Page 113 - Phoenix1999-2000
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FEATURES Thursday February 24 2000 Page 9 60 Seconds "Scream 3": Too much of a good thing JOAN FAULKNER wondering why it suddenly got bor- were still alive from the last movie Staff Writer ing again. "Scream 2" tried, and (Neve Campbell, David Arquette, What is the craziest daydream Of course, they're likes scary movies. very hard mind you, to overcome and Courtney on the set of the movie, Everybody Cox Arquette). They no fun unless the staple of the bad sequel. It tried converge scared. on the you've had during class? you're actually madman Who cares to be just as funny and original that as "Stab 3", which is based in "Screain that happened some about its predecessor, while knowing murders stabbing screaming teen girls, unless you it was the sequel in the movie. 2". Dwight "Dewey" Riley Words and pictures by Raini Wright actually leave your seat once to sit Unfortunately, although I thought (Arquette) and Gale Weathers in the stranger next 10 you's lap? Neve Campbell's boyfriend was (Cox) reunite to discuss what went Sadly, the horror genre of mov- really cute, it didn't really live up wrong with their relationship. ies used to be a lot better. Remem- to the hype. It was, however, better They are joined by the cast ber those horror "classics" from the than most horror sequels. members of "Stab 3" on some es- "/ was a star on Broadway thirties and forties, referred to now So now we come to the third capades to deserted houses, where "cheesies''? Now, singing 'Luck be a Lady as the original models all of their hor- installment. And what a surprise, the killer Sidney has an easy "stab" mean- at Hollywood them. (Campbell) the name of the movie is "Scream Tonight'. " ror movie plots after them. It seems 3". Ireally tried to enjoy this movie while, is in hiding getting weird Tricia Chin-Quee that we're really down 10 our last though, despite what I knew about phone calls. She eventually turns Social Work '0 I "scare". No wonder these last few sequels. Iremembered that in a lot up at the "Stab" set as well, and decades have been filled with of trilogies (note, 1 said trilogy, not helps to foil the mysterious killer. brainless sequels to mildly enter- a series of Rocky's), the third is Sooner or later, of course, they all taining originals. often pretty entertaining, or at least meet at a huge mansion where When the first "Scream" hit the- an improvement on the second. For Sidney ends up face to face with aters in late 1996, everyone went example, who didn't like the third the killer once more. wild. Here was a movie that com- installment of "Back to the Future", I must admit that there were a bined horror and laughter into one. "Indiana Jones", or "Star Wars"? few times when Iwas grabbing the For once, a horror movie could Unfortunately, Wes Craven armrest, and other times 1 was laugh at itself! didn't promise the trilogy. everyone chuckling at the stupidity of a luck- There was no surprise when a expected. I was hoping thai he less Jenny McCarthy. However, 1 new horror genre was spawned: would get away from the same plot: was still left expecting something "/ was behind the scenes in funny "I know what you're going the killer chasing down a helpless, really unexpected to happen and to Glar playing bass with three to do next" horror. So of course, "I unknowing, (and often sarcastic) be suddenly reassured that 1 spent of my residents, " Kno.w What You Did Last Sum- victim while cracking all of the my eight bucks on a worthy movie. mer", "Urban Legends", and "I Still same jokes, just before the victim Unfortunately, it was not to be so, Eric Brind ' Amour Know What You Did Last Sum- realizes a joke, that this isn't Art '01 mer" followed. that they really are in for it. and and Ican only reassure myself that at a be an attempt won't there But like every horror movie, The plot of "Scream 3" con- fourth installment of this "success- you can't be scared for long before tained all of the original actors who ful" formula. Stocks soar for "Boiler Room" KATE ESPOSITO tunarely, we later find out that Featuus&!ilOr employees in the form of money, Young is so well to do that he drives drugs, alcohol, or prostitutes. It is Crooked lawyers, evil doctors, a Ferrari but still lives with his par- a far 'Cry from his role as the nice I "Top secret agents decide corrupt politicians; there is now a ents. guy in "That Thing You Do". for the-society-is-out- that I have to go with them new genre film: deceptive stockbro- Although Davis enters the finn Nia Long plays Abbie Halpert, to-get-us because / know something kers. The film "Boiler Room" is because of Young, he stays because the firm's ill-fated secretary who of Chris Varick (Vin Diesel) who is no one else does. " excellent at fueling viewers' para- one of the more likable characters makes eighty thousand dollars a year. Dave Hanyok noia. in the movie, though a bit opinion- Along with working at a firm Exercise Science '01 The movie stars Giovanni ated. that is all male except for a few Ribsi as Seth Davis, a college He tells him the "rules" of seil- other secretaries, she is forced to dropout with a mind, or at least a ing stock over the phone, such as be the film's staple love interest. flair for business. never let the customer hang up There is a rather irrelevant fight At the urging of his father, he without a sale, and badger them re- over her between Davis and closes his illegal gambling busi- lentlessly until they feel like they Weinstein. ness run from his apartment. Un- have to. Then, of course, to fit into the beknownst to him at the time, he Unlike Weinstein, he applauds movie formula of late, she becomes will ultimately become an even Davis's success and supports him. key in the unraveling of the plot. bigger crook and wish for the sta- It makes you wonder why he is The real problem, however is bility of small time crime. working as a stockbroker when he when Davis decides to develop a The main reason, Davis takes would have an excellent career conscience. He is also a bit coerced "That / actually enjoyed the job at IP Marlon is to try to ahead of him as a motivational by a certain government agency. statistics. " make his father proud. speaker. Suffice to say, Weinstein's will not However, Richard Smith by Ron Rifkin) Marty Davis (played ap- The "boss" is played by Tom be the only scowling face. is not easily Sociology '00 Everett Scott. His main obligation This is an excellent film, despite peased. He is also none to quick is to sit in his office shuffling pa- its flaws and sexism it's must-see to say, "I told you so" whenever pers and to provide rewards for if you work in the phone center. his son screws up, as he assumes he inevitably will. Another sketchy character is Greg Weinstein (Nicky Katt) Seth's "friend" who lures him into SPRING BREAK 2000 the business, then becomes jealous of his success. CANCUN*JAMAICA*NASSAU Throughout the film, he is seen "I was afemale action hero, glaring across the room with an Space is limited decked out in leather and omnipresent scowl. CALL TODAY!!! The real reason Davis is con- loaded with firearms, vinced to take the job is because 800·293·1443 fighting in a warehouse. " of Jim Young (Ben Affleck) who Pam Murrell assures groups of potential em- Studio ArtlArt History '00 ployees, "You will become a mil- lionaire within 6 months." Unfor-
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