Page 112 - Phoenix1999-2000
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ThurSday Fehnmy 24 2()()()- Page 8 COMMENTARY Politics prove that history repeats itself Voiceyour It is actually somewhat fun to see, really. Dave Lee discusses past politics then beat George McGovern in a landslide. About every 25 years or so, a major po- and their role in determining With Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974 litical party in the United States is due for an future politics. and Jimmy Carter's presidential win in 1976, opinions internal shake-up. the future of the Republican Party hung in In 1775, George Washington's "no party" the balance. Edward K. Schultheis philosophy carried the day. By 1800, every members had fallen in love with Ronald The Republican Establishment lined-up examines the status quo, and living, breathing American patriot was either Reagan, and George Bush carried the South behind former President Gerald Ford, and the a Democratic-Republican or a Federalist. despite losing his bid for reelection in 1992. Goldwater Conservatives lined-up behind an calls for change The Know-nothings and Whigs were both In 1965, a Democratic President sent Ameri- actor named Ronald Reagan. Some might wonder what is the pur- somewhat influential for a few decades, but cans into Vietnam. In 1990, a Democratic Reagan supplanted Ford, and went on to pose of a commentary section or an edi- both faded off into oblivion in short-order. Congress fought going into Iraq. an eight-year presidency. torial page in a collegiate newspaper. Afterthe American Civil War (or, "War of But throughout the 20th Century, the Re- However, in 1989-EXACTLY 25 Some people might say that many of Northern Aggression," depending on what publican Party has followed the revolution- YEARS after the Goldwater conservatives the issues we present aren't relative or latitude you were raised in), the American ruletoa ''T,''too. had captured the Republican Party-the Re- don't really affect that many people. political arena was graced with only two In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the Re- publican Establishment gained their party Someone might even say that an edito- major parties. The Democrats, and the Re- publican Party had become "hands-off' in back, with the election of George Bush. rial can't evoke change. publicans. just about everything. The Establishment, after a 25-year hia- However, that is a fallacy the stu- And while it is true that Populist move- Modem libertarians by modem defini- tus, nominated George Bush twice and Bob dent body should not use as an excuse ments have erupted occasionally over the tion. Dole once. Now the Establishment is trying to remain silent. While I walk around past 140 years (from William Jennings Bryan The Republicans were totally against to nominate George W. Bush, governor of the campus, I am sure to hear my fel- to Ross Perot and Patrick Buchanan), most taxes (as a matter of fact, there was no such Texas. low students voicing their concerns have burned-out quickly, and haven't lasted thing as an "income tax"), against Govern- However, the 25-year Historical "tune- about issues on campus or even on na- for more than a decade or two (thus was the ment regulation, against just about govern- up" is repeating itself this year, and its do- tional issues. Yet I am still surprised case with Robert LaFollette's Progressives, ment-anything, really. ing so again in the Republican Party. that every week, the only editorials and as well). 25 years later, Dwight Eisenhower, a Re- In 1976, an antiestablishment Republi- commentaries that I receive are from By the late I96Os, the Democratic Party publican president, was spending billions of can named Ronald Reagan ran for president the staff. stood in shambles after riots, protests, and dollars on a federal highway-system. There and captivated the hearts of Independents and Are people afraid to write anything street-fights. were taxes, more taxes, and even more taxes. Democrats. for the paper, are they not motivated to The 1968 Democratic convention was a The Henry Cabot-Lodges that had op- Now, roughly 25 years later, an anties- even write for the paper, ordo they just host itself to a literal "war on the floor," but posed Woodrow Wilson had been supplanted tablishment Republican named John McCain not even care? It seems that this is the not over the party's platform. by the Republicans that fell in love with the is running for president, and has captivated question of the ages. Have people just Beer bottles, Confederate flags, and fisti- Cold War, and fell under the spell of the the hearts of Independents and Democrats stopped caring about change? Orare we cuffs proudly displayed the cracks in Frank- Military-Industrial-Complex in the process. all over again (despite a loss to George W. so wrapped up in our lives that we don't lin Roosevelt's foundation. There was 25 In 1964, Barry Goldwater and a band of Bush in the South Carolina primary on Sat- care about evoking change? years from the end of Franklin Roosevelt's hearty conservatives rose up against the Re- urday). The answer to the latter is actually to the Brawl in Chicago. publican political beast and buried a stake in If history means anything, we should see the simplest. Someone is always read- In 1968, white-Southerners still voted for its heart. the Establishment Republican, George W. ing the newspaper in hopes of coming Democrats straight down the ticket. Conservatism became a powerful force Bush, lose a narrow election to AI Gore. up with new ideas or ways to improve Union members voted for Democrats in in American politics. Gore will then be one of America's worst something. droves, and homosexuality was off the table Well-organized conservatives lined-up one-term presidents, and a more conserva- True, change won't always come in National Politics. behind Richard Nixon, unlike in Nixon's first tive John McCain will become a two-term around right away, but persistence is 25 years later, Bill Clinton was cam- campaign against Kennedy. president from 2005-2013. always a quality to initiate change. That paigning as the "pro-gay" president, union- Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey, and That is, if the 25-year theory holds up. is the main reason of editorials in COl- Bradley's