Page 117 - Phoenix1999-2000
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----~-------------------.... SPORTS Thursday, February 24, 2000 - Page 13 Selecky pursues NFL dreams continued/rom page 16 KurtWamer. "I think that if you look at it his- his days here, both on and off the At the currenr ume Selecky has No matter where Selecky's pro torically, it's a very difficult thing delible mark on the WMC commu- field, he says that being playing no tryouts lined up, but believes football career takes him, the to do, coming back, finishing your here full time would be too pain- nity. that they will come. fanner sociology major says that he degree," he said. "There's so many ful. "I like to remember Tommy on In the mean time he continues does plan to return to school to fin- other things that occupy your life," the football field, and the passion "I don't want to be there and not to train everyday, and is currently ish his degree. he added play," he said. While he most likely and the passion that he had in go- putting together a highlight tape He is one full year away from But Selecky is obstinate on this won'tgraduatefromWMC, and he ing after the man that he was to from his WMC days for his agent graduation because he did not take point. may go on to bigger and better crush, and he talked about that to to distribute. the spring semester of his sopho- "I will return to school," he said. things on the football field, one the press, but I think that the He says he considers the Arena more year. But whether or not Selecky does thing is clear, Tommy Selecky was Tommy that I'll always remember League a good starting point. No matter how close Selecky is return to school, one thing is cer- more than just a football player, or is the one with the smile on his face Dean and the glint in his eye," This is the same league that pro- to graduation, Keating is uncertain tain, he will not be returning to a student at Western Maryland, he duced this year's Super Bowl MVP of Selecky's return to school. Western Maryland. While he loved was a personality, and he left an in- Horneffsaid. Selecky faces scare now armed man, he slipped, allow- DAN GAOl) SIa!fWriter ing him to stab Selecky in the top of the head with the broken bottle. Tommy Selecky has always Selecky suffered severe wounds been a passionate indi vidual, who on the top of the head, and the glass goes after what he wants with ev- also cut through his bottom lip. "I erything he's got. This is truer of was bleeding like a stuffed pig," his pursuit of a pro football career Selecky said. than anything else. It is his life's As he began to bleed profusely, mission. blood started (Q blur his vision. This But his mission, and his life, al- is when the events took a nearly most carne to an end recently with fatal turn. one fell swoop of a glass bottle .• Trying to regain his vision, Se- Selecky, who has avoided alco- lecky used his arm to wipe the hol since leaving school in order to blood out of his eyes. further his training, decided to put There was one major problem, that on hold one night so that he however, glass that was lodged in could be with a friend who was Selecky's head severed his arm, heading back to Penn State the next cutting three arteries. day. At this point, he began to suffer They went to a crowded bar. massive blood loss, and nearly bled The last night celebration was go- to death before doctors saved him. ing fine until Selecky's friend sud- The injuries left Selecky with a denly came out of the men's room lot of scarring, but other than that yelling for help. he has made a full recovery. Selecky ran into the bathroom Despite the seriousness of his where he found that his friend was injuries, they have not slowed him involved in a fight. down one bit from the pursuit of Selecky stayed out of the fight, his dreams. allowing it to continue as long as it After sitting out for two weeks, was one on one. But when another he was back to his Full regimen of guy jumped into the fray and running and lifting, and is now back started attacking his friend, Selecky to 100 percent. jumped in and grabbed the second If anything, he is surprised by guy. how quickly he has recovered "I Selecky says he threw the guy thought it was going to slow me against a wall, but he then grabbed down, but it didn't," he said. Tommy Selecky prepares to attack during a home football game. a beer bottle and broke it over a In fact, he says he has even im- sink. proved in some areas of his train- As Selecky tried to dodge the ing since the incident. Men's basketball finishes season 4-19, 1-11 in conference GREG LEDERER ter jumping. out to a 22-5 lead, One example was a February 12 Erik Larson's 8 rebounds and ca- Sta!fWriter Ursinus used conference scoring conference road game against Get- reer high 15 points led the team to chance to develop and show their ability this season, leader Richie Barrett's 19 points to tysburg. a 84-76 overtime win over Villa The 1999-2000 Western Mary- take a 95-57 win. In a back and forth contest, the The difficult season will serve [and College Men's basketball team A bright spot for the team was team lead 53-48 in the second half Julie thus ending their seven game as a learning experience for it won't losing streak. (1-11,4-19) has had a very diffi- sophomore shooting guard Erik before a 12-2 Gettysburg spurt be long until the Men's basketball With under two minutes . cult and trying season. Larson's team leading 12 points. turned the game to 60-55 lead with the .game, senior center left in team will be competitive and win- ning once again. Jim Injuries, absence of key players, In their next game, Dickinson just over five and half minutes re- Hegmann buried two crucial foul . ~ and rumors about the coach's fu- came to town and despite freshman rnanung. shots to give the team a 66-63 lead, lure have left a void on the once point guard Greg Hill's 18 points, The Green Terror cut the lead but Villa Julie tied it 66-66 all at Sports Writers promising team's roster. 4-6 from three point land, the home to 64-62 with two minutes left, but the end of regulation. There have been many exciting team fell 99-74. turned the ball over three times in In the overtime period, WMC and Photogra- moments this season, although the Despite their losses of late, the the last minute and a half to allow scored the first five points and used guys record isn't what they were development of young players like the opposition a 70-62 win. timely foul shooting to gain a hard phers needed. hoping for. Hill and Larson has brought about It was a heart breaking loss to earned victory. It has been a learning expert- optimism that the team will pros- a team that they beat last month, As the season closes down for ence for the team with conference per in the near future but a breakout game for junior for- the Green Terror, there have been Interested? rivals Johns Hopkins, Ursinus, and This development and promis- ward Mike Furey. many exciting moments and posi- Franklin and Marshall all having ing play has led to some very ex- Coming into the game shoot- rive plays that point to success for Call Mike at good seasons. citing and positive games over the ing just 36% from the floor, Furey the team over the next few years. Lately, the team has fallen upon few weeks. went 8 for 8 and scored a game high Ix 8600 for more hard times, but continues to com- Recently, it seems whenever the 17 points. He fell one short of the The loss of seniors like Brian pete every night. team plays well, they seem to come school record (9-9), which was set Billman, Jim Hegmann, and Jeff information. On February 5, the men visited up short, despite tremendous efforts by John Trumbo in 1973. East division leader Ursinus. Af- in all aspects of the game. In their very next game, guard Myers will hurt the team, but many young players have been given the
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