Page 59 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 59
FE~TUR'ES Thursday, November 5, 1998 - Page II 60 Seconds Despite tension, Westminster and WMC benefit each other Has the Clinton Scandal had any effect whatsoever on campus? BY KEVIN WORI.EY jor cause. Students of the college dents, though isolated, is certainly SlaifWrile, may be viewed as having an elitist a cause for uneasiness. attitude simply because we are iso- Through all of this, there are There is no question that the lated from the rest of the town. This still the obvious benefits of having WMC campus is isolated from the certainly will breed some resent- a community like Westminster so community of Westminster. The ment in the outside community. close to what is apparently our own "Just another Jerry campus is firmly planted on top of Others would say that the feel- community. Springer for the school. " the hill and most of the rest of West- ing is simply one of discomfort. The commerce certainly is im- minster is below it. Sam Kimani '00 The communities have little inter- perative to our survival. Who could Biology cation, We have our own housing, edu- action, and so, there is never a live without Wal-Mart? employment, recreation, that is for the socialization chance even our own law enforcement. necessary to acquaint them with portant Likewise, our business is im- of to the various merchants But, can we survive independently each other. the town. Many of them, in fact, of each other? rely upon it and even provide of- It seems that the isolation of the The commerce fers specifically to draw business campus translates into a separation . from the college. of communities. Many people find certainly is The town also provides some it hard to describe themselves as recreation that we might not other- citizens of Westminster. imperative to our wise have (i.e. Thursday nights at When asked if he considered survival. Who could the Inn and movies at Hoyt's Cin- himself a part of the Westminster ema). "No effect." community, junior and RA Jason live without Wal- Again, the campus returns the Zeno Muhl ·01 Valentine responded, "Oh, not at Mart? favor. The theatre productions, History all. We are up here. They are down various lectures, the annual con- there. There is a clear separation." cert, and all the sporting events are The concern of many students Still, there is the issue of safety. open to the public. is that they get a negative feeling Young students in a college setting On an individual basis the feel- when they venture out into West- are easy prey for criminal activity. ing of uneasiness is perhaps un- minster. One student commented. Incidents of people coming on avoidable, and that uneasiness may "I avoid going into town at all campus and causing problems have be the cause the isolation of the costs." been documented. Campus Safety campus. Valentine agrees, "l venture into does an excellent job of keeping Yet, it seems that even though townspeople off the campus, yet "It has had an impact, but :~:~I;!et~:c~~::~~~~iS~i;~:~ there is a clear separation of com- only to the extent of ity? problems still arise. munities, neither is independent of Students have also claimed sparking conversation Some might argue that the dif- they were victims of harassment that the other. Westminster needs - .... - ....----..,.~="...-_--- 'dbbuti it>lMost 'People j'/ve,!l ...Jerence in class distinction between when they campus. The WMC, and WMC needs Westmin- ster. talked to are really the college and the town is the ma- threatening nature of these inci- indifferent about the matter." Deren Brinkley Jr. '98 Exercise Science & Physical Education "It's taught me the importance of monogamy. Steve Como '99 History CISIIIN ONGOODGlADIS. II 'fOlI'", .. 1r... 1mwl or 1111110,,"m_ boob ad .ophomor. with good "",plll"IIIO~,"'_' lor.. month.TIM,.lIItIo~yorr lIl"'.s." ..pply""", "No effect, no one cares 1l0000.JIrm.,1.0'I'C m with Jeade,lhlp e,,~n.. three-year or two-y.... anymore." •• holarlhlp hom A:my _anc!offiGarc:rltdell- Edmund Goldsberry ·02 tlllillmp ..... ai..... o Physics •• hol.... h1p. pa,. ~ iii..... ""'~r .. _Clll'IID Words and pictures by Ted Witiak
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