campaign hangs in the balance nix - to evoke change. such as the Phoe- newspapers legiate The whole idea of the First Amend- Unfortunately for Bill Bradley, his Matt Hurff examines the Senator's momentum provided by Jordan by showing ment is based around this principle. chances of winning the Democratic nomi- chances of winning the a more charismatic personality in addition This even seems to be the age of the nation are fading. At first, his character Democratic Nomination. to elaborating on how he plans to achieve most frequent usage of the First seemed quite alluring for the American pub- his goals; not just vaguely stating his ideas. Amendment, such as John Rocker's lic. He is a man who rose from a small town democratic nomination already, leaving him Bradley has other powerful supporters statements in an issue of a previous in Missouri, was educated at Princeton ana far behind McCain, Bush and Gore in the such as Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of Sport's Illustrated. However, it seems Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. On top of that, press attention. New York and Senator Bob Kerrey of Ne- that fewer and fewer people are using he was a star basketball player for the New Kathleen Hall Jamieson, dean of the braska. their rights to their full potential. York Knicks and longtime senator from New Annenberg School for communication at the Al Gore, however, still has the edge over There are many things that need Jersey. His campaign had high hopes, as he University of Pennsylvania·sums this decline Bradley in this category especially since he change, and while we might be inclined was called a reformer with a strong chance best when she says, ''The press is function- still has the backing of the White House. tojust sit around and be happy with the of withstanding and winning a lengthy presi- ing as if the Bradley-Gore race is over." Bradley definitely has the financial means present and the way things are, we can't dential campaign. In order to reverse this slide Bradley has to withstand the tumults of a lengthy cam- let change go by the waste side. Now the tables have turned and Bradley drawn more attention to his campaign by paign, as he still has $20 million to spare. This is the reason that we have com- is not attracting the demographics he origi- gaining the support of basketball superstar Yet, ultimately, what will determine mentary and editorial sections in news- nally intended such as blue collar workers, and owner of the Washington Wizards, Bradley's staying power is "Super Tuesday." papers. women, minorities and young, eager liber- Michael Jordan. This day, March 7 is dubbed "Super Tues- While some might view the section als. Jordan is now participating in a Bradley day" because 16 states including Maryland to be superfluous and unnecessary, it is In New Hampshire. AI Gore faired far advertisement campaign in which the bas- will vote to decided 30 percent of the Demo- in fact an integral part of the newspa- better with those groups than Bradley. In- ketball great says: "I know the kind of cratic Party's delegates. The key states on per. stead, Bradley made a strong showing in America I want for my children. It's a place March 7 will be New York and California, The only problem is that so many New Hampshire with older, affluent men, where every family has good health, and no where Bradley is currently busy campaign- people are content with the status quo, which does not make up a large portion of family suffers from thetragedy of gun vio- ing. These states will be where Bradley can that people can't seem to find time to the Democratic Party. Unless Bradley can lence. use his remaining funds most effectively, as try to change, yet they always find time win back his original constituency, he will It's a place where every child has a bright television ads will be vital to win over such to complain about an exorbitant amount face problems in the remaining primaries. future, and where skin color or eye shape large states where he will not be able to per- of things both on campus and off. Bradley has lost this edge due to the large doesn't matter anymore. It's a place where sonally reach the entire population. The only difference is that these amount of focus drawn to AI Gore and the you can be proud to be an American. It's time At the same time, this is an area where people don't take the time to make a impassioned John McCain of the GOP. for us to believe in something that will give Bradley is particularly vulnerable; he has in- difference, they just expect it to be Bradley has not been able to replicate the every American an opportunity to succeed experienced people working the campaign made for them. focus and dynamic of the McCain campaign. and be viewed equally. That's why I'm sup- trail for him. This could be the only downfall of U Bradleycan learn lessons from McCain, porting Bill Bradley of president. Shouldn't Gore on the other hand, has Clinton cam- the First Amendment, because it takes he could certainly gain an edge over Gore. you?" paign vets and the labor unions working fe- for granted the fact that people will do Another major cause for Bradley's de- To me, this seems very idealistic and verishly by his side. This portion of the cam- something about change, when in real- cline can be attributed to losses in the Iowa vague. Nevertheless, the words of Jordan paign is stacked against Bradley, since Gore ity it seems that everyone is able to caucus and the New Hampshire primary. should revitalize the Bradley campaign (es- has can utilize Clinton supporters to his ad- complain but only a few people can These losses have caused major problems in pecially in Chicago and North Carolina) and vantage in addition to utilizing techniques actually make a push for change. his perception by the media. Apparently, allow Bradley to elaborate on how he plans which have worked or failed for Clinton. The Do something for your fellow hu- most news outlets feel that two slim losses on achieving such lofty goals. deciding day will be March 7; time is tick- man being, and make a push for change, to Gore mean that Bradley has conceded the Bradley must act quickly to build on this ing for Bradley. the status quo only works for so long.
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