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Thursday, February 24, 2000 - Page 12 FEATURES Reflections: Black History Month 9:30 Club hosts V-Day Love Out RAINI WRIGHT nificance of this month-long celebration. Staff Writer MIKE YESTRAMSKI AND CHRIS ANASTASIA due to their combination of. high energy At a time in history when the number of Sports Editors sound and their witty and sometimes puz- hate crimes appears to be growing larger and Here's what they had to say: On February 12, the two of us decided zling stage antics, and this show only larger, surprisingly some critics have often to go to the 9:30 Club in Washington DC helped to reaffirm thai belief. questioned the validity of specific times set "To promote and learn about positive black to see Mary Prankster and Splittsville for The opening adrenaline shot of ''The aside to honor various cultures. history" the annual Valentine's Day Love Out. Misfits" to the last sad refrain of "Year- It seems as if acknowledging the many Finding the 9:30 club is relatively easy, book," kept the crowd going from start to traditions that served to make the United Aleya Horn '0 I if you don't mind driving through some of finish. The high point of the show was dur- States the "land of opportunity and diversity" the seedier parts of Northwest DC. So, af- ing "The First Thing About Regret," where that it is today, has become a crime in and of "Respect and recognition of ter searching for a parking space, we went they brought an audience member on stage itself. African Americans' role in into the club. to play the cow bell with them. This typi- One such time that has received criticism . American history" Entering the club was hassle-free and fies the unpredictably that makes a from some, is Black History Month. not very expensive either. What was expen- Splittsville show one to remember. Designated by Americans as way to give Penelope Miller, '03 sive, however, was the beer that one of us Finally, Mary Prankster came on stage, recognition to those people whose contribu- purchased. sporting her bright red cowboy hat as well tions often went unnoticed, Black History "Education" Don't worry though, the water fountains as her red leather "rocker pants" and Month has been scrutinized because it spans were clean and readily available. launched into a raunchy rendition of her an entire month instead of one week or one Mithona Dan '02 The dance floor was small, but it fea- hit "Valentine." After a slight introduction day. tured a stage that was only three feet from of herself and her band to the audience, However, there is a reason for this month "To heighten aware- the ground, thus allowing a better connec- Prankster played hits off of both her debut long celebration. ness in the community" tion between performers and audience. album "Blue Skies over Dundalk" and her On February 19,1926CarterG. Woodson - Joe Lucas, '00 At 9:30 p.m., the Joiners hit the stage recent release, "Roulette Girl:" created and established Negro History Week as the opening act. After a slow start due to Although most of the die-hard fans in because he discovered tha1 no schools in the " portrays the reality of technical reasons, they jumped into a hard the audience enjoyed the performance, we U.S. taught the history of African Americans. history and mistakes made rocking set of their signature sound, which felt that Prankster lacked the energy that woodson, the second black to receive a doc- in the past, helps us to plan was an eclectic mix that borrowed equally was such a crucial part of the evening for torate from Harvard University, was a lead- better for the future as a from both George Jones and the Clash. the other acts. This might be due to the fact ing historian in the United States at the time society" Overall, for an opening act, they were good, that the songs off of her new album lacked and is often called the Father of Black His- but the real show was still to come. the spirit and sense of rebellion that was so tory, -Mohindra Ramphal '03 Next on stage was the Baltimore power prevalent on "Blue Skies over Dundalk." He chose February as the month in which punk trio of Splittsville. Splittsville is Overall, the show was a hit. Fans of any this week-long observance would occur be- "Learning about the real history of black cul- quickly becoming one of our favorite bands, of the bands did not leave disappointed. cause the birthdays of both Frederick ture and not just what ............................................ Douglass and Abraham Lincoln are in this they teach us" month, the 14 and 12 respectively. Douglass and Lincoln were two pioneers Jessica Hurwitz '02 Got something to sell? in the emancipation of slavery. In 1970, Negro History Week became "To educate people that known as Black History weekand was des- don't know about black Try a Phoenix classified. ignated by Woodson as a week in which all history, to make people Americans could learn about and honor the more aware, to reemphasize history" Only $1 for studentsl many achievements of African Americans. - Shaiah Gady, '02 It was later extended to Black History Month in 1976 because many Americans were still "Tries to make up for the lack in our exist- Contact Matt Thomas @ unaware of the contributions made by blacks. ing educational framework" In the spirit of Black History Month sev- - Camille Cooke, '00 x8600. eral WMC students were asked to give their ............................................ opinions about what they felt was the sig- Amaze You.rseJf In Fall 2000, study at WMC Budapest Information Meeting Monday, Feb 28 6:00 pm Hill 108 Can't make this meeting? Call Dr. Pam Regis x437
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