quite low. comments, although she notes that the men shop on Friday and Saturday nights called ing at the threat of "ten thousand warheads So what is the problem? Some people, seem to have more trouble getting the sys- the Fallout Shelter, but that died out after coming in," and there are only about 285 like Samantha Bain, do not feel it is worth tern hooked up. UsuaUy, however, the setup two years. metropolitan areas in the US, WMC could the investment. "I am not currently using has gone very smoothly. "Once the students Ethan Seidel was the closest to explain- have easily been just another direct target. Ethernet because it was a waste of money tum their forms in, we've been able to get ing the true nature of the sub-basement. He Even after the 1970 press release of the for just two months, and I do not want to go the system activated within an hour or two," said it was a space leased to the federal gov- 1965 internal government memo Wise men- through all that trouble installing it," she she claims. ernment to be used in the case of a national tions, the sub-basement of Lewis was still says. "Timing was a problem. Maybe if they WMC has finally joined the information emergency. in use, but only until around 1990. Papers had it up and running right after break I age with the new Ethernet connection, but The exact amount of the lease was not found there consisted of a log sheet noting would have got Ethernet. Plus, why should I the benefits are not just for freshmen. The disclosed, but it seems to have been a small visits from secret and top secret members of have to pay for Ethernet, when I have to still upper-class dorms are next on the list, and amount of money. The specific purpose of FEMA and the CIA, along with other orga- pay for the data phone which I would not be according to Mathews, will be done as soon the sub-basement was also not stated, but nizations. using?" Baln wonders. as possible, hopefully by the beginning of Seidel did say there is a book in Hoover li- Other things found there include the fol- Others, like freshman Craig Johnson,just fall semester. brary describing what was down there. lowing: a 30cc bottle of epinephrine, two did not read the notice. Even though he can- Soon, all WMC students could be echo- One facultymember revealed that the shortwave radios, lots of green-screen com- not use the phone and the Internet at the same ing Jody Ullery's response to the Ethernet. name of this book is Dave Wise's The Poli- puters, two soundproof rooms, blueprints time, he says he's "satisfied with the current "It is a lot more convenient for me because I tics of Lying. In it, the entire story of the dating back to 1957, and a big brown bottle connection - pretty much - but the Ethernet can quickly get on the net and J don't have to sub-basement of Lewis is disclosed. of rhubarb soda laxative. would be better. I wish they'd send out an- wait in line to connect to the school server," The sub-basement was created back in Within a week all these things disap- other notice," he adds. she says. "I love it!" the 1960s when the second addition was peared as maintenance cleared the five to six What's up with the SGA? being added to Lewis Recitation States Of- Its thousand square feet of usable space for its Hall. purpose was to house the United next purpose. fice of Censorship, created during the What happens to the space now is still Class of 2000 -Issues about Residence halls and campus Eisenhower era, and was only to be estab- up in the air. Ogle says it should be converted - Selling Orioles tickets, and class t-shirts activities lished in times of national emergency. to storage. Seidel would like to see the extra - Announcing the senior gift: a grandfather Meetings every Tuesday 9 pm in the Pub Because the word "censorship" sounded space used for storage, faculty offices and clock for the soon to be renovated Ensor Lounge!'! Public Relations - Watch out for a possible 50 day party. Need to publicize an event? Get the word - Questions? Call Kelly Dunnavant x8010. out. Meetings every Monday 8 pm SGA Of- Class of 200 1 fice - Class meeting Thursday in Hill Hall room llO at 6:30 pm (1st meeting of SENIOR Academic Committee PRIDE!!!) Issues with the Honor Code, +/- system, - Questions? Call Jeremiah Kelly at x8l14 and registration? Meetings every Monday 9 pm in the pub Class of 2002 - Selling Class t-shirts Social Committee $8 short sleeve Campus Clean-up Information (Sunday $13 long sleeve April 2nd, 9 .a. - 12 pm If you have questions call Steve Sharkey at -Community Service projects x8646 Meetings every Thursday 7 pm on the first floor of Hill Hall. Class of 2003 COURTESY OF NYKOLE TYSON -4v4 Basketball Tournament in mid-April THERE WILL BE AN OPEN FORUM, On Wednesday, March I, a Black Woman's History program called "A Woman's Nia; -Revival of Mr. WMC contest "WHAT'S YOUR BEEF?" TO ALL STU- Sisters United We Stand Divided We Fa/l" was held at 7 pm in the Forum. This is the -Class meeting Monday March 6th @ 8 pm DENTS. BRING YOUR PROBLEMS TO first program of this kind ,but many hope that it becomes part of an annual tradition. It in the bottom of Hill Hall. THE SGA TO BE SOLVED ON THURS- was directed and performed by sophomore Maya Redfearn along with WMC students Questions? Call Jamin Bartolomeo x8421 DAY MARCH 23RD IN THE FORUM. Angela Chapman, Yolanda Hill, Nykole Tyson, Rasheeda George, Shaiah Gaddy, and Tonya Condello The program was also part of the month-long celebration of Black SGA FOR ANY MORE INFORMATION CON- History Month, sponsored by BSU ,which encouraged women to love and support one another by standing united. -NT Campus Life Committee TACT MATT GRIBBIN AT X8222
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